Imoen's sexuality
Posted 27 April 2004 - 11:47 AM
I stick by the fact that Imoen is heterosexual, as is indicated from the dialogues in the game.
Posted 27 April 2004 - 11:18 PM
If she can't "see" something as "stupid" as gender, I figure she needs quite some glasses...To her it seems something stupid as gender wouldn't get in the way of feelings. She see's a man/women for who they are, not for what they are. Or vice versa?
ouch, the two "hot topics" are still alive

Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 28 April 2004 - 02:25 PM

This is the thread that never ends...
It goes on and on and then...

Posted 28 April 2004 - 02:33 PM
It my opinion, she can be done either way as long as it is well written. What would bother me more is if you choose to make her bisexual simply by making ignoring PC gender.
Posted 29 April 2004 - 02:58 AM
I would like to add my 2 pence if there arn't any objections to someone new joining the arguement,
I would say that Imoen may be bisexual (I won't say is) and that she may be hetro, homo, or any other preference you can think of,
My reason being that in BgII I've played a few chars and one comment made in BgII ToB that happened to my wildmage female elf, and to my fighter/priest male human was from Viconia saying something along the lines of
V: Imoen you owe (PC) you life and soul, but you have yet to show proper gratitude
I: proper gratitude? I'd hate to think what your ideas are
V: well you shoud do his/her bidding, cater to his/her every whim
and the rest goes on with imoen asking Viccy the same question, if you're in a romance with Viccy (male obviously) then she says she would die for the PC and more, if you're not she ends up saying something like "uhhh that is not for you to ask or know, now go away"
Posted 29 April 2004 - 04:39 AM
I don't want to discuss this line in relation to the chances of a romance, as this is the wrong topic for that,
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 30 April 2004 - 03:36 AM
apologies if this is the wrong place for such but if that is the case then I am mistaken........ Please don't shoot me.
Posted 30 April 2004 - 04:45 AM
She never says she's straight either. She indicates a reaction to Haer'Dalis flirtation/observation, period. The word I like to use is "subjective"; all you're going to "prove" is that you have your own opinion.She never says so. Granted, this one's been covered, but I look at it like the Bhaalspawn taint (in terms of statistics, nothing more). [snip] Similarly, there's no reason to think of her as lesbian/bi unless she says or does something to indicate she is.

So, since you mention statistics, don't you find it a little odd that not one single NPC expresses anything remotely resembling attraction to the same sex? Even the prostitues rebuff you if you're not the proper gender - you don't buy the arguement, so I won't bother mentioning that TSR, WotC, and now Hasbro have "Family Friendly" policies in place. "Family friendly" is the term used when we only mention hetro-related acts, among other things, commonly associated with the right-wing of politics as they coined it. I think you underestimate.. you know what, I'm not even going to bother.I think Bioware would have made that part of her character if that's what they intended. I don't buy the "social stigma = worse sales" argument in the previous pages. They put out a game which contains slavery (including children), prostitution, drugs (Black Lotus), murder, demons, betrayal, etc. Plus, no matter how horrible the books are, it shows that Bioware/WotC/whoever is willing to have their name associated with a lesbian portrayal of Imoen. I don't think they'd shy away from having Imoen express lesbian tendencies in the game if they wanted that to be part of her character.
I'll leave you with a reminder that bioWare will not call the lesbian NPC (from the game KotOR) a lesbian, and the words of the creator of the Frgotten Realms.
the "original" Realms had many lesbian, gay male, inter-race, and multiple-partner unions (as a matter of calm, everyday norm), but these were simply omitted from the printed version because of TSR's standards (which even forced the change of the word "brothel" on my maps to be changed to "festhall"). And no, to everyone, I'm not a lust-fixated man, I was merely taking the National Geographic approach: "I'm merely reporting what the natives are, and do..."
Now, on that, we are agreed.Personally, I don't think the timeframe of BGII is long enough for Imoen to get over her trauma & get close to anyone other than CHARNAME (& even that in a platonic way), but then again I think the same could be said of Jaheira.
- Imrahil
Posted 30 April 2004 - 04:52 AM
Posted 30 April 2004 - 11:32 AM
I guess that's why I wrote "My take on Imoen is that she's hetero, but I'm not 100% positive. The reasons I think so are..." - almost like I was being subjective, even. I pointed out that I tend to think of people who don't say one way or the other as hetero, until given a reason to think otherwise, much like I assume the other characters aren't Bhaalspawn unless I have a reason to think they are.She never says she's straight either. She indicates a reaction to Haer'Dalis flirtation/observation, period. The word I like to use is "subjective"; all you're going to "prove" is that you have your own opinion.She never says so. Granted, this one's been covered, but I look at it like the Bhaalspawn taint (in terms of statistics, nothing more). [snip] Similarly, there's no reason to think of her as lesbian/bi unless she says or does something to indicate she is.
Then I suppose I could make the case that Imoen must be hetero, since everyone in BG is hetero - but I don't believe that.So, since you mention statistics, don't you find it a little odd that not one single NPC expresses anything remotely resembling attraction to the same sex?
I believe some subset of the population would be gay/bi. However, I assume each individual, Imoen included, is hetero unless I have a reason not to, since that's the default. I don't assume Frennedan's a doppelganger until he changes, I don't assume Viekang's a Bhaalspawn until he says so in ToB, & I won't assume Imoen's a lesbian until she indicates she is. Note that I'm not saying she's definitely not, just indicating what my opinion is based on.
I think it's funny that you use what the *prostitutes* say to show how the "Family Friendly" policy is maintained.Even the prostitues rebuff you if you're not the proper gender - you don't buy the arguement, so I won't bother mentioning that TSR, WotC, and now Hasbro have "Family Friendly" policies in place.

