One Question
Posted 03 July 2004 - 12:28 AM
Edwin: Hello.
Jaheira: Mello.
Edwin: Bollo.
Charname: 1)Jullo.
Jaheira: Zollu.
IF ~InParty("Jaheira")
IsValidForPartyDialog("Jaheira")~ THEN BEGIN Dialog99
SAY ~Hello.~
Please cut the unnecessary triggers and complete the chain. I'm asking this because I don't know how could Charname enter a chain.
Posted 03 July 2004 - 04:20 AM
IF ~Global("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",0)
!StateCheck("Imoen2",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN BJKLSY pizzachain
~Imoen, what do you like on your pizza?~
DO ~SetGlobal("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",1)~
~Oh, and maybe with a little basil mixed in.~
~Well, yeah, but anything else?~
~Sauce is good.~
~(laughs) You're not being very helpful, Imoen.~
~Crust. I like crust on my pizza. Cooked crust is better.~
~Do you want me to make you this pizza or not?~
~It WAS your idea.~
~I can't decide. Never mind, I'm just gonna have yogurt.~
how come you always look so damn cool in every photo I see you in?!?
Speaking of modding, I listened to IER 3 yesterday, so you can have another quote for your signature: how come you sound so damn cool, as well as look it? It's unfair. Seriously.
Still a cyberjock, still hacking the matrix, still unsure of what that means.
TeamBG member -
Posted 03 July 2004 - 05:17 AM
I took a look at the WeiDU readme sometime ago, and that example you copy/pasted drew my attention. But I couldn't find an example on what I said...
Posted 03 July 2004 - 12:26 PM
CHAIN IF ~Global("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",0) InParty("Imoen2") See("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN BJKLSY pizzachain ~Imoen, what do you like on your pizza?~ DO ~SetGlobal("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",1)~ == IMOEN2J ~Oregano.~ = ~Oh, and maybe with a little basil mixed in.~ == BJKLSY ~Well, yeah, but anything else?~ == IMOEN2J ~Sauce is good.~ == BJKLSY ~(laughs) You're not being very helpful, Imoen.~ == IMOEN2J ~Crust. I like crust on my pizza. Cooked crust is better.~ == BJKLSY ~Do you want me to make you this pizza or not?~ = ~It WAS your idea.~ == IMOEN2J ~I can't decide. Never mind, I'm just gonna have yogurt.~ == BJKLSY ~(sigh)~ END +~Conditions for player to be able to choose this.~+~Player Reply~+Transition
You can use any number of player replys after the + if you use them in the format that I specified. Also, if you are EXTERNING, then use EXTERN in place of the last +. You can also use a DO ~Action~ after the reply but before the transition (before the +).
Posted 04 July 2004 - 02:37 AM
CHAIN IF ~Global("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",0) InParty("Imoen2") See("Imoen2") !StateCheck("Imoen2",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN BJKLSY pizzachain ~Imoen, what do you like on your pizza?~ DO ~SetGlobal("KelseyImoenPizza","LOCALS",1)~ == IMOEN2J ~Oregano.~ = ~Oh, and maybe with a little basil mixed in.~ == BJKLSY ~Well, yeah, but anything else?~ == IMOEN2J ~Sauce is good.~ == BJKLSY ~(laughs) You're not being very helpful, Imoen.~ == IMOEN2J ~Crust. I like crust on my pizza. Cooked crust is better.~ == BJKLSY ~Do you want me to make you this pizza or not?~ = ~It WAS your idea.~ == IMOEN2J ~I can't decide. Never mind, I'm just gonna have yogurt.~ == BJKLSY ~(sigh)~ END +~Global("Something","LOCALS",9)~+~What?~+GOTO Somewhere +~Global("Something","LOCALS",10)~+~Hmm...~+GOTO SomewhereElse
Like this?
Posted 04 July 2004 - 10:37 AM
== bjklsy ~(sigh)~ END +~Global("Something","LOCALS",9)~+~What?~+GOTO Somewhere +~Global("Something","LOCALS",10)~+~Hmm...~+GOTO SomewhereElse IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Somewhere CHAIN IF ~Trigger1() Trigger2()~ THEN BJKLSY PizzaChain ~Don't interrupt our conversation, <CHARNAME>!~ = ~Now, Imoen, write me a full list of ingredients of the pizza you like. Now!~ == IMOEN2J ~O-Okay, K-K-Kelsey.~ END ...............
Posted 04 July 2004 - 12:10 PM
Also, your bottom CHAIN has two names.
== bjklsy ~(sigh)~ END +~Global("Something","LOCALS",9)~+~What?~+GOTO Somewhere +~Global("Something","LOCALS",10)~+~Hmm...~+GOTO SomewhereElse CHAIN IF ~Trigger1() Trigger2()~ THEN BJKLSY Somewhere ~Don't interrupt our conversation, <CHARNAME>!~ = ~Now, Imoen, write me a full list of ingredients of the pizza you like. Now!~ == IMOEN2J ~O-Okay, K-K-Kelsey.~ END ...............
Edited by Rastor, 04 July 2004 - 12:12 PM.
Posted 04 July 2004 - 12:27 PM
If you're going to continue with a NPC/NPC dialog, then just use CHAIN.Let's say that I want the chain to continue on, but I want different results for the two dialog options. So should I use GOTO? Like this?
== bjklsy ~(sigh)~ END +~Global("Something","LOCALS",9)~+~What?~+GOTO Somewhere +~Global("Something","LOCALS",10)~+~Hmm...~+GOTO SomewhereElse IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Somewhere CHAIN IF ~Trigger1() Trigger2()~ THEN BJKLSY PizzaChain ~Don't interrupt our conversation, <CHARNAME>!~ = ~Now, Imoen, write me a full list of ingredients of the pizza you like. Now!~ == IMOEN2J ~O-Okay, K-K-Kelsey.~ END ...............
IF ~Trigger1()
Trigger2()~ THEN BJKLSY Somewhere
~Don't interrupt our conversation, <CHARNAME>!~
~Now, Imoen, write me a full list of ingredients of the pizza you like. Now!~
~O-Okay, K-K-Kelsey.~
Posted 05 July 2004 - 03:44 AM