Q: What is Kido and what are his stats?
A: Kido is a CE Jester, His stats are Str 11, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 15
Q: Where can I find Kido?
A: In the play house
Q: Doesn't Kido actually have an illegal alignment for a Jester?
A: That is true, but he explains this rather nicely to Nalia, who pops a question about him. If you look very carefully at his banter with you as a player, you might just understand it as well. I do not wish to give any spoilers though, so perhaps another topic or just ask away.
Q: Is Kido's hood completly useless?
A: Well it does protect against critical hits, but in gameplay it is pretty useless, however just like the thieves hood (which pic I used) it has magic in it, so perhaps... There are more characters with useless items like Edwin's necklace and Boo (though Boo is extremely funny). Kido's dagger more or less compensates this.
Q: Is Kido finished? Why do you call this an Alpha version 2.1?
A: I want to call it Alpha version 2.1 cause it misses some things, which I really want to program. He misses interjections (and some of them are great people tell me), specific quest and challenge.
Q: Is Kido psychic? He says some strange things that hint at that.
A: Indeed a banter with the player and Yoshimo hint towards this. You might say he somehow has a special connection with Cyric...
Q: Why isn't Kido a Cleric? He such a fanatic worshipper of Cyric.
A: Kido explains this to Yoshimo aswell as to the Player. He started his career as a Jester and one cannot dual class this (Kido isn't completly without rules

Q: When will an upgrade be available?
A: Don't know just watch this form
Q: Are you the only coder?
A: In principle, yes. I do have a great debugger backing me up though. And I probably will ask some help with some things, as I am no artist and do wish some unique stuff.
Q: Where ya from? Who are you for real?
A: My name is Guido Voets. I'm a 22 year old male, living in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
If you miss any questions you still have, post them on this topic.
Edited by Deathsangel, 05 January 2005 - 01:25 AM.