I know him to be of death, murder and insanity thanks to BG 1 to be honest. I don't where I heard it anymore. Xzar might have said something in a banter or in a book or something? Will have to play BG1 for a while.Cyric is the god of Strife and Tyranny (inherited from Bane), Murder (Bhaal), Deception and Illusion (Leira), Intrigue (Mask). He was also the god of Dead (Myrkul) but has lost this portfolio to Kelemvor
I have mod with a Jester praying to Cyric, but if I'm correct he is the god of Death, murder and insanity. Lies are also a topic, but they are actually more for Basheba
I know him to be indeed the Prince of Lies and they say; By the Black Sun of Cyric
In a link you gave it is stated that Cyric even killed Kelemvor, so I don't get that part aswell.
I don't know him to have either Tyranny nor Strife just like NiGHTMARE says.
Have to add though in my mod that he is god of Deception and Lies cause I haven't mentioned that anywhere yet. Just god of death, murder and insanity.
Edited by Deathsangel, 19 June 2004 - 10:40 AM.