Bitter Grey Ashes update
Posted 11 October 2006 - 10:51 AM

Posted 11 October 2006 - 12:29 PM
I would have to say that Ryndeth's convincing himself that Joneleth is a clone might be tinged with hysteria, actually. His impulsiveness in deciding to kill Joneleth seems to support that notion. His claim to be able to help the 'clone' gain a spark of free will strikes me as being at least slightly hypocritical.
I wonder how Joneleth will deal with the new possibility to explain his existence, not as a reincarnation, but as a clone. He seems to be keeping his cool well enough, thankfully, given the dire situation. Hopefully he'll keep Ryndeth distracted long enough so that someone else will arrive to stop him. In any case, I hope he gets the selu'kiira soon. I wonder if Joneleth will decide to go see Ellesime before going to Evereska. Considering how much he seems to be dreading that meeting, I would think not.
Posted 11 October 2006 - 06:46 PM
I would have to say that Ryndeth's convincing himself that Joneleth is a clone might be tinged with hysteria, actually. His impulsiveness in deciding to kill Joneleth seems to support that notion. His claim to be able to help the 'clone' gain a spark of free will strikes me as being at least slightly hypocritical.
I am glad that came through - it was in fact my intent to show that Ryn is obsessed with his personal revenge upon Joneleth aka Irenicus, thus his motives and his actions are only rational from that pov - he wants his revenge. Badly. He can convince himself of anything that will benefit his agenda.
There are some interesting things planned for this part... I am hoping to get back into a more regular writing rhythm now.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 24 January 2008 - 04:41 PM
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 31 March 2008 - 10:31 PM
Maybe I can write an ending to the story one day... It is nice to be writing again,
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 07 April 2008 - 10:56 AM
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 07 April 2008 - 11:12 AM
EDIT - All better now

"Bloody elfling"...
"Otherwise, how did you get a ruby wedged into your forehead?"
Edited by Icendoan, 07 April 2008 - 11:56 AM.
Posted 16 April 2008 - 03:06 PM
My thanks go to Maidros for bearing with my schedule and being invaluable editor.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 17 April 2008 - 07:26 PM
I understand that Ryndeth in part wished to keep his promise to Nyonin, but was bearing the selu'kiira truly such a painful burden for him? Was it because it reminded him all too well of everything that he has lost? Furthermore, was there some part of Ryndeth that was afraid to kill Joneleth with his own hands? Ryndeth could have easily killed Joneleth in a simpler manner without implementing such a convoluted method, so I surmise in part he must have been afraid to do the deed with his own hands. Or perhaps Ryndeth felt that being free of the burden of bearing the selu'kiira was more important, or perhaps he chose the method he did because he wanted Joneleth to suffer as much as possible in the process.
The fact that the selu'kiira has successfully bonded to Joneleth without costing him his life or sanity is encouraging. It seems he has been deemed worthy, after all. By the way, would all selu'kiira need to be linked to potential wielders in such a manner? Could it not have been done back in Joneleth's cell? Since Joneleth does not seem able to acceess the selu'kiira's lore, I suppose it will be revealed to him slowly, otherwise all the influx of knowledge at once might overwhelm him.
By the way, whatever is Miamla doing now? I do hope Omwo and Joneleth are at least able to retrieve her before they leave.
I wonder how the Irenicus persona will react to this development. I somehow imagine that he will make a caustic, biting remark to Joneleth that it should have been him who received the selu'kiira, that Joneleth does not deserve such an honor. Irenicus was slightly helpful last time when Joneleth saw Ryndeth at the theater. Considering that their existence was on the line, I thought that Irenicus might have been willing to help a little more instead of manifesting simply to insult Joneleth and rue the travesty of a family welcome. I had wondered why Irenicus did not simply force his persona to become the dominant one. Perhaps it is because Joneleth's will is just as strong as Irenicus', and Joneleth is not willing to let Irenicus take over. Of course, when they see Ellesime again, that impetus could very well be enough for Irenicus to make a serious effort of becoming dominant over Joneleth.
