Sorcerer Changes
Posted 06 May 2004 - 06:30 PM
The great wolf Fenrir gapes ever at the dwelling of the gods.
Posted 06 May 2004 - 06:53 PM
Mages tend to have more elemental attack spells. Druids tend to be better at summoning and shapeshifting to elemental form. But there is a lot of overlap between the two.
However to me the inspiration for Refinements appears to be the 2nd level of Watcher's Keep.
Posted 06 May 2004 - 08:42 PM
Like Rathwellin said, Refinements seems to focus on a specific area and I wanted this ability to stay in line with that focus. Also, the BGII engine does not distinguish between earth based spells, air based spells, water based spells of the primary elements. The secondary and tertiary element system of BGII has some pretty large gaps as well, which taken together results in a redefined element system.
Also, I don't feel the elemental affinties of the sorcerer are approriate for the class. Now that you've mentioned it, it strikes me that they would fit best for a druid. However, I've offered this idea as a possible replacement that would give the player an option to enhance their elemental abilities as a mage/sorcerer.
Edited by Caedwyr, 06 May 2004 - 08:44 PM.
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 08 May 2004 - 01:01 AM
Similarly you can now choose TWO elemental HLAs. It's very linear to me.
And anyway, it has become a point of honor, by now

Edited by Littiz, 08 May 2004 - 01:04 AM.
Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 08 May 2004 - 05:27 AM
One of the first test characters I built was a Fire based Sorcerer. An Elven woman named Pi.As I said, you could ALREADY play an elemental sorcerer by choosing a majority of elemental based spells (I did it).
Similarly you can now choose TWO elemental HLAs. It's very linear to me.
It actually worked really well. I had a *lot* of fire spells to choose from.
However for my next test sorcerer I tried to make an Ice & Poison/Acid based guy and I was not happy at all with the results. Even after *trying* to pick most every appropriate spell he *still* had as many or more Fire & Magic based damage spells. There just weren't enough non-fire spells to pick from.
This doesn't really have anything to do with Refinements. Bio picked the spells they did ... and that selection just didn't include nearly as many of the non-fire based spells. However that spell selection makes it *very* hard to play a non-fire based 'elementalist sorcerer.'
The Refinements Fire/Ice/Electricity/Acid delineations don't really match some of the Air/Earth/Fire Elemental conjurations really well so I didn't include the Air and Earth elemental conjurings (though I did keep fire since it matched perfectly). However even if you add those two spells into my list the non-fire elements come up very short by comparison.
I also didn't include the generic 'Protection from the Elements' 7th level spell or 'Protection from Energy' 8th level spell in any particular list though both could easily fit an elementalist concept.
Fire Spells
1st Level
Burning Hands
Chromatic Orb (iffy but at some levels it does fire or blindness)
2nd Level
Agannarzar's Scorcher
3rd Level
Flame Arrow
Melf's Minute Meteors
Protection from Fire
4th Level
Fireshield Red
5th Level
Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental
6th Level
Conjure Fire Elemental
7th Level
Delayed Blast Fireball
Summon Efreeti
8th Level
Incendiary Cloud
9th Level
Meteor Swarm
Shapechange (fire elemental form)
Ice Spells
1st Level
Chill Touch
2nd Level
3rd Level
Protection from Cold
4th Level
Fireshield Blue
Ice Storm
5th Level
Cone of Cold
6th Level
7th Level
8th Level
9th Level
Electrical Spells
1st Level
Shocking Grasp
2nd Level
3rd Level
Lightning Bolt
4th Level
5th Level
Protection from Electricity
6th Level
Chain Lightning
7th Level
Summon Djinni
8th Level
9th Level
Acid / Poison Spells
1st Level
2nd Level
Melf's Acid Arrows
Stinking Cloud
3rd Level
4th Level
5th Level
Protection from Acid
6th Level
Death Fog
7th Level
8th Level
9th Level
And anyway, it has become a point of honor, by now
Littiz I have a lot of respect for what you and TG have done with Refinements. It's superb.
However this statement sounds really bad ... even with the emote icon.
I'm not going to bother to argue this one anymore. But if you guys want to free up 4 icons I think that you should start here.

