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Member Since 19 May 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 10 2008 02:21 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Certain shops in both BG1&2 don't have any items

22 June 2008 - 11:07 PM

Oops  :o . I apologize for the late reply, mm75. I assumed that nobody would be adding any more replies. If you ever see this, I used version 6.

In Topic: Query about Tamoko in BG I and BG1 UB

21 June 2008 - 09:29 AM

I think it may be the sequence of dialogue options you actually take. In the first dialogue option you get from her, you can talk her out of it then, or try talk her out of it a bit later after you talked a bit.

The first time I talked to Tamoko, I didn't try to talk her out of it right away. In the end, she attacked me. I loaded a save before meeting her (because I got killed...), but this time I tried talking her out of it right away which resulted in her walking away. Since the two reactions came from the same game, maybe it's the sequence of dialogues.

By the way, I was a male fighter with CHR 18.

In Topic: A quick kensai/thief duel question

12 June 2008 - 11:57 PM

Kind of wanted to use shortbows, but I guess I'll have to wait until I get "Use Any Item". Thank you for the replies.  :lol:

In Topic: Certain shops in both BG1&2 don't have any items

12 June 2008 - 08:35 PM

Thank you for the information, but the patch in the thread didn't install for me. It gave me an error during the install, so the installer just rolled back to make no changes   :crying: . It seems to have installed for other people though... Any suggestions on my next course of action?

Also, I thought that the thread was talking specifically about the problem in Bonehill. Does the patch also solve the problem for Arlax and other locations in BG2?

In Topic: Torgal in de'Arnise Hold unkillable

12 June 2008 - 02:49 PM

Glad it worked! Btw, which version of the smm do you use? Let us know of your future progress if you'd like. I wish you happy gaming! :cheers:

I used the 1.25 version.