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Introducing Yikari

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#1 Shed



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Posted 28 July 2004 - 04:01 PM

Yikari was originally made for a creature contest at TBG. He works fine, bug-free, but he is clearly unfinished at present. This is the information about him in the readme:


    --- README ---

Yikari, a monk NPC by Shed VERSION 1.1

THANKS TO TeamBG (www.teambg.net) R.I.P.
THANKS TO Forgotten Wars
THANKS TO TheWizard (http://iegmc.mirror.intermedia.com.sg/)
All bugs, complaints, feedback are very welcome (shed_plant@hotmail.com)!
NearInfinity can be found at http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~joh/ni/
DLTCEP can be found at http://www.dragonlancetc.com
Weidu can be found at http://www.weidu.org/main.html#weidu
UltraEdit32 can be found at http://www.ultraedit.com

Thanks to Egrevyn and the D'Oghmatiques for the French translation
Thanks to: BobTokyo, Domi, Rathwellin the Bard, Random Cabbage, Nathan Langford - You guys rock!
Thanks to Michael Prilla for reassuring me of my sanity ("comply" lol)

- 1.1   TRAified, French translation added
  Undroppable Silence Helm ditched, function given to Yikari's cloak
  "AR0900.bcs not found" installation bug fixed
  Yikari-only versions of Celestial Fury increase his attacks/round by two
  Banter written for Bioware NPCs, dialogue files reorganised
  Minor script changes
  Charisma checks for leaving party lowered

This is a NPC for BG2. He is a monk from Kara-Tur. His name is Yikari and can be found in the Temple District in Athkatla (on the bridge generally in the middle of the area).

He has his own quest (sort of). It is to get Celestial Fury from the Guarded Compound in the Temple District. He has taken a vow of silence until he gets the sword. However, he is rather less objectionable than Kuroisan ;). Depending on Player1's level when he first enters the Temple District (while Yikari is there) Yikari can be either level 12 or 18.

Depending on whether you have CF (+3 or +5) when you meet him, he will still be bound by his vow of silence. This affects his equipment, biography and dialogue.

You can persuade Yikari to join your party even once you have got Celestial Fury, however a charisma check is made to determine whether he will insist he keep Celestial Fury or whether you can give it to whomsoever you please. Despite being a monk, Yikari is "skilled" in use of the katana, not "proficient". To counteract the natural preference towards fists, Yikari's CF versions give him an extra two attacks per round.

If you try to kick Yikari out of your party once you have Celestial Fury he will ask for it before he leaves. Again, if you want to keep it without forcing violence, a charisma check is made. Many players won't need the Ring of Human Influence, but it will guarantee you compliance.

If you let (or are forced to) let Yikari keep a personal watch over CF then only he can use it, it is worth nothing and if you try to kick him from your party without him holding it he will turn hostile. You can only get the original CF from the Yikari-only version from telling him to his face and fighting him. I'll have no betrayal!

As for Yikari's personality, he is lawful good, highly wise, buspellholdstudios.nett not all that intelligent. He knows he's a perfectly competent fighter, but doesn't pick fights with other NPCs (they do that <_< ). He tries to avoid conflict wherever possible. He is used to a chain of command, and will accept the PC's decisions without much trouble. Yikari tries not to anger anyone, but he's no walkover. He just is so efficient that he never get into a fight if he doesn't have to.
He is somewhat similar to the character Lu-Tze (Terry Pratchett - Thief of Time), only less comic. He often tries teaching NPCs the benefits of self-control, and all the stuff he learnt in his monastery. He is a visitor to the sword coast and many things seem strange to him. He cannot help regarding everyone (except Yoshimo) as foreigners.

Although ToB is required for this mod, ironically Yikari can only be found in SoA. Also, even when Yikari fulfils his vow of silence, he has no sound files (other than those from ToB). If you are or know a suitable voice actor please let me know (shed_plant@hotmail.com)! If a ToB-compliant patch is asked for, I can do it without trouble. I do in the fullness of time intend to make Yikari fully ToB compatible and immersive. However, I will do that after I finish the SoA component fully ;).

Yikari banters with every Bioware NPC, except for Sarevok and Jaheira. Banter with Jaheira is planned.
Every other Bioware NPC except Mazzy and Valygar has at least two banters. Some have more. Another banter for Mazzy and Valygar is planned. Yikari also has one Edwina-specific banter and discussions with the PC.

This mod is compatible with Weimer's Item Updgrade Mod, and any other WeiDU mod. Banter with Hubelpot NPC is planned, and an interjection into Kuroisan's dialogue (made by Kensai Ryu). I suggest you install Oversight's Monk HLAs, unless you want Yikari to have fighter HLAs. In future releases, Yikari will interject, converse more with the PC and have Slayer, Tree of Life, Hell etc. dialogue. There is also a quest I originally planned which may appear someday...

