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Release #2: Items, items items :)

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#1 Erephine


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Posted 15 July 2004 - 03:50 PM

Note: You will probably need my Paperdoll fix (Click) for this to work properly. There's absolutely no guarantee that it'll work at all without it.

  • New item graphics for almost all ToB items (especially the swords - ugh!)
  • New shield and helmet graphics (and item fixes) to go along with the old paperdoll system
  • Shield & helmet paperdoll colour fixing!
  • New item graphics for some SoA items (there were some issues, namely one or two katanas had long sword graphics, etc.)
  • New potion graphics for BGII-specific potions (I know this will get me killed, but they just didnt match with the BG1 ones)
  • A super secret new item, that was present in BGII, but broken
  • ToB items that can be upgraded have now different item graphics on the updated version
  • New quiver graphics (endless bag of bullets, etc.)
  • Some of BGI's item graphics were re-imported into BGII
  • TheCandle?
Uh, yeah.

[edit: dead links removed]

This is the thing for you if you have always, like me, thought the ToB items looked like they were whacked together by some drunk five year old in MSPaint. It's also ideal if you're already using my paperdoll fix, as this will give shields and helmets their proper looks back with the old paperdoll system.

I hope I have packed everything together and everything works as it should (it does, here!) - if there's any issues don't hesitate to post about it, and it will be looked into :)

[edit: dead link removed]

So - what are you waiting for? It's time to download :D

Edited by Lightspeed, 23 August 2005 - 06:28 AM.


#2 -icelus-

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Posted 15 July 2004 - 03:54 PM

Bless you. :)

#3 Erephine


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Posted 15 July 2004 - 03:58 PM



#4 SConrad


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Posted 15 July 2004 - 04:04 PM

Fabulous work. I'm going to download as soon as I've finished bug-testing...

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#5 hlidskialf


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Posted 15 July 2004 - 04:43 PM

*ahem* WOOT!

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#6 Erephine


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Posted 16 July 2004 - 10:51 AM

Updated the zipfile - one of the items was bugged.

So, if you've downloaded already, just re-download the file. It's the same link ;)


#7 Quitch



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Posted 16 July 2004 - 02:53 PM

What this topic needs is a before and after screenshot.

#8 Immortality


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Posted 16 July 2004 - 11:57 PM

:D thx, lightspeed! :D
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#9 Erephine


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 06:00 AM

What this topic needs is a before and after screenshot.

You like before-after screenshots, don't ya? :P

I'll see what I can do.


#10 Schatten


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 06:06 AM

would you bear my child? :wub:
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#11 Erephine


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Posted 17 July 2004 - 06:57 AM

What this topic needed (according to Quitch):

[edit: thousands of dead links removed]

Note that the most ugly thing of the original (the large item graphics, when being taken out of their item slot) can not be seen in any of the screenshots.

Two extra screenies for all the ToB items (and the Rancor, which was made to look like a longsword +1 in BG2 for some reason):

[edit: dead links removed]

Edited by Lightspeed, 23 August 2005 - 06:26 AM.


#12 Shed



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 02:40 PM

OMG this is so good. I download now and play...

#13 Quitch



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 03:15 PM

Not so sure I agree with you on the item front, I think some BG1 items looked better, some BG2 items looked better(as you say, the large item look isn't in the shot. Maybe I'll take another look)
But the paperdolls. Oh dear God the BG2 ones were bad (though I do prefer the default female warrior clothing in BG2)... thank the Lord for this.

Edited by Quitch, 17 July 2004 - 03:19 PM.

#14 Erephine


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Posted 18 July 2004 - 04:58 AM

I didnt replace all BG2 items - only those I found ugly-looking. It's, just as you said, some BG1 items looked good, and some BG2 items looked good.

What I did indeed replace is all the ToB items, because not only they didn't match up with the BG2 and BG1 items, but they also looked horrible, especially when taken out of the item slot. Most of the swords didn't look their class (for example, a wakizashi looked the same as a katana), the blades of the swords didn't look like metal, but like a paintbrushed, pixelated line instead. Another thing that annoyed me is that most of the highly magical ToB items can be upgraded - and they will still look EXACTLY the same as they did before. This is another thing I changed.


#15 igi


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Posted 18 July 2004 - 06:25 AM

Are these bams free for use in other mods?
I'd suggest including a screenshot and readme in the download.
I'd also suggest a small wesbite or alterntive host (you can get a website at TBG< if it ever comes back up, or ask icelus to mirror your work, as he seems to mirror everything :)
Would be good if you could also get it put on the mirrors run by TheWizard, and the one by Phil, as they are becoming out of date, with no new work or updates on them.

Other than that - great! This is one of the very few mods which have actually made me want to play BG2 again.

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#16 Erephine


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Posted 18 July 2004 - 06:37 AM

I might set up a webbie when it's finished.

There's one last thing to fix though.


#17 Echon



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Posted 18 July 2004 - 11:31 PM

This is the thing for you if you have always, like me, thought the ToB items looked like they were whacked together by some drunk five year old in MSPaint.

That sums up my feelings about the ToB art quite nicely. I think SoA was a mixed bag, some of it hinted at ToB, some was as good as BG.

Overall, I think the improvements are amazing. This is going to be a permanent install when playing BG2.


#18 Rastor


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Posted 19 July 2004 - 06:51 AM

Posted Image

For some reason that paperdoll makes the girl look a bit... underdressed B) . No complaints, though :D .
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Posted Image

#19 Quitch



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Posted 19 July 2004 - 07:17 AM

Posted Image

For some reason that paperdoll makes the girl look a bit... underdressed B) . No complaints, though :D .

Possibly the one case of BG2 making a better job of it, but then you put clothes on it and the BG1 version becomes better again... and whoever did BG2 art couldn't draw faces.

#20 talonsblade



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Posted 19 July 2004 - 02:10 PM

hmmm i like the mod looks great but i dont have bg2/tob can i use it still on bg2/soa