That's the spirit!I think you underestimate.. you know what, I'm not even going to bother.
If you say so - I don't see that big of a difference, personally. If they're willing to have a non-"Family Friendly" portrayal of their intellectual property in one medium, why forbid such a portrayal of the same intellectual property in another medium?btw, there's a big difference between carrying the logo - because Imoen is intellectual property - and writing it themselves
- Imrahil
Posted 01 May 2004 - 04:03 AM
I think it's funny that you use what the *prostitutes* say to show how the "Family Friendly" policy is maintained.Even the prostitues rebuff you if you're not the proper gender - you don't buy the arguement, so I won't bother mentioning that TSR, WotC, and now Hasbro have "Family Friendly" policies in place.
Ah-ha-ha-heh.. eh. right. I guess I forgot about the distinction I was making between homosexuality and heterosexuality, instead of conducting lessons in spelling and irony

There's a big difference between prostitution and homosexuality. You may not think so, but the folks that brought you 'family friendly' would have quite a bit to say about it.
Ahem. Anyway.
How is Imoen going to state, or show otherwise, when no one else in the game does? How is it that not one NPC (not one!) displays these tendancies?
How stupid, and how homophobic, would bioPlay look if they sued the publisher of that book over Imoen's portrayal?
Posted 01 May 2004 - 10:07 AM
Incidently, I went & checked what Galvena's courtesans actually say to a same-sex character:How is Imoen going to state, or show otherwise, when no one else in the game does? How is it that not one NPC (not one!) displays these tendancies?
"Oh, move on, then. There are girls/fellas who'd appreciate some time with ye, but I ain't one of 'em."
So, it appears that there do exist NPC's who display those tendencies - just not the ones you happen to talk to.
- Imrahil
Posted 01 May 2004 - 04:31 PM

Posted 02 May 2004 - 10:12 PM

Defy me and die!

