Bitter Grey Ashes update
Posted 10 February 2005 - 02:15 PM
Posted 11 February 2005 - 08:07 AM
Edited by dorotea, 11 February 2005 - 08:08 AM.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 11 February 2005 - 10:07 AM

Posted 12 February 2005 - 11:07 PM
Posted 14 February 2005 - 11:49 PM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:51 PM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 22 February 2005 - 10:52 PM
The Chase and can be found here:
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 23 February 2005 - 10:27 PM
As a fellow writer, I understand all too well what you mean about your characters having their own wills. That is the mark of an excellent writer, after all, to make their characters truly become alive. Then we must have faith that Joneleth will make the right choice in the end, as it is he who must ultimately choose.
Posted 23 February 2005 - 11:33 PM
I knew Joneleth was going to react very badly to Errilam's idea. For a monarch, Errilam can be rather irresponsible, letting his emotions run so rampant. I suppose Bodhi plans to kill Errilam on this hunt, and that will interfere with Joneleth's own plan. I take it from here one thing will lead to another as the situation goes from bad to worse, culminating in Joneleth trying to take the Tree's power.
Oh yes, this time you've got it --Bodhi is under geas, but 'dear' brother forgot that he himself left her a loophole in his formulation of the geas... From there it will get worse. Besides, that rune was a bit more than deafness-silence and he missed it - being busy with Errilam and all.
As a fellow writer, I understand all too well what you mean about your characters having their own wills. That is the mark of an excellent writer, after all, to make their characters truly become alive. Then we must have faith that Joneleth will make the right choice in the end, as it is he who must ultimately choose.
Ah - interesting that you confess of being a writer as well.

I am trying to make his final choice organic and believable -- as you just noted characters do have life of their own. If I manage to prove it to myself that he would ultimately make the right choice -- so he will... Re-learning how to love and be loved is not an easy task after a century or so of rot and corruption...
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 24 February 2005 - 09:59 AM
I'm sure you'll be able to prove it to yourself and the audience that Joneleth will make the right choice. No one ever said redemption would be easy or instantaneous, but that is what makes it so rewarding when one succeeds. It will be hard, but if it's any consolation, I for one trust Joneleth to make it through.
Posted 24 February 2005 - 06:58 PM

Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 28 February 2005 - 10:10 PM
As for the plot's progression, when we return to the present, I don't suppose Joneleth is going to suffer another fit of 'shameful' weeping anytime soon? That is the one certain way of truly making him lose his calm. The one thing he truly cannot tolerate is being perceived as a coward. That trait carries positive and negative associations, depending on the situation.
Posted 11 April 2005 - 05:30 PM
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 11 April 2005 - 07:36 PM
PnP Celestials
Geomantic Sorcerer Kit
Posted 13 April 2005 - 12:11 PM
The situation did seem to be partially Ellesime's responsibility. She should have had more faith in Joneleth's innocence, though I suppose it is understandable that she thought he was guilty.
As for Mirriam, well it's nice, I suppose, to see her regaining her old vitality.
Posted 04 May 2005 - 06:47 AM
Posted 30 May 2005 - 12:55 PM
If all goes according to my plans the 'Royal Hunt' will be finished in two-three more installments, and then I can go back to the future.
Maidros was so kind as to make a table in pdf format, explaining the Royal Hunt timeline.
The teble can be found at the bottom of the page. My aplogies for once again being so late with updates -- I was on vacation and than very busy at work.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 01 June 2005 - 06:35 AM
I also find myself somewhat annoyed at Ellesime for not having more faith in Joneleth.
That's what the rune did. Did it disrupt Joneleth's reverie that severly that hs body deteriorated so badly? Or was it merely an illusion?
Despite everything he will end up doing, I do feel sympathy for Joneleth. He is innocent, and nobody believes him, not even Ellesime.
Posted 01 June 2005 - 10:59 AM
And Ellesime's anger was more of a facade, at least until the crime is proven for certain. What I am trying to achieve, is a lot of tension and distress, that would weaken the existing bonds and provoke his later downfall. It had to have started 'somewhere'.
Freedom cannot be equated with goodness, virtue, or perfection. Freedom has its own unique self-contained nature; freedom is freedom ? not universal goodness. Any confusion or deliberate equalization of freedom with goodness and excellence is in itself negation of freedom, and acceptance of the path of restraint and enforcement.
Nikolai Berdyaev - Christian Existentialist, Philosopher of Freedom.
The Longer Road mod
Redemption mod
Bitter Grey Ashes
Posted 01 June 2005 - 09:07 PM