Quoted from Solar on 19th Oct 2003: "Ahem.... I think that most of those who want Imoen to be lesbian or bi are actually straight men...."
Greetings and welcome Solar to this particular forum...
Just let me state as fact, that I have been arguing on this particular part of the forum for a duel (based on who she loves) or bi choice.
I admit to having played female PCs, even though I am a male, and I don't actually see any 'special' attraction to seeing my female PC getting it 'ON' with Imoen, anymore than I would with my male PC... Wait that came out wrong B)
Rather I would like to see how Imoen would react to the situation, considering this is not only her sibling, but a woman as well. This is not to say she might not already be a lesbian, but rather that the situation is far from what heterosexual persons would consider as the norm. I am also assuming you are of the opposite gender to myself...

to have made that sort of comment.
If I or any other males wanted to see two women getting intimate, we could be heading off to millions of sites or sources of such material from the Internet-to-our Corner Newsagent.
If we wanted Imoen slash in particular, I'm sure we could find some site that caters for us somewhere.
In truth though, I would (upon the mod's release) play through with a female PC in the interest of observing how the relationship with Imoen changes from my female and male PCs, and this includes the 'Just Friends' aspect of the mod.
I truly doubt that the few but more devoted men out there would go through the 20 or so hours of Romance Global Variables simply to see some Bhaalspawn sister on sister action.
Lastly I'll say again where is the bi issue if Kelsey isn't trying to romance Imoen as well.
LSWSjr of LSWSjr Publications/Productions/Studios Australia, signing off and celebrating his 50th post (took me long enough + hence the overuse of Smilies)