About Imoen's age: I've always thought in BGI that she was almost of similar age as the pc. And in BGII in a banter with Jaheira she says something like "I am not that younger than <charname>" (when the party finds Khalid). I don't know about the official age though, but this was my impression.
I never changed Imoen as a mage in BGI. This is mostly due to the fact, that a character I played the most was a thief/mage elf. And that with other characters I always had either Dynaheir or Xan with me. And because I really didn't like the other thieves in the game that much, they lacked the qualities I needed for a thief. (Well I had Coran with one party for a while and Safana with other).
So I really didn't like the fact that they had made her a mage in the first place, but I had to use my imagination to fix the holes in the plot, when I imported my thief/mage elf to BGII. So I though my character might have taught her a few things on the road, as they were very close and enjoyed doing similar things.
So I imagined Imoen learned magic only for fun and because it interested her.
And yes, in BGI it was obvious that Winthrop was more close to Imoen than Gorion. In fact there was never any hint in BGI that Imoen could be a Bhaalspawn. At least I didn't find it, and I thought that it was propably never in the plans when they made BGI. So to me it is kind of strange in BGII that Imoen talks about Gorion as if he would have been that important person in her life. Because in BGI I didn't see it. She wasn't heart broken when Gorion died, more sad for the pc's loss than anything else.
But I've better stop now, or otherwise I am going to write totally off topic soon :turnip2: (got to use that in somewhere

EDIT: Got to learn to write...
Edited by Briannandoah, 05 July 2004 - 02:59 AM.