thanks death
dorry if i ask there here
but the mod of the wicked how many npc should containe? and what will be the difference between them? 
No problem, if I ever ever get finished there should be 5. However, this project has become a 10 year plan

There are significant differences between them all. Heck, some don't even like working with one another at all or the same type of
For instance Korgan is fine with Kirinhale, friends with Montaron, but hates Kido (in Throne of Bhaal this improves a bit too indifferent)
They all have different classes, different views, and are in different ways evil. There will be ways to combine them, but they are to add to the existing PC's.
I do have a lot of mods running in a BGT game.* But I'm running the game on a powerful computer with loads of RAM and the other mod dialogues seem to be firing just fine, i.e., without any lag. Delcia et al teleport in immediately upon the party traveling to the new map (north end of Waukeen's Promenade in this case) and Kido is right there with the rest of the party as they enter the area.
Reason I asked about whether Kido is intended for an all evil party is that the dialogue options after Delcia's party has been killed seem to be written for an evil character only. There is no option to interrogate Kido as to whether Adelcia's claims are true, nor to express outrage or disgust at what Kido did. What I'm trying to get across here is that a Good or Neutral type character can legitimately protect Kido, because the PC truly has no idea how valid Adelcia's claims are. (Right? All throughout the game people misrepreent themselves and lie, etc. And they are in Amn, after all, one of the Forgotten Realms' so-called "Lands of Intrigue.") So a Good or Neutral PC can, in good faith, select the option "you have no jurisdiction here" on the premise that Adelcia's claim is not simply to be accepted at face value. If Adelcia then attacks, forcing the PC to fight before he or she can determine the facts, that is fine. But afterward the dialogue options for the PC essentially shrug off Kido's heinous act. Responses are like "well, just keep a lower profile," or "I don't like surprises," which basically signaling to Kido moral indifference to what he did. I'm suggesting that the mod will be better developed if you make an option here for a non-evil PC to express that he or she is appalled at what Kido did to Adelcia's village. And among Kido's responses should be a lie to placate such a PC. Cyric is in fact a god of lies and deception!
Well, than it must be either something with my own mod, or some other glitch. As I trust your judgement of your computer.
Kido was never writen for a good party, bear that. After all he is undeniably evil. I doubt that a good PC can legitimately protect Kido. Heck, he picks fights with many good characters, hates good actions (even if stears to a few of them), his quests are undeniably evil. Kido was not written for a lawful or good party. Ariena functions way better in that role, as will Ian, but not Kirinhale or Montaron (again half in response to xdeathplanetx)
It is true Cyric is for one part god of lies and deception, which comes forward in the story of Adelcia, but Kido already tells it is true (in his way of hinting, which is normal to him).
I do like your suggestion "you have no jurisdiction here", which if I will remember will add to the responses. As well as perhaps a more strong dislike suprise. However, if your PC dislikes heinous acts... you will have a bit of problem with other morbid humor he has. If your PC doesn't found his sick morbid humor amusing I doubt it is a good match roleplay wise

Thanks for the suggestions and I will look into it. Hope you still enjoy him though