Well it`s something planned for the
G3 Tweak Pack, although the idea itself was suggested to me by Icelus. When Avalon turns the party members into drow, the portraits will change as well. I`ve seen Aerie and Haer`Dalis as drow somewhere, but I wasn`t satisfied with the results so I decided to recolor every
NPC. They`re not pitch black, as I stated, cause they`d look like crap if I were to darken them in that way.



Bearded Anomen, looks like shaving foam to me:

Grim Squeaker pointed out that elves don`t have facial hair so I used
cliffette`s beardless Anomen as base (Thanks cliffette!):

Caedwyr pointed out that his ears aren`t pointy enough, heh. So I`m going to use
Bev`s Anomelf as base (this will be added later).