You mean CVS and that stuff? Well... if you got a few dozen hours a month and want to do it...
Hands down, we do not have that much time for that stuff, but if you look at the sourcecode of the BWS, you can see that the code for components, choices, preselections, conflicts, dependencies and all that stuff are there. We just have to have the time to test it and build a way to use it.
Nah, I didn't mean the full blown CVS bit; the stable would just be what's mod.ini as it is in the latest (rigtht now 7.0) full release and current would be what's in BWS_Linkupdates-xxx.. First thing GUI does is ask "stable or current", then downloads the appropriate file and then proceeds with those version numbers, patches, URL's etc.. I imagine that the current would more or less just be the latest version mods not really tested if still compatible with all the other mods, patches etc (much as I asume that the BWS_Linkupdates-xxx is right now)..
Conceptually (from the little I know and I might be completely wrong here, it's your project, not mine ) BWP is an install order of specific mods and options as well as patches whereas BWS is a GUI to installing BWP. BWP then, conceptually, is a data base and patches. The data base could be stored in one file in a human readable format (such as XML or whatever) and the patches, well they're in whatever format they're in.. That way BWP is easily accessible to everyone, even if they're not using BWS but wanting to script it or whatever.. Again I'd like to repeat that this is only from how I understand it and I'm probably far off the mark; I am in no way telling YOU what YOUR project is
Like I said, I know it's a fair ammount of work; esp since from at a glance the implementation right now relies rather heavily on autoit; there's no/little separation between GUI and actual "engine/db".. I might be wrong though, I just glanced at it..
Anyways, it was just an idea