Anyway, I can always modify the damage to say, 5D10 +3D10 (save vs breath at -2), or simply make that save vs. breath at a 0 modifier.
Posted 03 May 2004 - 04:12 AM
Posted 03 May 2004 - 04:30 AM
IMO there are several things to look at here.its good. maybe a bit too powerfull with 100damage.
Edited by Rathwellin the Bard, 03 May 2004 - 04:39 AM.
Posted 03 May 2004 - 05:39 AM
Edited by Rathwellin the Bard, 03 May 2004 - 05:53 AM.
Posted 03 May 2004 - 05:55 AM
Sorry, but my short answer is *NO*.I know this is crazy talk, but I?ve finally really realized what I would *really* want to replace elemental HLAs with.
Dragon stuff.
I won't. Actually, I'd NEVER add those abilities, even if they were the only option left - sorry, but Dragon's should not be messed with player controlled characters IMO.vI think that I would like stuff like this 1000x times better than the elemental based stuff you currently have
Posted 03 May 2004 - 05:59 AM
Posted 03 May 2004 - 08:15 AM
Posted 03 May 2004 - 10:38 AM
MaybeBut sure would be fun
Posted 03 May 2004 - 11:25 AM
Posted 03 May 2004 - 11:27 AM
Posted 03 May 2004 - 08:51 PM
This is a bit OT, but actually if they could be upped to the levels from DL age period (Acicnet Wyrm (as opposeed to just ancient) and Legendary Wyrm) this would solve the summoning for beutral clerics (as good get solars and evil get balor lords last i heard)Ah, but you can't do Sorcerer kits.
I'll also note that I said 'gate' in a Dragon. Nothing like summoning in a a ticked Dragon ... and no Protection from Evil 10' is going to save your tail.
I'll continue with the understanding that this is never likely to ever see the light of day, but just imagine.
1. A Dragon HLA track for the Dragon blooded. Fire Based maybe.
2. An Infernal HLA track for the Demon and Nether blooded (Tiefling Sorcerer anyone?). Acid Based.
3. A Holy HLA track for the Celestial blooded. Electical Based.
4. A ??? path. Ice based.
I'll agree that it's probably too much to be the ofspring of a dead god and a distant relative of a mystical creature. But sure would be fun.
Posted 03 May 2004 - 11:54 PM
Mostly crushing (blunt) and some magic damage.TG what damage type does Shockwave do?
Posted 04 May 2004 - 05:34 AM
Posted 04 May 2004 - 08:58 AM
No, maybe the magic damage, but I may as well drop it or change it to blunt.Is Shockwave affected by MR?
Posted 04 May 2004 - 09:03 AM
Posted 04 May 2004 - 09:16 AM
Posted 04 May 2004 - 01:18 PM
PLEASE!!!No, maybe the magic damage, but I may as well drop it or change it to blunt.Is Shockwave affected by MR?
Posted 04 May 2004 - 02:13 PM
better to sort out bugs than to add features and add more bugs to the initial bugs, buggy... buddy.Sorry guys, you'll have to wait for v2 to get all these goodies!
Posted 04 May 2004 - 02:22 PM
pssst...better to sort out bugs than to add features and add more bugs to the initial bugs, buggy... buddy.Sorry guys, you'll have to wait for v2 to get all these goodies!
the spell all sorcerors envy in the clerical pool is implosion...
ignores magic resistance, blunt damage...
Posted 05 May 2004 - 02:19 AM
Umm, sorry UU, but I never really like these "solutions". While I agree to the point that nearly everything can be "nerfed, cheated, tricked" in the game, things are there for a reason. If I want players to mess with all the spells in the mod, I simply put a bunch of them in a directory, and let them choose/alter/copy materials where and when they like. No, I think our 2DA tables are there for a reason. We put MUCH effort into making these files and system, and excuse me while I say, I don't love the idea that players simply change it entirely. While I have nothing against exploring the cheese-factor of stuff, I don't prefer changing the system. I hope you know what I mean.pssst...
go to override directory, then look for sppr728.spl...
copy it out to mydocuments, then edit the name of the file to implo.spl...
open up near infinity, and change to wizard spell..
use shadowkeeper to add to your sorceror's spell table...
copy back sppr728.spl back into override directory...or else your clerics will never get that spell when they are at high level...
Absolutely. This won't permit me to work on future stuff though...better to sort out bugs than to add features and add more bugs
It does, and so it should. It is not a magical blast that deal magic damage to nearby creatures - it is a magical blast that creates a small shockwave. This shockwave is entirely non-magical, and deals normal blunt damage (the same like Air Elemental Whirlwind).i don't suppose shockwave could ignore magic resistance???
Edited by T.G.Maestro, 05 May 2004 - 02:22 AM.
Posted 05 May 2004 - 02:43 AM
Edited by T.G.Maestro, 06 May 2004 - 12:33 AM.