Imoen Romance - Lessons Learned
Posted 22 April 2004 - 01:10 AM
Now, since my mod will not operate alongside the mod of Lord M (at least, I have no intention of trying to make it so) then it seems people will need to choose between the two. While the fact that his has been out for a while and mine will be out long after means that people will likely be in a position where they have tried his and now want to try mine, it seems important still that I consider that this one needs to correct the mistakes his made so as to win people over.
To this end, I ask those of you who have played the Imoen romance, where did it go right, and where did it go wrong? What elements of that mod would you like to see in this mod (considering the different goals of the two), and which would you rather seen burned at the stake?
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 22 April 2004 - 06:54 PM
Hello, my name is Drasius, and I'm a pervy Imoen fancier.
*From the crowd*
Hi Drasius!
Ahh, sorry 'bout that, my bad sense of humour.
The first thing which threw me was that s/he made Imoen a lesbian, where is the evidence for this?
I feel that some of her dialouge wasn't quite in character, especially the swearing(I don't have a problem with her swearing, it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time).
She sometime had far to much dialouge in one sitting(ie. 7 or 8 paragraghs without a response from PC, other than when she was relating what happened or telling a story of course).
The ability to force talk her was good, though the subject matter could have been broadened considerably.
I personally like the idea of the early dreams where you share something of what Imoen is going though(ie the last Imoen dream). I know the idea is to go and get Imoen ASAP, which is much better than waiting around letting her suffer, so could we possibly have an early Imoen dream sharing some of the pain she is going through perhaps?
I mentioned this yesterday in another thread, but I will say it again here. I rather like the conversation when Imoen asks you how you are doing, it seems that no-one ever asks that of PC, just assumes s/he is fine and will solve everyones problems. Even with Jahiera, you can't express anything more that either:
i) Yes, of course I'm fine, I am full of good and righteousness.
ii) Yes, of course I'm fine, I shall have the power rightfully mine and fufill my evil birthright
iii) Bugger off Jahiera
The ability to express doubt and a talk with Imoen about what's going on, what to do next, how to deal with things(specific and general) would be nice.
I thought the scene after you come out of the underdark was done tremenously well, the musical instrument added a very nice touch, and revealed a side to Imoen that allows her another avenue of escape and ability to cope with what has happened.
The scene in the morning where she catches you unaware was perfectly Imoen IMHO, the right balance of playfulness and misceviousness, as well as the whole close childhood friend/sister thing, something of simpler times.
The unsureness(is that even a word?) that seems to grip Imoen after you rescue her was good, though a bit short lived, though the flashback or two was done moderately well. I thought the constant sad face cheering up when she notices you looking at her(ie, she's putting on a brave face for you) could have been explore a bit more, but was sufficeint.
More talk with party members about what happened and how to cope would be nice, especially with Jahiera since they have been together for quite a while.
Thanks for listening(well, reading, but you know what I mean) to that rant, but I am really looking forward to this mod, and I would like to see an Imoen as close to "My Imoen" as possible.
If and when you get frustrated by everyones constant bickering, remeber that the constant request for imput is what makes a good modder and is what makes for good mods.
Posted 23 April 2004 - 06:13 AM
What it did wrong- I would have to say the eventual opportunity to beat her to death in (what seemed like) every other dialogue. It was too much. If you've played it, you might know what I mean.
Posted 23 April 2004 - 06:28 AM
Posted 23 April 2004 - 07:47 AM
The romance itself, I take it, so irrelevant here so I'll ignore it.
The backstory, starting at Candlekeep and including Imoen's torments in Spellhold was very welcome. A little melodramatic in places but with me, a very little melodrama goes a very long way.
The Good options to support Imoen in healing and maturing were also welcome. Too few of them and too limited in content if anything.
I didn't like his slant on the Evil options. Apparently Lord M. conceived of an Evil PC as being nothing more than a mindless brute who would further Imoen's mental disintegration simply because, Imoen being so vulnerable, he could. While that's certainly one way of Evil, I prefer more manipulative, self-serving options like molding her into an obedient, utterly dependent mind slave. That way is not only as much sadistic fun but the end product is still of some use.
Of course, something Evil like that could have been there and I missed it.
Posted 24 April 2004 - 01:55 AM
I think it was supposed to be a chaotic reply. What that reminds me of, however, is a conversation I had with someone wherein we were talking about "having too much fun with it" - meaning some of the responses were just there to be there and others were supposed to be silly or funny.. utterly useless and, if used too much, annoying as hell. Mirrabbo had a little fun with it; how much, is a matter of opinion.I'm fairly sure I've been told that there was one in which it was possible to say "I need a poo," although don't take this as certain, since I haven't played the mod. As much as it may be hilarious to inform Imoen of your bowel cycles, I don't think responses like this add a great deal to a mod.

Hmm.. sort of like 'bondari reloads' - which I liked, but mentioned for the purposes of the point. ..and most of the ToB dialogues in Saradush, for that matter - which I didn't like because I was paying for a fu*king story not (continuous) ignorant, camp lines.

