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Mrs Cake

Member Since 04 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2009 12:45 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BWP: Adding extra Mods to the megamod

31 March 2009 - 03:19 PM

1 Can I install any other mods on top of BWP (or will I need to start over)?
2 Can you reccomend any Sound, Kit, or Portrait mods that I could be used?

1) Yes.
2) And Kit mods, Level one NPCs NPC changes(classes, kits to every none-mod NPC, you just have to restart the setup-L1NPC.exe and skip the already installed components) etc. + PC soundsets, plasmobg1bg2-v2etc. mods...

Jarno (once again) I am in your debt....
Ta very much.

Mrs C

In Topic: BWP Install problemo

31 March 2009 - 02:20 AM

thanks Chav........All sorted.

Mrs C

In Topic: Missing Keys in Adlewerg Keep

24 March 2009 - 01:41 PM

Hello again: I am back for a little more assistance, but strangely with a similar request. I am on one of the basement floors of Adlewerg Keep, I have cleared out all the rooms i can, (& searched all bodies & containers) but cannot find keys for the 2x Easterly facing doors on that level, plus they are 'not conventionally locked'.

Is there a possibility that this is a bug, or am I just not thorough enough?

Mrs Cake

As the game is currently configured, you need to open those doors with the sentinel glove, before confronting the gauntlet. i think sir billybob is planning to make it so the sentinel ring left behind will also open the cells. But as it is in .49 and earlier, you need to open those cells before the final confrontation.

I think I gave the glove to some hippy in Piney Bluff.......so I don't have it.....do you think i can recover the situation (Item code for the glove maybe??) as when i step outside the keep, I get roasted by the giants & their fiery balls for not having the princess with me :(

Many thanks for the prompt reply.

Mrs Cake

In Topic: At Wit's End... (BG2 Install Problem)

29 September 2008 - 02:36 AM

Well I took the plunge & uninstalled Vista (That was a nightmare!) managed to reinstall XP & guess what BGII installed like a dream, so well in fact that i am confident enough to go for a BGT BP installation. (You will most prob be hearing from me elsewhere at SHS on this )

Down with Vista, XP is the 'mutts nuts' :Bow:

In Topic: At Wit's End... (BG2 Install Problem)

22 September 2008 - 01:39 PM

I think at this point I'd create a system restore point (and/or export the registry - don't ask me how because I don't know in Vista) and go for it. If you're considering a reinstall, you don't really have much to lose. If the system throws a complete fit, you have the restore point/exported registry to fall back on.


'Sigh' Will report back if i get a fix ("rolls up sleves")