Bitter Grey Ashes update
Posted 12 January 2010 - 09:17 PM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 13 January 2010 - 03:49 AM
Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:53 PM
Added chapter 65Hey I love BGA and was wondering if you're going to continue writing? Can't stop reading!
Posted 05 March 2013 - 08:42 PM
It's been three years since the last update, so chances aren't good unfortunately.
Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 05 March 2013 - 09:29 PM
We Russians say that hope dies last, so I'm still expecting an update most greedily. (Sits down and waits patiently)
IWD NPC, Xan, The Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, Assassinations, Dungeon Crawl, Reunion, Branwen, Coran, Tiax, Xan BG1 Friendship
BG1 NPC, Romantic Encounters
Posted 05 March 2013 - 09:47 PM
We French say tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir (as long as we're still alive, there's hope), so I'm not giving up entirely either. Just saying that the odds aren't looking so good (and that is my job after all, weighing odds).
Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 06 March 2013 - 07:38 AM
We French say tant qu'il y a de la vie, il y a de l'espoir (as long as we're still alive, there's hope), so I'm not giving up entirely either.Just saying that the odds aren't looking so good (and that is my job after all, weighing odds).
Another that might be appropriate is qui vivra, vera
Working and playing on a Mac Pro 6,1 running Mac OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra, and a Mac Pro 3,1 running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan.
~Buion na 'ell! I serve with joy! Your eyes and ears I shall be. Let us hunt together!~
- Erysseril Gwaethorien: a joinable, romanceable NPC mod for BGII - SoA/ToB, in sporadic development.
A female elf warrior of nature and a Bhaalspawn cross paths during their quests, joining forces to share adventure and companionship. Will they find more?
Posted 22 June 2013 - 04:09 AM
I certainly hope there will be more since one of my friends nags me endlessly about lack of updates for the story. So, for the sake of my sanity (and survival of my f5 key), I join the cheering crowd in waiting (and cheering) for the update
Heck no, b - I used the word the way I use things like "twitter", and "iPod" - my first inclination is to ask "what birdcall are you studying?" and I think of "I pod, You (singular) pod, He pods, She pods, They pod, You (plural) pod, We pod..."
Writings ►☼◄ Visual Shiny Pretties ►☼◄ Another Writings
You think you still have some brain in your head?
Posted 26 May 2014 - 03:03 PM
We all wait together. I admit that these chapters are being a drug - I read them furiously, hungering for more ...
Edited by Sergio, 26 May 2014 - 03:04 PM.
Low hung brow, dazed look on your face..... It appears that you are correct, my friend. You are indeed a complete imbecile.