A bit off-topic - In the newer Dragonlance novels there exist the super-sized dragons from another world... I don't know if they appear in any pnp, but wouldn't that be quite overpowering, no matter what edition we're talking about?
There have often been unique, or extremely rare dragons of exceptional size and power.
I haven't read any recent Dragonlance novels, but I have read an excerpt from one where an abnormal large read dragon was mistaken as a manifestation of takhiksis by a younger black dragon who ran into her, and was then killed by her. This dragon was also from another world.
I simply took this to be a great wyrm, not a new dragon type or anything. Great wyrm dragons (esp red dragons) are rare enough, large enough, and powerful enough to have easily fit what I read, even refering to 2nd edition dragons. I could be mistaken in my assumption however, I read about 15 pages.
A maximum age, size, and strength red dragon, by core second edition rules, would be 354 feet long overall; have 184 hit points; a negative 3 THAC0; a negative 11 armor class; 65% magic resistance; base attacks doing 1d10+12/1d10+12/3d10+12 damage, plus acess to all the special forms of draconic attack (wing buffets, tail slaps, snatches, plummets, kicks, and anything else plausible); the ability to cast 4 mage spells of levels 1 through 4, 2 first level priest spells, and a second level priest spell, all funtioning as if cast by a 21st level caster (also dragonic spells have only verbal components and all have a casting time of 1); these innate spell-like powers: affect normal fires(3/day), pyrotechnics(3/day), heat metal(1/day), suggestion(1/day), hypnotisim(1/day), detect gems, kind and number, in a 100' radius (3/day), these powers can be uses simultaniously with any action besides spell asting or the breath weapon; a fire-based breath weapon of 24d10+12 damage; powerful senses of sight, smell, and hearing, that allows the dragon to sense invisible, hiden, and perhaps, illusionary objects with in 120'; finally, a natural clairaudience ability with respect to it's lair.
A dragon of this age would also have an immense hoard, and would make use of enchanted objects from that horde, if possible. I rolled randomly based on the treasure types and came up with 8 scrolls, 7 potions, and 6 randomly selected items. The dragon would be able to use all of the potions and scrolls, and most any non-clothing item in other categories. It could use very nearly anything while polymorphed into a humanoid form.
I don't think I have seen any dragons in IE games use magical items. This should be added. It is only logical has a significant precident in pnp.