btw, english isn't my native tongue... so
arrrrgghhh... finally jerr said it all... i thought i was the only one to see it that way...
these are only options!!!! ROLEPLAY... ROLE PLAYING GAME how many times is required to say it?
for (;
you aren't forced to follow this path... you don't have to romance her, to de-vamp her...
almost everyone posted their opinion on if she would romance/ de-vamp /stay-the-same because of this or that... any role player can find a storyline that justifies it... heck, i bet 2 or 3 people here could even get a story for Valen to de-vamp and turn into a priest or cleric...(i know i am... and i don't even play p&p games) -g- stop being so biased
although i don't entirely agree with the plot, the medal sure goes to Aroc, it seems he was the only one that wrote some new options(only text for now) for the mod... making it more roleplayable for some people... if you don't like it, don't play it... or better yet... choose the dialog options you find fitting for you Charname
now for the real content... what is really needed in the mod, as for role playing sake
give her more interjections and banters... these can/should be a plentora of them... AND they should be different from Charname aligment
A ) "i admire your power & brutality Charname... you'll make a God a thousand times more worthy of the title Lord of Murder than your father" - Sarevok pops in and "bahh... he's a weakling... just let me get my chance"
B ) "your good deeds just make me sick... maybe we need to change things here... Edwin, care for a conspiracy plan?" - also possible, she could attack you; only stopping after below X HP
(remember! role play! for crying out loud)
the interesting thing in the paths bellow is that you can get to choose from more than one 'ending' based on your aligment; since there is the duality of good/evil/neutral and lawfull/chaotic/true)
abuse her - you are an EVIL aligned bastard(you killed kenny lol
there's no love in this. you find her atractive and want a brutal sex relation with her... you abuse her, rape her, et cetera... treat her like garbage and she loves it
- a possibility also: you abuse her too much and she steels(magic, enraged bite, you put it here to justify that) 2 CON to you. and you can only get those 2 CON back by killing her. hey?
ohhh... and of course the PC doesn't know how to get those 2 CON back... even better: if she steels those 2 CON and the PC kills her, PC gets 3 CON (this weakens the option of the player loading a previous saved game and dump her before & strenghens your evilness... chaotic evil change anyone?
if you treat her like garbage(but not abusively) she bites you... granting some vamp powers to you; i don't know... maybe immune to level drain or perm negative plane protection (TG Maestro rebalancing needed here
seduce her - you are NEUTRAL
as the aligment suggest it, you would have to be nice one day and rough the other... but you're the one in charge
her alignment would change to "CHAOTIC NEUTRAL" maybe?
on a crazy night you kiss-bite her and drink a tiny bit of her blood, gaining immunity to poison and disease maybe? (im not sure if the poison-disease imu happens in ToB, if so: change it)
be seduced by her - you are NEUTRAL
encore, but since she's the one in charge your aligment would change to EVIL
Valen - "are you really interested in me? do you find me exciting? lustfull?"
PC - "yes... blahblah.." 'charname kisses Valen'
'while kissing Valen bites you' 'you perm lost 10 HP' 'Valen perm gained 10 HP'
Valen - "i know can trust you.. you have proven yourself to me"
redeem her - GOODie hero / male or female
you always say the right thing, dont give her space for evilness(no more biting)... ask about her past, try to understand and give a new vision to her... fight a wicked(very difficult) 1-on-1 battle for her, letting her see the goodness of living kind
romance her - you always loved strange relations... CHAOS is your random middle name
you're crazy... you follow your hormones
your replies to her are almost random... sometimes you let her kill, sometimes not
but at the same time always transmit some interest in her
you are romancing her... but is she really romancing you?
you dont get no special ability/feat... and at one battle(why not a 'family' vamp reunion) she turns against you...
if you kill the enemies and forgive her: she really starts romancing you (but doesnt stop being evil or killing some innocents)
if you dont forgive her: romance is over... or the fake/hollow/cinic romance continues
de-vamp(redeem is included) & romance her - GOODie hero with hormones on fire
this should certainly be the hardest(battle aspect) and most difficult(banter aspect) of all the paths... i talked about role play above, but... i think we all agree that de-vamping ain't the same as changing aligment... it's a lot harder from a fiction point of view (i understood as de-vamp to stop being a vampire)... you're changing race... and living status!
you can redeem someone by talking, romance by talking, but to de-vamp... some uber magic must come at reach... a major hard battle is required... something like... a kangaxx & friends... lol... i don't know exactly, but it should be very hard
IMO the de-vamp should only happens in ToB and it's not obligatory(you could only redeem and romance her)
a wicked dialog path must be taken for this to work. you love her and are trying to redeem her... but OTOH you cant see her suffer and so let her have a snack (and since you're good, -2 rep each time you let her bite someone)
after de-vamping she changes aligment to NEUTRAL + Charname modifier & she would keep most of her powers, loose some and gain others (ex: loose the drain level and negative plane protection; +20% slash/bash/pierce resist)
Charname would gain also... hmmm...? immunity to fear? or maybe mind spells? 'you dont fear nothing... you don't move an inch to achive your goals... nothing, neither nobody can change your mind/will because your heart has a place with Valen... you know you are safe with her'
phiiuuu... this sure steels some time... -g- i hope it will have some use... lol
we all know that nobody is going to implement all this... there are a bunch-o-rama of possible dialog and events able to happen for this to be a positive 'upgrade' to the mod... but if someone(or several groups of someones) writes the dialogs and estipulates the events for things to happen(like Aroc did), great of the work is cutted out... leaving only the programming (i never modded, but i think that having the dialogs and events defined; it won't be that hard or a massive work load)
but still, some modder would have to be interested in doing it, and i doubt Weimer as the time for it