The Read Me
Started by BobTokyo, Jul 19 2004 04:48 AM
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Posted 19 July 2004 - 04:48 AM
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In case of conflict, trust this document over the old readme. </p> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Clerics Mod > Introduction</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a> </address> </div> <a name="compatibility" id="compatibility"></a> <div> <h4> Compatibility notes </h4> <p> <br>Generally speaking, this mod should be compatible with virtually any other decently made WeiDU mod in existance. In over three years, no incompatibility has been reported. </p> <p> However, the mod can be used only if you have access to either Waukeen Promenade and/or the Pocket Plane; if you cannot, you can use the following CLUA console command to start the mod: <div class="divimp">CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("tacprsp")</div> </p> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Clerics > Compatibility Notes</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a> </address> </div> <a name="installation" id="installation"></a> <div> <h4> Installation </h4> <h5> Windows </h5> <p> To install the mod, extracted the archive you downloaded to your BG2 installation directory using WinZIP, WinRAR, or the `Extract To...' wizard from Windows XP. If properly extracted, you should have a semi_multi_clerics folder, setup-semi_multi_clerics.tp2 and setup-semi_multi_clerics.exe in your BG2 folder. To install, simply double-click Setup-semi_multi_clerics.exe and follow the instructions on screen. <br> <br>Please re-run Setup-semi_multi_clerics.exe in your BG2 folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components. </p> <h5> Macintosh </h5> <p> <i>If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version.</i> Semi Multi Clerics is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, simply extract the contents of the mod into your BG2 folder. If properly extracted, you should have a semi_multi_clerics folder, setup-semi_multi_clerics.tp2, Setup-semi_multi_clerics, and Setup-semi_multi_clerics.command in your BG2 folder. To install, simply double-click Setup-semi_multi_clerics.command and follow the instructions on screen. <h5> Linux </h5> <p> Download the latest version of WeiDU for Linux from <a href="http://www.weidu.org...">weidu.org</a> and extract (at least) the WeiDU, weinstall and tolower executables in a $PATH directory (E.G. /usr/bin). <br>Following that, open a terminal, cd to your BG2 installation directory, run `tolower' and answer Y to both queries. <br><span class='small'> You can avoid running the second option (linux.ini) if you've already ran it once in the same directory. To save time, the archive is already tolowered, so there's no need to run the first option (lowercasing file names) either if you've extracted only this mod since the last time you lower cased file name. <br>If you're unsure, running tolower and choosing both options is the safe bet. </span> <br>After that, run 'weinstall semi_multi_clerics' from your BG2 installation directory to install or uninstall the mod. </p> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Clerics > Installation</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a> </address> </div> <a name="components" id="components"></a> <div> <h4> Components </h4> <p> Only the main component is available. </p> <a name="c1" id="Robes"></a> <h5> Semi Multi Clerics </h5> <p> <div class=divimp>This component adds a new merchant named Mystra's Witness in the following positions: <ul> <li>ar0700, x1850 y670 (Waukeen's Promenade, north of the Adventurer's Mart)</li> <li>ar4500, x2250 y1350 (in the Pocket Plane)</li> </ul> After talking to him, you can acquire a spell book that will teach you some divine spells (including one that can be used to turn undead), at the cost of some skill points and experience. <p>More details on the exact penalties and bonuses, along with thoughts on balance, are available in <a href="./readme.orig.html">the original readme</a>. </p> </div> </p> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Mod > Components</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a> </address> </div> <a name="version" id="version"></a> <div> <h4> Version History </h4> <p class="version"> Version 0.2.1 - 4 June 2007: </p> <ul class="version-list"> <li>Italian and French language.</li> <li>Mac and Linux.</li> <li>WeiDU V 199.</li> <li>HTML readme, fixed an inconsistency.</li> </ul> <p class="version"> Version 0.2.0 - sometimes in 2004: </p> <ul class="version-list"> <li>Converted from IAP to WeiDU format.</li> <li>Fixed a bug whereby you might fail to learn a spell.</li> </ul> <p class="version"> Version 0.1.0 - sometimes in 2004: </p> <ul class="version-list"> <li>Original release in IAP format</li> </ul> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Clerics > Version History</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a> </address> </div> <a name="credits" id="credits"></a> <div> <h4> Credits </h4> <p> This mod was made by Bob Tokyo and later converted to WeiDU by the Bigg. </p> <h5>Big Thanks:</h5> <p class="faq-q"> The people who made this possible, by creating amazing modding tools: </p> <ul class="version-list"> <li>Westley Weimer, for WeiDU and his willingness to constantly improve it.</li> <li>Jon Olav Hauglid, for NearInfinity and... as above
</li> <li>Gustov Montessi, author of IEEP</li> </ul> <p class="faq-q"> Translation team: </p> <ul class="version-list"> <li>French Translation: Ashramyr.</li> <li>Italian Translation: Mirol InXeS.</li> </ul> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Clerics > Credits</span> <a href="#top">BACK TO TOP</a> </address> </div> <a name="contact" id="contact"></a> <div> <h4> Contact Info: </h4> <p> Since the original author has disappeared from the modding boards, customs dictate that I can only fix bugs and add translations, but not implement new ideas in the mod. Hence, I can't satisfy feature requests. On the other hand, bug reports and compatibility problems are welcome. <br>The method of contacting me I prefer is via <a href="http://www.shsforums...?showforum=158" target="_blank">the forum</a>. <br>If you'd rather PM or email me, keep in mind that sometimes I reply with insults when I receive modding related stuff on private channels, as opposed to posts in the public forums, unless there's a really compelling reason to this. If you insist, my e-mail address is available in the tp2, and I regularly read PMs at all the major BG2 comunities. </p> <address> <span class="address-footer-1">Semi Multi Clerics > contact info</span> <a href="#top">back to top</a> </address> </div> </div> </body></html>