This is a standard WeiDU installation. Setup-sdnpc.exe in your BG2 directory (usually C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA) should already have run. If it hasn't, run it now. When asked if you want to install Yikari, say yes, or if you don't want to install him, don't (why are you reading this?).


To make this NPC more rounded, better, and immersive, I need time, effort, and help.


1. Write interjections

2. Write Tree of Life, Slayer dialogue.

3. Code above

- Release v.1.2 -

1. Record sounds :^^:

2. Restore quest cut for time reasons. ;)

3. Interact with Kuroisan

Edited by Shed, 25 January 2005 - 02:32 AM.

#2 Shed



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Posted 10 August 2004 - 12:13 PM

Updated 31/8 2004

Edited by Shed, 31 August 2004 - 11:32 AM.

#3 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 01 September 2004 - 10:39 PM

2 questions:
- Is there a good chance that you'll start/finish the ToB part as well in the near future?
- Is it possible to assign a custom soundset to him from the base bg2 list (most NPCs don't have this possibilitiy, since they use their own custom sounds, but you could do this for Silver Star)?
Posted Image

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!

Member of The Silver Star team.

#4 Shed



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Posted 02 September 2004 - 07:06 AM

(1) I intend on taking a short break from Yikari. I do not play ToB myself, so I do not consider a skeletal ToB addition very important. However, I will include the basics (Fate Spirit, improved level Yikari and Epilogues) and no more in v1.2, if you want. V1.2 is intended to make him more like Bioware NPCs. He will interject and comment on the PC's Slayer change, story etc. like all the others.

(2) I will download Silver Star and have a look. Until he has a full soundset, it is a possibility. Currently most of his soundset consists of strings, and he doesn't have every slot filled.

EDIT: Silver Star does this by being Exportable. I am not going to make Yikari exportable. If anyone wishes to give him a soundset, they must open up the .cre files (sdnpc12 and sdnpc18) and change the class flags to 0x00000800.

Edited by Shed, 02 September 2004 - 07:33 AM.

#5 T.G.Maestro



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Posted 02 September 2004 - 08:19 AM


I will include the basics (Fate Spirit, improved level Yikari and Epilogues) and no more in v1.2, if you want.

Sounds nice, a reasonable start. ;)
Posted Image

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!

Member of The Silver Star team.

#6 Jeneara

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 10:11 PM

ok it may have been answered but is a romance in the works? i understand he's a monk and all but hey romance isn't just about sex.

#7 Cal Jones

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 11:25 PM

I'm not sure if he is still being worked on. Last post was 2004.

#8 SConrad


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Posted 19 February 2009 - 04:48 PM

No, I don't expect Shed to do any more work on Yikari. He's moved on from modding onto other things. :)

Posted Image Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
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#9 Shed



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Posted 24 March 2009 - 02:23 AM

Jeneara, on Feb 19 2009, 06:11 AM, said:

ok it may have been answered but is a romance in the works? i understand he's a monk and all but hey romance isn't just about sex.

Sorry, there was never a romance planned, but I'm glad you liked the character enough to ask!

#10 Shed



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Posted 24 March 2009 - 02:46 AM

Cal Jones, on Feb 19 2009, 07:25 AM, said:

I'm not sure if he is still being worked on. Last post was 2004.

SConrad, on Feb 20 2009, 12:48 AM, said:

No, I don't expect Shed to do any more work on Yikari. He's moved on from modding onto other things. :)

I did start work on version 1.2, but don't think I've done anything on it since 2006. I have no idea if what I've got even works. I should probably either spend a week or two finishing it, or at least release what I have. But we'll see.

#11 Shed



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Posted 29 March 2009 - 02:03 PM

For more up-to-date information, see here: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=39517

#12 Cal Jones

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Posted 29 March 2009 - 02:14 PM

Cool - nice to see an update!

#13 -Guest-

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Posted 22 September 2010 - 11:04 AM

We need more Monk NPCs!

#14 -Guest-

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Posted 22 September 2010 - 11:08 AM

Why is his charisma 4? Is that even possible? How do you role play that out? And, question, is his low intelligence expressed in his banters?

#15 Shed



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Posted 05 December 2010 - 05:12 AM

'Guest', on 22 September 2010 - 07:04 PM, said:

We need more Monk NPCs!

That's what I thought when I first made Yikari :) .

'Guest', on 22 September 2010 - 07:08 PM, said:

Why is his charisma 4? Is that even possible? How do you role play that out? And, question, is his low intelligence expressed in his banters?

On reflection, those two do seem a bit too low for the dialogue there is. Oh well.

I hope you installed and liked the mod :) .