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character help

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#1 icelandismine


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 02:08 PM

I have my Mod of Cheif Inspector Brega, and short of a gov't district scritping problem, im satisfied. But, when I send my friend the .dlg file, it converts the whole file into an original node and tons of external references. I am usin DLTCEP to view this. I figure it is doing this because the Dialog.tlk file isn't being updated when i give it to him. Currently i've just been giving him the creature file, the speical armor he has, the .dlg file, and the portraits and telling him to put them in the override folder.
I did this on the computer i made the whole thing on, and it works fine. How can I compile all of those items togther so they will work? I have Weidu already, but my skills with it are nonexistant.


Edited by icelandismine, 25 June 2004 - 02:09 PM.

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#2 Rastor


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 02:23 PM

Don't send the .dlg file. Send your friend the .d file and tell him to compile it.

The best way to do what you are attempting to do is to use a tp2 file.

It should look something like this:
BACKUP ~MyMod/backup~


COMPILE ~MyMod/Brage.d~
EXTEND_TOP ~GovDistrict~ ~MyMod/script.baf~

Edited by Rastor, 25 June 2004 - 02:25 PM.

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#3 SConrad


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Posted 25 June 2004 - 02:25 PM

I would recommend you to learn WeiDU. You need weidu to update the dilog.tlk. You could, of course, do the exact same thing with DLTCEP on your friend's computer as you've done on yours, but that will only cost you a LOT of useful time. Since you've only got the .cre-file, an item, the portraits and the dlg-file, a .tp2 shouldn't be much of a problem to code.

All information required is located in the weidu-readme. You can also check other .tp2's to see how they works.

Btw, are you using .d-files for your dialogue-files? I strongly recommend that, and then compile it with weidu. Much, much, much easier.

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