Posted 24 April 2004 - 07:58 AM
Also, those random nonsensical replies were rather annoying, especially one completely stupid reply where you are sniffing Imoen's underwear or something, it seemed to just turn into a nonsense talk mod, so I'd advise against doing stuff like that.
Something also rather annoying was that he made Imoen sex-crazed. You could do her just about anywhere - a dungeon, a druid grove, the middle of the street, the basement of the Five Flagons... meaning you saw less development in her healing, she just seems to use sex to get away from it all - which I believe is not Imoen. Most of the talks you have with her end up in sex, but since this is no romance, I have a feeling we won't need to worry about that.
He did seem to get the way Imoen spoke down pat, but it's not that hard to talk like Imoen, dontcha think?
Hmm.. what else annoyed me? Hmm... Oh yeah, the fact that you can beat her to near-death all the time, but she ALWAYS ends up killing you with a dagger to the neck, never mind you have a dexterity of a bajillion, you can't dodge this!
Oh, too much swearing, like "FUCK YOU IMOEN!" to which she probably replied something like "Hmm... down here? In this basement?" *pukes*
Overall, the mod didn't really EXPAND Imoen in any direction from what we know, oh it ADDED things, but didn't EXPAND her, if you catch my drift.
I think that's about it, because I deleted it from my PC and can't go back to look at it, and I don't really like the romance at the end of the day.
I'm sure if you avoid all these points, Quitch, then you'll do fine, but then you are a superior writer in all aspects, I think. Hmm.. I have a hunch this might turn into an Imoen Romance-bashing thread

Posted 24 April 2004 - 02:31 PM
He did seem to get the way Imoen spoke down pat, but it's not that hard to talk like Imoen, dontcha think?
I think everyone has different ideas of how Imoen talks. I, for example, don't like the way jcompton writes her. I think he has a real talent for impersonating the NPCs, but I just don't like his Imoen writing. This is in part the reason I opened up several writing topics so people could raise this sort of thing with me.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 24 April 2004 - 07:55 PM
Were that to happen, she'd be asexual. Take it over to the Imoen's sexuality thread, guest; I, for one, will surely engage you in a conversation about this. It's all I can do to keep from laughing my ass off when people start this "proof" line of logic - It is, and will always be, a subjective opinion.If you were to keep within the bounds that we know of Imoen then that would be better.
Only if, as you did, people limit the discussion to pointing out what annoyed them.Hmm.. I have a hunch this might turn into an Imoen Romance-bashing thread

Posted 25 April 2004 - 02:06 AM
Also... it should make a difference between Underdark and not Underdark. I mean, if two drow females decide to steal their group leaders' stuff (Aerie&Immy joke on PC), the group leader, especially when female, should just kill them or have the Handmaidens punish them instead of laughing along. Drow, as we know, are NOT known for their sense of humour.
Posted 25 April 2004 - 02:48 AM
My problems came from not enough options... Okay some people say that was the opposite by I continue.
I did offer romance to anny race and class, but avoided evil characters, now this is something you said that you would include so I'll leave it at that.
Lord M. did include some things that were out of place, not usually with the writing, but with the swearing and like mentioned above, the Drow events.
Another thing that you have mentioned is that there will be space for both friendship and possible romance, yet Lord M. seemed to only offer softcore porn at every turn instead.
I agree that what I have seen of your dialogue over the last few years, is better than Old Jason's Immie dialogue anyday.
And as mentioned a while ago and wouldn't mind an Imoen+PC pregnancy or instead a cat named Gospel and a blue dog named Cybersquirt!!!
LSWSjr of LSWSjr Australia singing off
In the end, when the chips are down, when you feel like its all over, you have to ask yourself "Was this the right way to be defeated by the inevitable?" and there is only one answer... "It is in this liftime, so I'll see ya in the next, Rowan T. of LSWSjr Publications signing off!"
*Rowan Tritton of LSWSjr Publications/Productions/Studios Australia.
Posted 25 April 2004 - 12:21 PM
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 25 April 2004 - 12:31 PM
If I am wrong and there is a "drow event", I'll just delete this post and pretend I never said anything...
Visit the Gibberlings Three!
Posted 25 April 2004 - 07:47 PM

Posted 26 April 2004 - 05:12 AM

Posted 26 April 2004 - 02:20 PM
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 26 April 2004 - 09:15 PM
Imoen did seem to have an overactive libido, but I'm not sure if it would be wise to pass judgement on that area of the mod just yet. There is a dialogue wherein Imoen talks of her fears about their relationship becoming completely about sex, and in a possible outcome (seemingly the main one) she basically decides to stop being such a horn-dog and start focusing more on having a "sweeter" relationship. This is a later dialogue, so the results would not be seen until the TOB part of the mod. There are other things, such as the sparseness of meaningful reaction from other characters, but I think that a really informed opinion could be formed only when the TOB portion of the mod has come out. It promises to be at least twice as large as the SOA portion.
I would also like to say I don't see why the bisexual thing is a big deal. Imoen was given zero development in BGI, aside from the whole childhood friend deal, which is standard fantasy fare. In SOA, I cannot even remember any dialogues with her related to sexuality in any form. The lack of info on the issue seems to put it under modder's prerogative.
Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"For I Have Tasted The Fruit"
Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:42 AM
It seems like Imoen is manipulative in the mod. "I dreamed of us having sex, but I don't want to have sex with you, so ner!" It just seems quite tasteless that she kind of... provokes a reaction from the character, yet she is utterly disgusted and swears at you and tries to beat you up when you click that reaction that was so blatantly provoked.
It seems most dialogues were written while Lord Mirrabo was having a wank (pardon my french) or was extremely horny and just skipped over the friendship part and wants to force you into sex with her. It's obvious what dialogues had most effort put into them (the sex-related ones).
The only thing I liked out of it all, really, was that Imoen seemed scarred from her time in Spellhold, like the odd occasion she would look in the direction that it was, unknowingly.
Maybe I'm wrong, I played it like, a year ago or something like that, so I'm going mainly by memory.
Posted 07 May 2004 - 01:58 PM
Posted 07 May 2004 - 02:12 PM