Posted 03 May 2004 - 02:11 AM
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 03 May 2004 - 01:12 PM
Maybe because the majority of the NPCs aren't really the kind that are going to rush up to the PC and say "Wellmet, <CHARNAME>! I'm gay!"How is Imoen going to state, or show otherwise, when no one else in the game does? How is it that not one NPC (not one!) displays these tendancies?
The majority of people, even now, are still heterosexual. Assuming that in the Forgotten Realms there's no taboo on homosexuality (and considering that men and women are considered equal, it wouldn't surprise me), the majority of people are still going to be heterosexual.
So, you could say that maybe there ARE homosexual people in BG, you just don't meet any obvious ones.
Now, to get back to Imoen specifically, I don't really see any reason why she would be homosexual. As someone said before (sorry, can't remember who it was and I'm too lazy to check now that I'm on a roll), the 'default' (if you like) sexual preference is straight. So it seems rather peculiar to think of Imoen as anything but unless there's some kind of hinting towards this.
I think if ANY of the female characters were homosexual, Viconia would be. It just seems to make sense for a drow.
Anyway, I'm sure someone else also said this before, but I'll say it anyway: If Bioware can put torture, prostitution, slavery, sex, profanity and even bloody drug abuse into a game, I think they could get away with some hinting at homosexuality. Considering the amount of uproar there's been in games about 'more important' considerations (racism, for example), I really can't see a publisher freaking out at the idea of homosexuality in a game, unless the higher-ups are all homophobes.
In summary: I think there might be a tiny smidgen of a chance that Little Sis is bi, but I'm 90% sure she's straight.
...Or maybe 87%.
I'll probably completely change my mind in about 24 hours.... but nevermind, eh?
Posted 03 May 2004 - 02:14 PM
Posted 03 May 2004 - 10:41 PM
Huh. I missed your point. The courtesan displays these tendancies how, again?So, it appears that there do exist NPC's who display those tendencies - just not the ones you happen to talk to.How is Imoen going to state, or show otherwise, when no one else in the game does? How is it that not one NPC (not one!) displays these tendancies?
Uh-huh. And, when my line was a response to "she doesn't say she's gay; she does nothing to prove she's gay", your point is?Maybe because the majority of the NPCs aren't really the kind that are going to rush up to the PC and say "Wellmet, <CHARNAME>! I'm gay!"
Do people engage in selective reading? Let me repeat: "the "original" Realms had many lesbian, gay male, inter-race, and multiple-partner unions (as a matter of calm, everyday norm), but these were simply omitted from the printed version because of TSR's standards (which even forced the change of the word "brothel" on my maps to be changed to "festhall")"
I'm not disputing that hetrosexuality is the norm in the game, even in society; I'm disputing Imoen being hetero 'just because every one else is' or because it's the "norm". It's a short-sighted arguement, and not one based on FR standards, but on real-life standards. Do you understand that?
Turn on any cartoon, that any 3 year old watches, and they're beating each other up - violence is Much more acceptable than sexuality. If you can say they allow drug abuse and prostitution in the game, I don't see why they'd have such a problem with homosexuality, you're disregarding what society has deemed "acceptable" (and have never been on the other, receiving, side of homophobia); only racism is it's equal. Does Don't ask, don't tell ring any bells? Why can't I -tell-, just like the straight boys and girls do? If you're living in this reality, I shouldn't have to answer that.
Until you've heard a 16 year-old say that he doesn't want to see gay characters in a video game because they're "sick and disgusting" and they make other people gay.. until you've heard someone talk about beating the shit out of someone because they 'had the nerve' to hit on them or, worse yet, even look at them.. And you'll never understand it unless you really want to. Sometimes I think that maybe, just maybe, there's a light going on and then some ..person comes in talking about percentages or some other, equally ridiculous disclaimer.
Oh, so now there's profanity in BG as well? Well then, that just proves there's nothing left to include but homosexuality

Edited by Cybersquirt, 03 May 2004 - 11:35 PM.
Posted 03 May 2004 - 11:38 PM
Peter Thomas
Joined: 22 May 2002
Posted: Tuesday, 27 January 2004 07:10PM
Quote: Posted 01/27/04 23:56:58 (GMT)
So... you're confirming that Juhani should only "romance" a female PC?
/end quote
I can neither confirm nor deny any rumors that may or may not have been circulated about the forums by the denizens thereof. Nor would I confirm or deny aforementioned rumors should questions be asked concerning them on said forums by said denizens.... uh... thereof.
something like that...
and her... dialogue... wasn't supposed to be influenced by any of the character's romantic choices...
she did have some interjections with canderous and there was some dialogue she speaks with you behind his back, but I'm really not sure what happened to it... it wasnt really important just flavor
btw, the higher-ups wouldn't necessarily have to be homophobic to disallow gay characters, just mindful of (and realistic about) its impact.
If that's not enough to chew on, let me remind you that there are few topics that will spark religious debates every time - homosexuality is probably #1, followed closely by abortion.
Can you hear me now? I'm done talking; believe what you want.
Edited by Cybersquirt, 03 May 2004 - 11:57 PM.
Posted 04 May 2004 - 02:37 AM