Sigil is not a natural place even though the outlands most definatly are.
It would be similar to a prime druid going to a large city. It definatly happens, but it's not the most common setting for them.'s Planescape 3E...
Started by Xaositect_Crayon, Jun 17 2004 11:34 AM
27 replies to this topic
Posted 01 January 2005 - 04:05 PM
Posted 01 January 2005 - 04:41 PM
Sigil is part of a larger plane, it's not a plane or even a demi-plane all by itself. Druids in Sigil are therefore just the same in regards to connection to their environment as druids in any large city in the Prime.
Posted 01 January 2005 - 05:20 PM
Well it HAS to be separate form the outlands in some significant way. It's nearly at the center o the spire and NO magicall abilities, psionics, divine powers, or anything else like that works so close to the spire. Not even mundane things like poision would normally work. Yet, it all works fine in Sigil.
Still, I agree with you that the majority of a druids abilities would work just fine in sigil.
Still, I agree with you that the majority of a druids abilities would work just fine in sigil.
Posted 02 January 2005 - 01:39 AM
There are parts of the Forgotten Realms where magic doesn't work properly (dead magic zones), places where you can't magically enter/exit from, etc, etc. That doesn't make such places seperate from the rest of the world
BTW remember that Sigil itself is supposed to be partially living...

BTW remember that Sigil itself is supposed to be partially living...
Posted 02 January 2005 - 03:46 AM
I still consider sigil at least as separate as a demi-plane. There are more similarities between the demi-plane of dread, or the demi-plane of shadow and the ethereal than there are between the outlands and sigil. You can enter or leave sigil anyother way besides one of its portals (or jumping over the side and being randomly plane shifted), you can enter most demi-planes through the etheral plane that they are a part of.
I guess it's all a matter of interpritation.
I guess it's all a matter of interpritation.
Posted 02 January 2005 - 12:53 PM
I've always thought of Sigil as a seperate layer of the Outlands. It isn't, really, but that's as close as I can get.
Posted 02 January 2005 - 09:46 PM
I've just finished reading Faction War. So it's written there that Heimdall abandoned Rowan when he started faction war and during his 500 years stay in the Gatehouse his alignment shifted to CN and he lost jis ranger abilities and became F19.
Stars are out.. the magic is back
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Posted 03 January 2005 - 06:23 AM
Yeah thats correct. There is alot of controversy on how is actions, both before and during the faction war, should or should not have affected his alignment.
I think that at the time his stats where written for the "Factols Manefesto" CG still fit him. He was defiantly selfish, power hungry, and very jaded/cynical, but up till the faction war/his insanity following it I think assigning a CG alignment to him was still reasonable.
Planing to sell Nilesia into slavery on the lower planes obviously wasn't a good act, but I don't think its particuallrly evil either. She was definatly evil herself and had the same thing done to thousands of others. I don't think her "love" for him had any bering at all. Darkwood didn't love her and she was nuts and a fanatic about punishing the guilty. Her love could have turned into something quite lethal.
I think that at the time his stats where written for the "Factols Manefesto" CG still fit him. He was defiantly selfish, power hungry, and very jaded/cynical, but up till the faction war/his insanity following it I think assigning a CG alignment to him was still reasonable.
Planing to sell Nilesia into slavery on the lower planes obviously wasn't a good act, but I don't think its particuallrly evil either. She was definatly evil herself and had the same thing done to thousands of others. I don't think her "love" for him had any bering at all. Darkwood didn't love her and she was nuts and a fanatic about punishing the guilty. Her love could have turned into something quite lethal.
Edited by oralpain, 03 January 2005 - 11:58 AM.