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Member Since 22 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2017 05:20 PM

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Qwinn's Dragon Age Origins Fixpack resurrected

08 January 2017 - 02:36 PM

Hi everyone!  I'm back!  And looking to update my fixpack for the newest patches, and add a few more.  Been working on it for several days now and have made a lot of progress.  It'll probably be a month or three before I can re-release the mod, as I have to redo a lot of it due to several computer migrations causing me to lose a lot of my own source files, but I think it'll work out (and I think I can improve on some of the existing fixes).


In particular, I'm focused right now on Leliana's romance dialogue, which is the single most reported problem with the Fixpack.  I've made a lot of progress, and pretty sure I've discovered several issues that I didn't know about the first time around.


And I'd like to ask for a little help.


I need to know if, under these conditions:  1)  My fixpack is NOT installed, 2) You are in a romance with Leliana and she is "In Love":  When you first talk to her anywhere (I recommend checking at camp), does she ever start a conversation with "Well, aren't you sweet and attentive?"


The way I'm reading the files in the toolset, it should never get there.  The best she will ever say is "I'm here for you".  But the "attentive" line sounds familiar from previous game sessions, so I'm hoping someone can confirm.


If you do confirm that she never says the "sweet and attentive" line, then, in fact, Leliana cannot truly fall in love with you in the base game (or at least, you never see the dialogue you were meant to), and this would lead to a great restoration.  I could easily be wrong though.