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Member Since 09 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2009 09:10 PM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

14 July 2009 - 06:11 AM

You mean CVS and that stuff? Well... if you got a few dozen hours a month and want to do it... :P

Hands down, we do not have that much time for that stuff, but if you look at the sourcecode of the BWS, you can see that the code for components, choices, preselections, conflicts, dependencies and all that stuff are there. We just have to have the time to test it and build a way to use it.

Nah, I didn't mean the full blown CVS bit; the stable would just be what's mod.ini as it is in the latest (rigtht now 7.0) full release and current would be what's in BWS_Linkupdates-xxx.. First thing GUI does is ask "stable or current", then downloads the appropriate file and then proceeds with those version numbers, patches, URL's etc.. I imagine that the current would more or less just be the latest version mods not really tested if still compatible with all the other mods, patches etc (much as I asume that the BWS_Linkupdates-xxx is right now)..

Conceptually (from the little I know and I might be completely wrong here, it's your project, not mine :)) BWP is an install order of specific mods and options as well as patches whereas BWS is a GUI to installing BWP. BWP then, conceptually, is a data base and patches. The data base could be stored in one file in a human readable format (such as XML or whatever) and the patches, well they're in whatever format they're in.. That way BWP is easily accessible to everyone, even if they're not using BWS but wanting to script it or whatever.. Again I'd like to repeat that this is only from how I understand it and I'm probably far off the mark; I am in no way telling YOU what YOUR project is :)

Like I said, I know it's a fair ammount of work; esp since from at a glance the implementation right now relies rather heavily on autoit; there's no/little separation between GUI and actual "engine/db".. I might be wrong though, I just glanced at it..

Anyways, it was just an idea :)

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v7.0

14 July 2009 - 02:10 AM

We are glad about every suggestion and every criticism which serves to improve the BiG World Project.

Something that would be cool would be to make the mod-config/order/compatibility/etc in a format not specific to BWS or install.bat.. Preferably in human readable format; something like xml for example (this is just off the top of my head, I don't know how you've implemented this stuff currently, also I am probably missing hundreds of pieces of info that are neccessary):
<mod name="unique mod name, not the file name, no version number in name">
  <version major="1" minor="2" revision="3" prefix="beta"> // acceptable version numbers
  <version major="1" minor="2" revision="2">  // acceptable version numbers
  <config name="recommended">
	<option name="some install choice">2</option>
	<option name="some install choice">1</option>
	<conflict name="some other mod name">
	  <option name="some install choice">other mod choice</option>
	  <option name="some install choice">other mod choice</option>
  <src>file name to write on disk locally</src>
  <patch>patch file<patch>

Then BWS, or any other install script could just download the latest config and patches the first thing it does making sure that you get the latest files and patches. You could also keep a stable and a current version of the file to allow the user to have bleeding edge or not..

Anyways, it's probably way to late to integrate that as I'm guessing to implement something like that would mean rewriting too much; esp when the main benefit is for people who want to use your hard work on patches, compatibility checks and install order for their own.. I'm just going to suggest it anyway if you ever feel bored and want something to do :)


In Topic: BiG World Setup

13 July 2009 - 08:12 AM

Oh well, if you downloaded all files manually - if I understand it right - then I would just do as I said before. ;)
The files will not be downloaded twice if they are already found in the given folder and match the size that is expected.

But if you already have done so much manually and do not want any more adventures or potential problems, you could also just extract the files by hand and start the BiG World Install.bat. The BWS will not do much more.

Manually and manually, cat Update.ini | sed > tmp; wget --content-disposition tmp got the downloads going automatically.. (there are a few that you have to get manually though)
Then dumped them in the BiG World Downloads directory, problem is that it doesn't match what BWS is looking for since BWS uses the outdated link list..

So if I run the old install.bat after extracting everything there won't be any mismatches because I have newer versions?


In Topic: BiG World Setup

13 July 2009 - 07:34 AM

Another quick question; does BWS use the weidu211.zip to overwrite all the existing setup-whatevers? Or does it rely on weidu's internal autoupdate? It was so long since I fidgeted with this; do I need to do a script to run after extracting everything that replaces all the setup-whatevers with the latest weidu?


In Topic: BiG World Setup

13 July 2009 - 07:28 AM

Hmm, open include\17_testing.au3

Replace the existing functions with this:

Func _Test_CheckRequieredFiles_BG1()
Return SetError(0, 0, 2)

Func _Test_CheckRequieredFiles_BG2()
Return SetError(0, 0, 2)

This should bypass the tests for the installations. Not tested, but it should work. ;)
Select any folder you want as your install-path, the check should always be positive.
This way, you are able to use the BWS without an installation.

Ok, thanks, but I'm a problem child.. The internet connection I have is kinda crappy; it took me 16 hrs to wget the files so I'm not redoing that again..

What if I go into \Config\Mod.ini and change
Name=BiG World Setup - URL Updates
GE-Ext=Lädt URL Updates für das BiG World Setup.
EN-Ext=Loads URL updates for the BiG World Setup.
What if I go into \Config\Mod.ini and change


Name=BiG World Setup - URL Updates
GE-Ext=Lädt URL Updates für das BiG World Setup.
EN-Ext=Loads URL updates for the BiG World Setup.

Would that make BWS patch itself with the newest patch later on? And more importantly does the rest of BWS correspond after such an action (what file to unpack etc)?
