Introducing Hubelpot
Posted 12 July 2004 - 11:00 AM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 12 July 2004 - 11:12 AM
The challenge was to create an NPC that didn't break any of the rules discussed in the Overused Ideas thread. No tainted blood, dark secrets, mental illness, etc, etc. What we came up with was Hubelpot.
Basic idea:
Hubelpot Thistledown, human, Level 1 Druid, vegetable merchant.
37 years old, Hubelpot and Morag were married 17 years ago and have a 16 year old son (Hamlish) currently working as an apprentice baker in the bridge district.
Hubelpot is found in the fruit seller's booth in the promenade.
All of Hublepot's stats are between 8 and 14, making him just slightly more competent than most vegetable merchants.
He will have at least one banter with every Bioware NPC, most of them on the subjects of favorite foods and gardening, and many banters with Jan, none of them involving Turnips.
Hubelpot will not have a romance track, but will discuss cooking with CHARNAME, and the right dialog choices will eventually lead Hubelpot to prepare really nice meals for the party.
He will have one mini-quest involving a missing shipment of cabbages.
His hair and eyes are both brown, and he's going bald on top.
He is out now.
He will work with both SOA and TOB.
There may possibly be an expansion at some point.
The mod owes its start to NotMrT and Domi, and I offer both of them my sincere thanks. SConrad has been the co-head of this Mod from the start, and both Domi and MajorTomSawyer have contributed wonderful dialogs. Sir-Kill and Sol Ek Sa are owed a debt of gratitude for the bams. Nightmare, Camdawg, Sanas, Immortality and others offered advice and encouragement. Mina-san, honto ni domo arigato goziamashita.
Feedback is welcomed.
Edited by BobTokyo, 30 July 2004 - 01:21 AM.
Posted 12 July 2004 - 11:17 AM
Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
NPC Damage - Coder
PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Brythe NPC mod - Designer
DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer
Iron Modder 5 - Winner
Posted 11 August 2006 - 01:57 PM
A bit more information:
Hubelpot is a contented family man, a druid, and a vegetable merchant. If you really pressed him, he'd probably say that he ranked them in that order of importance. However, he's never found the 3 in confllict & probably would only answer any questions about their relative importance to please you.
He's in his mid-forties and has been married to Morag for more than twenty years. Their sixteen-year-old son, Hamlish, works in the Five Flagons as an apprentice baker.
He is not, by nature, an adventurer. He takes pride in his work and enjoys his life; the only reason he ends up with your party is tha the has a strong sense of honor. This isn't Yoshimo's get-yourself-geased-to-take-revenge sort of honor but a more matter-of-fact sense that if someone has helped you it's apropriate to help them in turn.
In terms of his relationship to others, Hubelpot is a basically good, decent sort of person. He likes people and he is interested in their interests. This means that he is genuinely interested in Jan's rambling tales, Anomen's deeds of glory, Mazzy's dreams of being a paladin and Cernd's nature tales. There's no ulterior motive or faking here; he just likes people. likes to cook & he's proud of his abilities in this area. He's also intensly curious about what it is other people like to eat and will do his best to provide it.