Warning! This message contains spoilers for the novels based on the BG saga, read at your own peril, and make sure you have a bucket handy!This is a really really interesting question that has no right answer.
It's pointless to yell at each other about it to be honest. There just isn't a right answer. Civil discussion is the way to go on this, and at least acknowledge that there isn't a "ONE TRUE ANSWER" to the question.
Everyone forgets that Abeir-Toril simply isn't Earth, and Earth's social mores do not apply in any way shape or form.
Having said that, the
BG saga was written by a team of developers who are mostly male and only had the canon source material to work with. Attitudes and such towards homosexuality are not mentioned in any of the books I have on the Realms (and I'm up to date with 3rd Edition Realms sources, having just bought Underdark the other week)... However, there is at least one mention of a homosexual couple (Yanseldara and her consort Vaerana Hawklyn, the former who rules the city of Elversult, the latter who pretty much runs the Watch of Elversult) in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. When directly confronted about the use of the word
consort Sean Reynolds (one of the four authors of the book) was evasive, and like Peter Thomas of Bioware on Juhani in KotOR, refused to address it directly. He basically said "read it as you will"... There is a very clear difference between consort and cohort, and a very clear definition of the word consort - and yet he wouldn't say yes or no.
The novels of the
BG saga are exceptions to the usual from TSR/
WotC and Hasbro... and I suspect the only reason it got past people was because it was a time of transition for TSR, moving first to
WotC then
WotC being bought by Hasbro... Phil Athans, who wrote the first two novels is both an author and editor for
WotC... The last novel is by Drew Karpyshyn, who is an employee of Bioware. The first book in the series has the TSR Silver Anniversary logo on it, the last has
WotC's logo.
HERE is what Ed Greenwood says about the world he invented. You'll have to scroll down the message a little - it's in the section that addresses me directly. I'll quote it below incase you're too lazy to look.

(Yes I did notice it had been quoted in this thread before, but I suspect people ignored it.

Alexandra (or Zandilar; which do you prefer?), yes,
the "original" Realms had many lesbian, gay male,
inter-race, and multiple-partner unions (as a matter
of calm, everyday norm), but these were simply omitted
from the printed version because of TSR's standards
(which even forced the change of the word "brothel" on
my maps to be changed to "festhall"). And no, to
everyone, I'm not a lust-fixated man, I was merely
taking the National Geographic approach: "I'm merely
reporting what the natives are, and do..."
In conclusion... The canon Imoen is both a lesbian and a very very dead young woman, slain by the drowish assassin Sedai while in Belthazar's care - her immortal soul carelessly quashed and totally obspellholdstudios.netlitterated beyond the help of any deity. *grinds teeth* Jaheira too is very very dead and beyond the help of any deity *grinds teeth again*, and Minsc is just a madman with a rat. Why is this canon? Because Realms novels are canon. Specifically because it changed nothing about the Realms, there isn't any reason to believe the novels aren't canon...

(Please note, the canonality of the novels is something I vehemently disagree with!)