Time of Troubles
Posted 21 June 2004 - 10:18 AM
Now i must shamefully admit i seem unable to refind my copy of the aforementioned book. But that would make AO not completelly all-mighty. Also notice how the FR deity book names Divine Ranking above 21+ even though the highest deity is ranked 19 (Chauntea).
So... it could technically be posible that Cyric on height of hes mad power actually closed on AO's power/divine ranking ?
Posted 21 June 2004 - 10:49 AM
I believe he was sweet on Loviatar...
Posted 21 June 2004 - 12:11 PM
Posted 21 June 2004 - 01:05 PM
Realms deities who reside in other planes are not free from his grasp because they're permanently tied to the Realms. If they withdrew completely outside Realmspace, he wouldn't be able to touch them, but then they'd no longer be able to grant their followers spells, etc.
Posted 21 June 2004 - 02:01 PM
How can you leave Ao's realmspace?
Does divine ranking actually make you more powerful or is it just something prestigious to represent importance/age?
I am reading the avatar series atm so I can't comment on Cyric too much except that he is the biggest Weiner ever (he has no allies and is the most hated god of FR, moreso than Talos!!).
Defy me and die!

Posted 21 June 2004 - 02:46 PM
Numerous deities, particularly the non-human ones, also have influence in other crystal spheres. Lloth, for example, is supposed to be connected to dozens if not hundreds of other worlds.
Posted 21 June 2004 - 03:12 PM
Defy me and die!

Posted 21 June 2004 - 03:18 PM
Posted 22 June 2004 - 12:24 AM
Okay convinced, will chance then my mod a bit. Kido has to refer to Cyric in a bit different way. But then it is okay, he still is more or less the god I had in my mind'Mad' because the story of the book is taking place in the time after Cyric reads the Cyrinishad and temporary loses his mind. Later he is cured by Malik.Sorry but euh... not convinced. Certainly not because you state here Cyric the Mad. I reckon that be mad as in crazy
"The truth is that I am still a more worthy god than any of you!" The One spoke with a full mouth, and he smacked his lips between words. "And that is why you are all jealous."
Thinking my plan had failed, I cried out in despair and flung myself to the floor.
But Cyric continued, "I must admit, however, that I am no more powerful than any of you." The One turned my heart over as though he would take another bite, then seemed to think better of it and thrust the juicy thing somewhere inside his hauberk. "That was a delusion of the Cyrinishad. A happy delusion-" here, the One glared down at me-"but a delusion nonetheless. We can all agree that I am better now."
Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.
Sentences marking (my) life:
Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams
(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable
~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~
Posted 22 June 2004 - 02:23 AM
If shes connected to so many people in so many worlds, why isnt she the most powerful goddess?Lloth, for example, is supposed to be connected to dozens if not hundreds of other worlds.
Posted 22 June 2004 - 02:44 AM
I'm sure that in the Abyss (Lloth's homeplane) she has a lot more power than she does in the Realms.
Edited by NiGHTMARE, 22 June 2004 - 02:45 AM.
Posted 22 June 2004 - 05:31 AM
It would seem to me that if a deity's power is directly connected the number of worshippers it has then I would further venture to say that some followers give it more strength than others.
For example, as you mentioned about Lolth in the Abyss, it would seem to me that some are simply going through the motions of worshipping her simply because they fear her. I wouldn't think this to be true belief.
I think this applies to both Good aligned Gods and Evil aligned Gods, however in a different fashion. Whereas Lolth probably has a great deal of worshippers out of fear, someone like Helm might have a great deal of worshippers who are simply procrastinators. Haha, it has just occurred to me that this seems related to a loyal "fan-base".
Just as mega-star-musicians will have a fanatical type fan that is willing to pay for all the paraphanalia, so too must a God have a fanatical worhsipper that will pray those extra prayers of worship and perform those particularly cultist rituals yes?
Posted 22 June 2004 - 09:55 AM
Defy me and die!

Posted 22 June 2004 - 10:26 AM
Posted 29 June 2004 - 11:09 PM
Posted 29 June 2004 - 11:32 PM
yes, they too:But what happened with the elven gods during the Time of Troubles. I saw no mention of them. Have they been forced to walk Faerun as mortals too ?
Letting you know you're the next one dead
I am the blade that cuts your skin
That forgives yourself for all your sin
I am the guilt that gnaws your soul
Corrodes the heart to a gaping hole
The hammers pounding all around
So you beat the walls to rid the sound
I am your memories, distorted and loud
That make you scream and shreik aloud
Yes, I make you crazy, it's all my fault
That we're here alone in this cushoined vault
Posted 29 June 2004 - 11:54 PM
Posted 30 June 2004 - 12:03 AM
Letting you know you're the next one dead
I am the blade that cuts your skin
That forgives yourself for all your sin
I am the guilt that gnaws your soul
Corrodes the heart to a gaping hole
The hammers pounding all around
So you beat the walls to rid the sound
I am your memories, distorted and loud
That make you scream and shreik aloud
Yes, I make you crazy, it's all my fault
That we're here alone in this cushoined vault
Posted 30 June 2004 - 01:22 AM
Obviously we only know the location of deities during the Time of Troubles if TSR/WotSC told us. Such information can be found in various novels (in particular the Avatar series), Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Patheons, Demihuman Deities, a few issues of the old Forgotten Realms comics, and that's about it.I had in mind the Seldarine : there is no mention of the Seldarine gods, like Corellon, Rillifane, Eillistrae. Aerdrie or the others.
So in the case of many deities, including most of the non-human ones, we don't know what they got up to. This even includes a couple of fairly major gods, such as Ilmater, Lathander and Tyr.
Edited by NiGHTMARE, 30 June 2004 - 01:24 AM.
Posted 30 June 2004 - 02:32 AM
Eillistrae isnt in the SeldarineI had in mind the Seldarine : there is no mention of the Seldarine gods, like Corellon, Rillifane, Eillistrae. Aerdrie or the others.