Edited by Rathwellin the Bard, 08 May 2004 - 05:47 AM.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 09:46 AM

Refinements v2 has been released!
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Member of The Silver Star team.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 10:06 AM
Posted 11 May 2004 - 10:32 AM
All I can say at the moment is that we INTEND to add new ones under the name: Spell Revision component. This would include new (pnp) spells with brand new icons to fill in holes in the actual spell systems, and the revision of many existing BG2 spells. A small example from the revision plans is that MR will affect every spell under 10th level (as it should), only very specific spells wil bypass it (Breach will be affected for example).Are you guys going to be adding new spells at some point?

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!
Member of The Silver Star team.
Posted 11 May 2004 - 01:40 PM
obvious point.

Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 11 May 2004 - 05:10 PM
Does that include redoing the saving throws?All I can say at the moment is that we INTEND to add new ones under the name: Spell Revision component. This would include new (pnp) spells with brand new icons to fill in holes in the actual spell systems, and the revision of many existing BG2 spells. A small example from the revision plans is that MR will affect every spell under 10th level (as it should), only very specific spells wil bypass it (Breach will be affected for example).Are you guys going to be adding new spells at some point?
Anyway does this mean i should go get out my Complete Book of Magika? There are tons of elemental based spells in there. Even spells specifally for bards, ninjas, wu-jin, etc.

Posted 11 May 2004 - 11:52 PM
Yes. Some spells will have their saving throws revised.Does that include redoing the saving throws?
Sure, but not now. If Littiz will be able to mod once again in a few months, we will start to work on a few new components, and add all the possible bugfixes (I'll try to collect and handle them in the meantime, so keep them coming). I'm not sure wheather we'll start with the Spell Revisions or not, but even if we do, the first part of that work will be the "revision" part of existing spells. Only then will we start adding a few new (or even better: missing) spells.Anyway does this mean i should go get out my Complete Book of Magika? There are tons of elemental based spells in there
So I say it has minor significance at the moment.

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!
Member of The Silver Star team.
Posted 14 May 2004 - 06:51 AM
months?Sure, but not now. If Littiz will be able to mod once again in a few months,

Posted 14 May 2004 - 07:07 AM

I?m more than willing to wait. My gut feeling is that based on the huge number of changes that Refinements made that an extended period is needed to find all bugs and to do proper balancing. In that context to me a few months is about the right time to really take a hard look at Refinements.
In the mean time we can pester TG with ideas for version 2.0+ and actually play with what?s out there.

Posted 14 May 2004 - 07:50 AM
Don't be too hasty, Schatten...months?Sure, but not now. If Littiz will be able to mod once again in a few months,

Posted 14 May 2004 - 08:53 AM

Schatten: yes, months. Littiz deserves that break, he did an exhausting finish on the mod, and RL matters always come first.

As for me, I'll stay here and collect/correct every bug we find, so hopefully we'll have a flawless v1.xyz at the day Littiz returns to modding.

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!
Member of The Silver Star team.
Posted 14 May 2004 - 09:33 PM
Although, TGM will you be correcting any of the bugs yourself? not talking her about balacing or adding new abilites, etc (although that would be nice as it would speed things along)...

Posted 14 May 2004 - 11:41 PM
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 15 May 2004 - 04:26 AM
Heh, I already corrected a bunch of them.. see v1.3Although, TGM will you be correcting any of the bugs yourself?

*HER*???not talking her about balacing or adding new abilites

Thanks for the advice Caedwyr, I'm trying to understand it these days.Actually I'd also recommend taking a look at Weidu packaging techniques. For a the basics it isn't too difficult to learn

You see, thats my main fear. While I could learn the basics in time, even then I wouldn't dare to do anything to Refinements - I always trusted this part of the mod to Littiz, and he did a perfect job here. I really don't like the thought that I mess things up on occasion..Sure, your .tp2 won't be perfect the first time

It might be possible that our small team will need assitance once we start working on v2 - while we CAN handle every part of the mod, I think we should ask for help on a few points.. scripts for example. Whatever, we shall see.there are lots of people around who seem willing to help
Now please, get back on topic everyone. Sorcerers. And their changes;)

Edited by T.G.Maestro, 15 May 2004 - 04:27 AM.

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!
Member of The Silver Star team.
Posted 15 May 2004 - 08:40 AM
her=here*HER*???not talking her about balacing or adding new abilites

Posted 20 May 2004 - 12:08 AM
Edited by T.G.Maestro, 20 May 2004 - 12:09 AM.

Refinements v2 has been released!
Go and visit the website or the forum for more info!
Member of The Silver Star team.