Member Since 17 Apr 2008Offline Last Active Sep 22 2009 09:52 AM
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- Age 45 years old
- Birthday July 6, 1979
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In Topic: Your PC! Please share.
31 October 2008 - 01:55 AM
Mostly, though, I tend to create characters and play a bit with them and then lose interest. If I'm trying a new romance, I always create someone 'new' because I tend to attach PCs to romanceable NPCs (for example, Revel, my CN bard, will always be with Edwin, and Lara, my first ever cleric and second actual PC(!), will always be Anomen's.
In Topic: The ones we hate
27 October 2008 - 02:13 PM
(OT) Nothing wrong with that. Games I've played for the first time this year include KotOR I and II, IWD2 (and again with the NPC pack) and (soon) Jade Empire. I didn't even play Fallout 1 and 2 until last year. It's amazing how many games you miss when you are mired in MMORPG hell.
I have Oblivion waiting as well and also mean to try NWN2 - just need to buy some extra RAM but am plucking up the courage because I'm such a technical spaz.
(off topic too -- sorry, will be brief!) Oblivion's on my 'to-get' list after a recommendation from a friend:) As well as KoTOR I and II, Jade Empire... And I keep hearing about Fallout and Mass Effect, so perhaps those too after some investigations. It's been a lack of decent PC that's stopped me, but despite that excuse, it's only been in the past year I played and finished IWD I and II.
To be on-topic, I'd list the characters I dislike in GTA games, but I fear it'd never end...
In Topic: The ones we hate
27 October 2008 - 06:30 AM
NWN - I've only started playing it and I have Tomi as my henchman -- but I really wish he'd talk a bit more and, you know, be a bit more interactive...
This, IMO, is the main flaw of NWN OC. If you want interesting characters and a good storyline, I'd skip ahead to the two expansions - you really won't miss much.
Yeah -- we found the NWN CDs when we moved, and I don't think we ever purchased the expansions, though they're on my Xmas-Want list

In Topic: The ones we hate
27 October 2008 - 01:22 AM
BG2 - I'm not a Haer'Dalis fan, and I find Cernd quite dull in the main, but I don't hate them. Korgan amuses me, but I've only taken him along once or twice. I don't think I hate any of the BG2 lot.
NWN - I've only started playing it and I have Tomi as my henchman -- but I really wish he'd talk a bit more and, you know, be a bit more interactive...
Starcraft - Jim Raynor and all the terran soldiers. I just... guh. I hate their voices, and I'm protoss-loyal to the end

In Topic: Challenge #43: Mary Sue
16 October 2008 - 04:22 AM
Oh man, the pink (I don't think I've ever used the colour so much in a picture)... It started as a Mary Sue, and ended up being whatever ridiculously stupid thing I could think of.
I normally just lurk over here, but your pic reminded me (rather terrifyingly) of Wonderwoman... and I'm not quite sure why, but I think it might have been the boots

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