About the high mages, are there so few left that not a one could come to help Suldanessellar? I seem to remember later on that after Evereska was devastated by the phaerim, some high mages from Evermeet did come to help repair the mythal, or something of the sort. Of course, as part of his atonement, I'm assuming Joneleth will have to go back to his birthplace eventually to help repair the mythal. I think some other high mages will be needed though to form a circle, though. Such is the nature of the Elven high magic. Of course, I wonder how much Joneleth will have to struggle with Ellesime afterwards to let him proceed to Evereska, since she might not be willing to let him go. Then there is also the matter of the twins. Going back for them would be very impractical right now, so I wonder how they will meet up with Joneleth, Omwo, and Miamla.
Posted 17 April 2008 - 07:36 PM
Posted 19 April 2008 - 04:14 PM
I had hoped it would not come to this for Ryndeth, but given how utterly he had been consumed by his thirst for revenge, I suppose it was inevitable it would end this way for him. Perhaps he will at least be in Arvandor, reunited with Yave, with nothing else. By the way, was it the energy from the ritual that half-melted his face? Did that happen only because it was sensed that Ryndeth was harboring decidedly ill intentions?
The 'Kiira stone accepted new bearer and since it is a semi-conscious entity its action was to protect him. It is one of the spells worked into the stone itself. Btw the artifact itself has no 'morale' embedded only a set of rules to follow. It estimates the new bearer and finds them worthy - ie of 'proper' blood line and satisfactory magic power with no evil intentions towards Elven community. Since the 'new' Jon memory is a blank page he is acceptable to the stone. The stone also has ability to see the other 'lurking' personality and estimate the potential danger/benefit. At this point the stone is very much in control of the situation - which can be a double-edged sword.
I understand that Ryndeth in part wished to keep his promise to Nyonin, but was bearing the selu'kiira truly such a painful burden for him? Was it because it reminded him all too well of everything that he has lost? Furthermore, was there some part of Ryndeth that was afraid to kill Joneleth with his own hands? Ryndeth could have easily killed Joneleth in a simpler manner without implementing such a convoluted method, so I surmise in part he must have been afraid to do the deed with his own hands. Or perhaps Ryndeth felt that being free of the burden of bearing the selu'kiira was more important, or perhaps he chose the method he did because he wanted Joneleth to suffer as much as possible in the process.
Bearing the Selu'Kiira is indeed a burden, since it is like bearing a time-bomb in your pocket. An accidental contact with the skin - and you are a gibbering idiot. It is also wounding to one's pride since it is an artifact of great power.
The fact that the selu'kiira has successfully bonded to Joneleth without costing him his life or sanity is encouraging. It seems he has been deemed worthy, after all. By the way, would all selu'kiira need to be linked to potential wielders in such a manner? Could it not have been done back in Joneleth's cell? Since Joneleth does not seem able to acceess the selu'kiira's lore, I suppose it will be revealed to him slowly, otherwise all the influx of knowledge at once might overwhelm him.
The kiira is bounded - but he has no control over it since he has no connection to the Elven Spirit yet.
It could have been done in the cell, true. But Ryndeth wanted to be flashy and present the facts as 'Seldarine justice' - so he dragged his captive to the Seldarine circle so he could later claim it was a 'divine interference'. 'Kiira stone would have teleported itself to a vault in Evermeet - that is what such artifacts do if they have no hope of finding a bearer.
By the way, whatever is Miamla doing now? I do hope Omwo and Joneleth are at least able to retrieve her before they leave.
Miamla is inside the entrance to the Underdark - conversing with Demin under patronage of the new Guardian. She of course sensed his presence in the area and bee-lined towards his lair.
I wonder how the Irenicus persona will react to this development. I somehow imagine that he will make a caustic, biting remark to Joneleth that it should have been him who received the selu'kiira, that Joneleth does not deserve such an honor. Irenicus was slightly helpful last time when Joneleth saw Ryndeth at the theater. Considering that their existence was on the line, I thought that Irenicus might have been willing to help a little more instead of manifesting simply to insult Joneleth and rue the travesty of a family welcome. I had wondered why Irenicus did not simply force his persona to become the dominant one. Perhaps it is because Joneleth's will is just as strong as Irenicus', and Joneleth is not willing to let Irenicus take over. Of course, when they see Ellesime again, that impetus could very well be enough for Irenicus to make a serious effort of becoming dominant over Joneleth.
