Already present in Mazzy the Paladin:
- - Mazzy the Paladin. (v6)
- - Imprisonment Fix.
- - Remove "Drop Weapons in Panic".
- - Nature's Beauty tweak.
- - The Curse of Mprolla the Spamer.
- - The Curse of Mprolla the Cheater. [harder fight for The Curse of Mprolla the Spammer]
- - Large Scale Battle.
- - Unlimited Limited Wish & Wish
- - Cheesy Limited Wish & Wish
Download: see the dedicated thread.
the old Mazzy the Paladin is now abandoned (meaning that the up-to-date version is in this pack), and old contents are automatically deleted.
Yes, obviously, otherwise you'll spam me asking :bash: why doesn't this work?

Mazzy the Paladin
Mazzy achieves the possibility, through a quest, of paladinizing.
Nature's Beauty Tweak
Nature's Beauty Blindness effect now lasts only 8 hours.
The Curse of Mprolla the Spammer
Well... your guess...
Features a file borrowed from the Refinements MOD.
The Curse of Mprolla the Cheater
An harder fight for the mod just above.
Imprisonment Fix
With this fix installed, Imprisonment won't ruin romances, force a reload if cast on Player1, and I remove the cheat of casting Imprisonment and then Freedom on somebody over and over for free XP. This fix was developed in collabortion with Galactycon.
No More "Drop Weapons in Panic"
With this cheat on, you'll never more lose your favourite "Sword + 15 of-Flaming-Death-with Built-In-200-HP-Heal-On-Hit-Feature" because somebody casted Cloack of Fear and then you were forced to move to another area.
Large Scale Battle
Is simply that: you (with the help of some Amnish Soldiers) will infiltrate in an army's camp and route them by killing their leaders.
*Requires the Revised HLA table from the Refinements MOD*
Unlimited Limited Wish & Wish
*Pun not intended*
More a fix than anything else. The genie summoned by both changes gender, so that you can have as many you want and they won't get killed by a DeathSpell. This will affect the "Kalah" component of Icelus & Andyr's Unfinished Business provided Unfinished Business is installed before The Bigg Tweaks. Also, more than 5 wishes per time are now available (before they fell under Bioware's 5 summon limit).
Cheesy Wish & Limited Wish
When casting either of these, you will be presented with all available "Wish" choiches. Moreover, one-time Limited Wishes are now unlimited (except for the gong quest, since making that unlimited can cause unwanted problems). This will not affect the "Kalah" component of Icelus' Unfinished Business. Beware, though, that I will offer both "good" and "bad" wishes, so that cheesy exploits of the latters are still available.
especially for the "large-scale battle", since I don't have a party with the suitable XP available ATM (that is, 2500000 if you are a good player, 3500000 otherwise)
Please, Mike, spare us from your spam.
Edited by the bigg, 28 June 2005 - 10:43 AM.