- a good necromancer. Is it even possible? Can a necromancer be good if he tampers with negative energy? Maybe, but that would require a lot of thinking through... Maybe a person that had looked to necromancy to preserve his family, or recover them? Slowly going crazy, even though their motives were good? Well, sorry, I can't think of a good necromancer - one that wouldn't follow the cliche - 'become too powerful, and you are either destroyed and your power consumed by something else, or continue on the path and become a lich.' Meh...
Anyway, don't these characters start seeming cliche? And not a tad, a lot...
YES YES YES YES YES It is possible!
Necromancers manipulate Positive and Negative energy. That is to say, the energies of LIFE, and the energies of DECAY.
Energy is energy, unless it is ALIGNMENT energy (Remember that in the Multiverse, Alignment energies exist - there is the power of Evil energies, just as there are Good, Law, and Chaos. Dont confuse that with Holy and Unholy, which are different.) then energy is energy and thus, is neither inherently good or evil. It's how you use it. It's true that some spells are considered inherently evil - Create Undead, Animate Dead, Unholy Aura, so on so forth - but most magics, even most death magics, are not intrinsically evil.
So yes, it's entirely possible to have a good necromancer. Once I have gotten the basics of making NPC mods (I'm working on Karmic Twins - Grim and Raine right now), then I might be convinced to make a good aligned necromancer mod. (It's an idea that's been brewing in my noggin for awhile now.)