Irenicus actually is not an old Irenicus - but the one after going through the Deva Spark quest and making a deal with Corellon. The fellow is prideful as a devil and the very thought of getting such an artifact might actually spur him towards doing the Seldarine's bidding and completing the quest of saving Evereska.
He cannot become a dominant persona yet because, as in every case of split personality disorder, he is hiding from his own present pretending to be 'not here at all'. Simply put it - he is deeply ashamed of all that happened. But now he has a reason to try to come to terms with it.
About the high mages, are there so few left that not a one could come to help Suldanessellar? I seem to remember later on that after Evereska was devastated by the phaerim, some high mages from Evermeet did come to help repair the mythal, or something of the sort. Of course, as part of his atonement, I'm assuming Joneleth will have to go back to his birthplace eventually to help repair the mythal. I think some other high mages will be needed though to form a circle, though. Such is the nature of the Elven high magic. Of course, I wonder how much Joneleth will have to struggle with Ellesime afterwards to let him proceed to Evereska, since she might not be willing to let him go. Then there is also the matter of the twins. Going back for them would be very impractical right now, so I wonder how they will meet up with Joneleth, Omwo, and Miamla.
There are several reasons for Evermeet mages not coming - Evermeet was just attacked by the cabal of renegade golden elf traitors and drow - a plot organized by Lloth somewhere in the summer-fall time frame of 1371. Sul is a remote settlement with a small and rather exotic mythal and no elfgates in the area. Ellesime was able to get help after Jon's first attack and I imagine her being rather ashamed of her own mistake of allowing the second attack to happen. By the time she was ready to swallow her pride and summon help - the Evermeet was already under attack - they are not recovered yet. Attack on Evereska will come later this year of 1372 - and by that time vermeet will be more responsive . Btw, when Evereska is under attack yet again - from the fyi'rii the Queen of Evermeet refuses to send help sayinh something like 'enough is enough'. My high mages are exhausted and I cannot risk it .
Hope it answered most of your questions!
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 19 April 2008 - 04:16 PM
Hm, well, killing Eldoth a second time is going to be more difficult, seeing as Bodhi probably intends to raise him as a vampire. Perhaps this is how the twins will meet up with Joneleth. Perhaps Bodhi will send them after him. Joneleth and Omwo need to keep a good pace. I do not relish the thought of Bodhi catching up to them, not for Joneleth's sake at least. Well, as a cheering thought, once Bodhi fails and dies again, I'm sure Lloth and Kiaransalee are waiting back in the Abyss with all sorts of torments waiting for her.
I have rather more 'interesting' fate in storage for Eldoth. You shall see soon. And yes - the twins will be involved in the story some more later on.
LLoth is on her way to 'falling silent' in 1372. So she will be very much out of the picture soon - having made her small but significant contribution.

Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 20 April 2008 - 04:32 AM
By the way, whatever is Miamla doing now? I do hope Omwo and Joneleth are at least able to retrieve her before they leave.
Miamla is inside the entrance to the Underdark - conversing with Demin under patronage of the new Guardian. She of course sensed his presence in the area and bee-lined towards his lair.
Given what I know of the habits of brass dragons, I take it this means we'll next see her somewhere around Chapter 91?

I'm glad to finally have another chapter to read. :3
"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard
Posted 01 May 2008 - 10:08 PM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 19 May 2008 - 06:28 PM
Also added a new mini-map with relative locations of Tethyr-on-the-surface
vs Old Shanatar in the Underdark.
Look for the link at the end of the Ch 61 - in the annotations section.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 25 May 2008 - 12:30 AM
I just hope Joneleth does not get ambushed by Underdark denizens working for Bohdi. I just wonder how the group will reunite. Beyond that, though, I am not certain that Miamla aside, any of Joneleth's companions would be welcomed into Everska, at least for the long term. Aluril did instruct him that warning Erlan Duirstar and the council of elders about the Vyshaantar tomb was only the first step. After that, Joneleth still has a long road, living with the other Tel'Quessir and gradually healing the rifts until he is accepted as one of them again.
Posted 12 June 2008 - 11:16 PM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 28 September 2009 - 07:29 PM
I need beta readers. Please contact me if you are interested.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 29 September 2009 - 01:50 PM
Posted 12 October 2009 - 07:17 AM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes