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Why Imoen should be romanceable

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#141 Kish

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Posted 09 May 2003 - 12:21 PM

However, I don't get the message that she is supposed to be your sister. It may be because of faulty german translating again, but in the german version she never even says a word about it in SoA. And in ToB no one even addresses her so. Therefore, there is no direct proof that she's thinking that way, since she doesn't say so.

The other bhaalspawn are not introduced as sisters or brothers, either. Not even in the intro or outro.

That is definitely all faulty German translating, then.
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"You are what you do. Choose again, and change."
--Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan

#142 -KaPe-

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Posted 09 May 2003 - 12:31 PM

I'm starting to worry - In dialogue with Cernd PC mentions Sarevok as his brother... :blink: What's wrong with him? - I did a succesful save vs stupity :rolleyes: Curse those game-designer, it's all their fault^^, it should be helf-brother or sth.

#143 Rathwellin the Bard

Rathwellin the Bard

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Posted 09 May 2003 - 06:13 PM

I've seen, somewhere, that they were originally going to kill her off in SoA?

I was on the old boards back then. I can't remeber for sure if if was Dave G or someone else, but I think it was Dave, said that they had decided to add another joinable PC and that it was someone from BGI. This was deep into the development and testing phase and was seen as a major change by folks on the boards back then.

In retrospect it is obvious that he was talking about Imoen. We don't know that they planned to kill her but she was certainly not going to be a joinable NPC at Spellhold in the orginal plans. As you note she has little to say after that indicating that they were pressed for time and didn't flesh her out as well as some of the other NPCs you can get.

I sometimes have fun wondering what "plan A" was. Can you imagine Imoen turning into the slayer in Spellhold and the PC having to kill her ... without the option of saving her. That would have made for a dark game. Much worse than just finding her body.

#144 -Luvian-

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Posted 03 June 2003 - 09:24 PM

Personally, I see Imoen as someone who would not mind jockingly flirting with the pc. But being able to romance her, well, that's another matter.

I have no problem with the idea of two sibling having romantic interest for each other, and I certainly would like to have the ability to try flirting with Imoen. I hope her reaction to it would be positive, but at the very least if she do not like it, we should have the option to try convincing her we were joking.

#145 Quitch



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Posted 04 June 2003 - 12:31 AM

Allow me to clarify now that you WILL be able to come on to Imoen in a romantic way, after all, a lot of players want to do this, how can you roleplay when the options you'd pick don't exist in any form (nor any close to what you want).

The purpose of this thread is to debate the reaction of Imoen. Would she melt to the PC's charms over time? Would she be disgusted? As I said in my "What the MOD's about" thread, the PC will be given as free a reign as I can manage, but that doesn't mean Imoen has to do what you want her to do.

#146 -Luvian-

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Posted 04 June 2003 - 01:03 AM

Well... this is a complex subject, it depend on her perception of the pc, her sexual orientation and tastes in races. First of all, she said she consider herself the PC's little sister, to me, she meant that she consider the PC as her protector, companion, and "partner in crime". She is also very loyal to the pc. She fled candlekeep for him, and what if he would have refused her company? She would not have been able to get back inside ever. To me, this tell a lot about how much she care for the pc. She would also follow him to hell and back (pun intended).

It's important to take into consideration the lifestile of adventurers. This is a very extreme lifestyle. They spend all their time fighting, they could die at any moments. That's why most adventurere like to get drunk and party at about every opportunity, they like to enjoy life while they can. They might be dead in an hour. That kind of lifestyle tend to create powerfull bonds and feelings between characters. Also, we need to consider how often adventurers save each other's life, I know that if my friend saved me from a pack of drows, I'd be eternally gratefull. When you've saved each other life tons of times and cared for each other for long, you can't help but feel very close to each other. Adventurers usually live in the now, they simply can't expect to have a tomorow.

Of course, you can experience all that without having a sexual relationship, but I find it very unikely. Where is it that I heard that after a good fight, nothing feel better than having sex? Well, I don't remember, but I agree. After experiencing such strong emotions with a member of the oposite sex, you can't help but be more than "just friends".

So in conclusion, what do we have? A girl who is willing to jeopardize her life from the start for the pc, then you add a lot of life threatening adventures and lots of near death experiences, and then you add to that a rescue from the hands of an extremly powerfull Archmage and a Vampire. How can she not develop feelings?

#147 -Tancred-

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Posted 31 July 2003 - 08:11 AM

Ok. Here´s a slightly revolutionary thought, but bear with me.

Could it be possible to simply write out the fact Imoen is a child of Bhaal?

- It makes sense for Irenicus to try to remove Imoen´s soul anyway - Bodhi needs a soul, it doesn´t necessarily follow that she needs a DIVINE soul.

- Imoen´s part as a Bhaalspawn is pretty... well... pointless, really. She doesn´t do anything particularly Bhaalspawny as such unless you have Ascension installed.

- Imoen would still refer to you as ´brother´ because of your upbringing, so there wouldn´t mean many dialogs would need changing. There´d simply be no genetic disagreements!

- Irenicus´ experimentation upon by Irenicus doesn´t make much sense then, but he also had Dynaheir killed pointlessly, too. I daresay that can be written around.

A solution to the problems of those who really want an Imoen romance! What do you think?

#148 Riona

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Posted 31 July 2003 - 11:06 AM

Ok. Here´s a slightly revolutionary thought, but bear with me.

Could it be possible to simply write out the fact Imoen is a child of Bhaal?

- It makes sense for Irenicus to try to remove Imoen´s soul anyway - Bodhi needs a soul, it doesn´t necessarily follow that she needs a DIVINE soul.

- Imoen´s part as a Bhaalspawn is pretty... well... pointless, really. She doesn´t do anything particularly Bhaalspawny as such unless you have Ascension installed.

- Imoen would still refer to you as ´brother´ because of your upbringing, so there wouldn´t mean many dialogs would need changing. There´d simply be no genetic disagreements!

- Irenicus´ experimentation upon by Irenicus doesn´t make much sense then, but he also had Dynaheir killed pointlessly, too. I daresay that can be written around.

A solution to the problems of those who really want an Imoen romance! What do you think?

I thought all of your comments about Imoen's "Bhaalspawnhood" basically hit spot on. I never liked the idea of her being a Bhaalspawn--to me, it seems more like a matter of plot convienence than character development (it feels "tacked on"--an afterthought--and not fully thought out).

However, since it is still a part of the game, I have the feeling it would be hard to cut out of the mod and not have many people raise questions about it.
"Figured it out, yet?"

#149 -Ashara-

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Posted 31 July 2003 - 11:15 AM

Ok. Here´s a slightly revolutionary thought, but bear with me.

Actually Blucher was sort of thinking of a mod based on the idea that Imoen is not a Bhaalspawn some time ago...I do not remeber where the thread was, but I think he was searching for the literature examples of close childhood friends growing into lovers...

#150 -Tancred-

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Posted 31 July 2003 - 11:42 AM

Ok. Hereดs a slightly revolutionary thought, but bear with me.

Actually Blucher was sort of thinking of a mod based on the idea that Imoen is not a Bhaalspawn some time ago...I do not remeber where the thread was, but I think he was searching for the literature examples of close childhood friends growing into lovers...

Oooo! What happened to it, do you know? Is it still in progress, or scrapped, or... I daresay Blucher´s busy with other projects these days, but ... hell, you could just make Imoen not your sister, to hell with the Romance. There are plenty of folks who always felt the Princess Leia twist somewhat contrived.

#151 Riona

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Posted 31 July 2003 - 12:12 PM

There are plenty of folks who always felt the Princess Leia twist somewhat contrived.

Yeah, you are not the only one. :)

I've always thought of Imoen as my character's best friend, as well as someone who took on the role of her little sister.

As far as whether or not a PC/Imoen romance is a good idea or a bad one...I don't really have an answer for that. It wasn't something I would have considered, but a lot of people seem to like the idea of it (and it *can* make sense).
"Figured it out, yet?"

#152 Quitch



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Posted 04 August 2003 - 02:31 AM

I'm not making any changes to the plot itself, as stated in my design brief.

#153 PK312

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Posted 04 August 2003 - 11:10 PM

The purpose of this thread is to debate the reaction of Imoen. Would she melt to the PC's charms over time? Would she be disgusted? As I said in my "What the MOD's about" thread, the PC will be given as free a reign as I can manage, but that doesn't mean Imoen has to do what you want her to do.

Did you look at all of Imoen's random banters in SoA and ToB to get ideas about the subject?
If not, here's all of 'em(if you've already seen 'em, then hopefully this will enlighten everyone else who hasnt seen 'em all):

Note: The first two banters, IMO, are the most important.
Note Note: Keep in mind that these are OFFICIAL banters

-Imoen and Viconia-

Viconia: I am curious over something, Imoen. Your sibling save you from imprisonment and restored your soul. Yet for all this you have never showed proper gratitude. Why is that?

Imoen: Proper gratitude? I?d hate to think what your idea of proper gratitude would be, Viconia.

Viconia: You owe (CHARNAME) your entire being. You should, at the very least, act as (HIS or HER) personal slave. Cater to (HIS or HER) every whim.

Imoen: (CHARNAME) is my (BROTHER or SISTER), you know! I owe (HIM or HER) my life, but let?s not take it that far!

Viconia: Your common parent is a god. That hardly counts towards any sort of common genetic bond, and even less of a reason to shirk what you owe (CHARNAME).

Imoen: (CHARNAME) and I grew up together. I love (HIM or HER) just as I loved Gorion. (CHARNAME) may feel differently, I don?t know ... but it doesn?t matter. Come what may, no matter how bad things get or what (CHARNAME) does, I?ll stick by (HIS or HER) side. I would die for (HIM or HER), Viconia. I would give up the soul that (HE or SHE) saved for (HIM or HER).

Viconia: Well, that would be a start.

Imoen: What about you, Viconia? How many times has (CHARNAME) saved *your* life? Would you do the same for (HIM or HER)? Would you put *your* life on the line?

Viconia: I ... that was not the question, elg?caress. I support (CHARNAME) and always have and I will not have you question me. Let us be off.

-Imoen and Sarevok I-

Imoen: So ... Sarevok. You?ve had an itty-bitty piece of my soul in there for quite a while now. What it?s been like?

Sarevok: (sigh) Well other than a slight obsession with my weight and the resurgence of a few pimples, it?s been simply grand. Now leave me be, girl.

Imoen: No, I?m serious. Does the fact that you have a little piece of me inside you make any difference at all? Tell me ... you owe me that much.

Sarevok: What do you wish to know, girl? What are you curious about? Perhaps you would be interested to know that I can feel the knives of Irenicus, slicing into my skin, torturing me. I can feel his hands and his breath, I *know* what he did to you, girl ...

Imoen: Al-alright, stop ... I wasn?t really serious ...

Sarevok: How about the agony you felt as your soul was ripped from you? The despair at being left only with the cold voices of your tainted heart, discovering what was inside you all along? How about the hurt you keep deep down within, wondering if you weren?t good enough for Gorion? How about the loneliness ... the unrequited longing you -

Imoen: Stop! Enough ... I won?t bother you, Sarevok, just -

Sarevok: You are pathetic, girl. When the true Bhaalspawn come to claim your essence, I hope you bring yourself not to flop onto your back at the first sign of danger!

Imoen: I ... I was enough to help kill you once, Sarevok! And I?ll stand by (CHARNAME) to the end, just you wait. It was ... obviously a mistake to talk to you. Excuse me.

-Imoen and Sarevok II-

Imoen: What ... what was it like to die, Sarevok? Seeing as you?ve been through the experience repeatedly I can?t help but wonder if you?ve developed some perspective on it.

Sarevok: Do you intend for me to believe that a weakling such as yourself has never needed to be revived by a priest? Bah! I imagine this group has obtained a discount at the temple of Helm for you, dear sister.

Imoen: Yeah, but that?s different. That?s just some blackness and then like, ?oops, here you go!? I don?t think that I?ve ever been really, really dead like you have.

Sarevok: Keep prodding me and that could quickly change.

Imoen: Oh, you don?t fool me. I?m an archmage after all ... and you?re nothing but bluster. Tell me what I want to know!

Sarevok: The knowledge would do you no good, now, dear sister. And by the time you need it, it will be too late. Now leave me be ... your constant chirruping is giving me a headache.

-Imoen and Valygar-

Imoen: So, Valygar ... word on the street is that ya killed your parents. Is that true? Sounds pretty horrid, if ya ask me.

Valygar: You consider *this* acceptable casual conversation? Just walk up and ask someone if they killed their parents?

Imoen: Would you prefer to let the rumor mill have its way?

Valygar: I could care less what people have to say about me. People have talked about my family all my life.

Imoen: Well, that?s a pretty sour attitude. You know, they say your face freezes like that.

Valygar: For someone who supposedly has her soul tainted by the evil of a dead god, you remind me considerably of a chipmunk with a sugar high and a death wish.

Imoen: Oooh! Funny! That?s good!

Valygar: I try my best.

-Imoen and Nalia

Imoen: Nalia, do you intend to go back to your castle once all of this over?

Nalia: I don?t know. Perhaps. If I do, though, things will have to be different.

Imoen: Different in what way?

Nalia: There?d be changes in the law and taxation ... and some real alternations to the system of land ownership. There?s a base inequality amongst people that I can begin to address in my land.

Imoen: Wow. Sounds like you?ve given this some serious thought.

Nalia: Making changes in my father?s duchy wouldn?t be enough. I?d have to get onto the Council of Six, as well ... although that plan is a bit more complicated.

Imoen: That?d be a neat trick, bringing change to all of Amn. Wouldn?t those Roenalls still be a thorn for you, though? And what about the Cowled Wizards?

Nalia: I?m an archmage, Imoen ... just like you. The Roenalls won?t stop me from doing what I know is right. And I could always join the Cowled Wizards ... how many of them are as powerful as I?

Imoen: Okay, somebody?s getting a little scary ...

Nalia: Nonsense. It?s called growing up. I have a responsibility as a noblewoman and a mage, both, and eventually I will have to live up to them.

-Imoen and Minsc-

Imoen: Minsc, I want a hamster.

Minsc: What? Well, an admirable decision but Boo is not for sale.

Imoen: No Boo, you goof. My own hamster. I just see how calming he is for you, and as a pet he seems very easy to maintain. I just thought ...

Minsc: OH! Well then, by all means! And yes, very little requirements. Food, shelter, and perhaps the little wheel. I have heard nothing but good things about the little wheel.

Imoen: Well, I don?t want one right away. I doubt I could manage one on the road as well as you do, but once this is done, maybe then.

Minsc: Of course. Boo is special among his kind, and quite resilient. Have I mentioned he is a miniature giant space hamster? I?m sure I have.

Imoen: Yes you have, Minsc. Yes you have.

-Imoen and Korgan-

Korgan: Hhmp. Imoen, yer an o?er-lame excuse fer a member o? this party and I be tired of exertin? meself to protect ye! Next time I let ye perish, screamin? like a ninny as ye does!

Imoen: The last time I saw you exert yourself over anything was the last slab of pork in an inn. If you could keep up with me with that beer gut of yours I?d be amazed.

Korgan: Beer gut?! Why, ye stinkin? wench, how dare ye! Keep up with me axe as if flies toward yer head, more like! Though it?d be like splittin? a hair, skinny as ye are!

Imoen: I?d be startled if a drunk dwarven oaf like yourself could hit the broad side of barn with your axe. And while we?re talking about stench, let?s talk about the last time you passed out in your own vomit.

Korgan: An outrage! Yer be a canker on me backside and the world best be rid of ye! Loathsome mongrel she-dog!

Imoen: Brutish pig! You?re nothing but a boil needing lancing!

Korgan: I?ve seen harlots wi? less open sores than ye, ye pimple-faced, whining gutter-snipe!

Imoen: You cantankerous, foul-mouthed excused for a gully dwarf!

Korgan: Gully dwarf? Har har! Ye know how to hit low, ye does! Har har! Yer a fine, fine lass, ye are, Imoen. That Gorion of yers would be proud!

Imoen: Aw, gee. Thanks, Korgan!

-Imoen and Keldorn-

Keldorn: Imoen! What ... are you pawing at me yet again? Do you think I do not notice. You are trying to pickpocket me, aren?t you!?

Imoen: Well, no ... I just ...

Keldorn: Just what? Out with it girl. I won?t have a party member stealing from me.

Imoen: No, no, that?s not it! I ... I was just ... I was just trying to find out if you?re as muscular under your armor as you look.

Keldorn: Eh? What?s this?

Imoen: Oh, I know that you?re married and all that, Keldorn ... but do you have *any* idea how good you look? I ... I can?t help myself, I just want to touch you all the time!

Keldorn: Imoen! I ... I have a daughter the same age as you!

Imoen: I don?t know what it is, Keldorn ... maybe it?s the Bhaal essence in me. I just want to run my fingers through your hair and nibble on your ears! Oh, Keldorn, you drive me so wild!

Keldorn: By Torm, no! This is terrible! I ... I had no idea I had this effect on you ...

Imoen: Oh, get over yourself, Keldorn! Sheesh. (giggle!) Here?s your ring back. I won?t take it again, I promise.

-Imoen and Jan-
(Note: All the party members find Jan horribly annoying.... except for Imoen)

Imoen: You know, Jan ... I was listening to a story you were telling a little earlier. I thought it was quite fascinating.

Jan: Indeed? Well, I must say I?ve never quite looked at goat cheese quite the same way again. And neither did poor Gilbert. Or any of his cats.

Imoen: And neither will (CHARNAME), the way (HE or SHE) was groaning. Your story did remind me of a story I heard in Candlekeep, though.

Jan: Oh? A new story? My, my ... you?ve got the tiniest toes on my gnomish feet wiggling like Aunt Petunia trying to get into her Sunday dress. Let?s hear it.

Imoen: Well, it just reminded me of the bowl of goat?s milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust devils. He said that dust demons could never resist goat?s milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be tired to enter his room ... that way he would never have to spend any time dusting because his room was always be clean.

Jan: Ingenious! Go on.

Imoen: It turns out that dust devils gossip a lot, and tales of Winthrop?s nightly goat milk would spread. So along comes this three-armed Balor (There?s a longer story about why the Balor had only three arms, and besides the fact he was nicknamed ?Smart Mouth? by the greater powers of the Abyss I won?t go into it any more than that.) who flies into Candlekeep in the middle of the night and storms his way over the Winthrop?s cell and drinks the milk. The Balor, however, has mis-heard the gossip and thought he was drinking the milk of a pregnant Glabrezu. Don?t ask me why.

Jan: Well, he must have been disappointed. I know I would have been.

Imoen: Indeed, he was. He put up such a fuss and a racket, pounding on the door to Winthrop?s cell, that he woke up just about everyone in the keep. Including Gorion, who usually slept very soundly and didn?t wake up very well, anyway. Well, Gorion was all groggy and thought the keep was under attack and just about blew the roof off with a series of fireballs and lightning bolts. (CHARNAME) was so scared (HE or SHE) cried like a baby.

Jan: Hhmph. I don?t blame (HIM or HER). Uncle Scratchy once did something similar with a bad mixture of turnip stew and vinegar, but the smell was probably worse.

Imoen: Gorion was terribly angry. He was grumbling and (CHARNAME) was bawling, people were running around everywhere ... it was a terrible scene. They banned goat?s milk from the keep, which meant that Winthrop had to dust his own room after that point and taught him a lesson about trying to get out of work, as well.

Jan: Hmmmn. What happened to the Balor?

Imoen: Oh. The monks bought him off with a tome of jokes about baatezu. I hear he?s been touring the Abyss ever since. Gets heckled a lot, but what do you expect for a comedian in hell?

Jan: Hmmn. Hmn. Alright. Yes, very good job there, lass. At least one turnip reference might be called for in the future, but all-around well done.

Imoen: (giggle) I?ll keep that in mind.

-Imoen and Jaheira-

Jaheira: A moment, Imoen, if you don?t mind?

Imoen: I suppose, Jaheira. What is it you want?

Jaheira: Well, that is just it, isn?t it? You have been so formal to me, so distant. Is there something wrong?

Imoen: I don?t ... I?m not ... Well, actually, I have been a little nervous around you because of ... well ...

Jaheira: Because of my association with the Harpers? I thought so. (CHARNAME) has suffered at the hands of many groups because of his lineage and now that you share it ...

Imoen: I don?t mean to be a stranger but ... people will see me differently now, I just know.

Jaheira: Let them see you however they wish. What can you do but just be yourself? I know these are only words but ... these will be fine.

Imoen: I know. Thanks though.

-Imoen and Haer'Dalis-

HaerDalis?: Ahh, Imoen, my wildflower. Have I ever told you you?ve a most natural grace and innocent beauty about you? T?is something any man would find most charming.

Imoen: Yeah, okay, whatever. I don?t know about my grace, HaerDalis?, but I?m not all that innocent. I can smell a cheesy come-on from a mile away.

HaerDalis?: ?Twas not meant as such. I?ve no intention of offending you.

Imoen: Uh-huh.

HaerDalis?: T?is only that I see you in an unguarded moment, at times ... and I see the ache in your heart reflected in your eyes. It saddens this sparrow to know there is no-one to hold you close, Imoen.

Imoen: I ...

HaerDalis?: But no doubt I over-step my bounds by saying so. It has only ever been my hope that you might one day give me the chance to be the one that comforts you. It would be an honor, my wildflower.

Imoen: Whew. Gosh, you?re good.

HaerDalis?: Yes, I know. T?is an art form that has served this sparrow well, at times.

Imoen: Write a book. I?ll buy it.

-Imoen and Edwin

Imoen: You look a little down, Edwin. You?re not upset, are you?

Edwin: My mood is no concern of yours, child.

Imoen: You?ve become less blustery, I think. Maybe ... maybe you?re mad everyone else is finding destinies and prophesies and generally surpassing you in every way?

Edwin: You go too far, girl! I hold none of you above me!

Imoen: I mean, even me, little frail Imoen is a big scary Child of Bhaal now. That?s got to be frustrating.

Edwin: Now that is just nonsense! All of it!

Imoen: Hey Edwin! Boo!!

Edwin: WHA! What ... is it .. NOW!

Imoen: He flinched! The big bad mage flinched! HAHA! Oooh, look I?m Bhaal, I?m big and scary, ooohh.

Edwin: Now that was just ... you are just being ...

Imoen: Oooooh, don?t worry, the big bad Imoen won?t scare you no more. Heeheeheee, ?boo? I says, and he jumped out of his skin ... (snicker)

Edwin: (grumble) ... whelp ... child ... monkey-brained ... how would you like your flaming death you ... grrrr ...

-Imoen and Cernd I-

Cernd: Are you well, Imoen? I trust you would say if you were having any difficulties.

Imoen: Cernd, what is it? You?ve been looking at me funny for days now.

Cernd: Well, it?s been a very trying time for us all, but especially so for you. To learn that you are not .. as natural as you might have thought ...

Imoen: I see. You are worried about me being a Child of Bhaal. Is that it? Well, I?m sure I?ll let you know if I?m going to turn into some monstrous killing machine.

Cernd: I meant no offense, but birds and reptile?s are often at death?s door before they show any symptom of trouble. Not that you would be one or the other, but ...

Imoen: But I just might, is that it? Cernd, I like you, but don?t treat me like I don?t know myself. I?m fine, really.

Cernd: I apologize, of course.

Imoen: Besides, I?m hoping for bird. *heh* Kidding.

-Imoen and Cernd II-

Imoen: Why, hullo Cernd. You?re a druid, right? Maybe you can answer a question for me.

Cernd: I am a druid, yes ... and of course I would be happy to answer any of your questions, although that mischievous look of yours tells me I am about to be made fun of.

Imoen: I would never make fun of you, Cernd. Although you do look cute when you?re frustrated.

Cernd: (sigh) What is it you want to know, Imoen?

Imoen: Well .. how does someone become a druid? You don?t just wake up and decide you want to kiss a tree, do you?

Cernd: You?re more intelligent than that, Imoen. Did you become a thief by accident, discovering that you had your hand in someone?s pocket one day?

Imoen: Actually, yes. I was eight years old and Winthrop had this big gold chain hanging out of the back pocket of his robes all day, staring me in the face. I just couldn?t help myself.

Cernd: You know, for a girl who has been through so much and has only recently discovered herself to be a Bhaalspawn, you have a remarkable talent for making light of things.

Imoen: Well ... I could be all angsty and mope around, but I leave that to (CHARNAME). Oh, wait ... I think (HE or SHE) heard us. Let?s go over here.

(ed note: notice the game uses THIEF and that Imoen even makes light of the situation by implying that she IS a thief)

-Imoen and Anomen-

Imoen: So. You?re part of the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, right, Anomen? The paladins and Clerics that run around Amn getting outraged at everthing?

(If Anomen passed his test)

Anomen: I find your description bordering on insult, girl ... but, yes, I am a member of the Order. Why?

Imoen: Well, a full hundred of them marched up all solemn-like up to Candlekeep about ten years ago, all to donate a single book to the monks. Do you know anything about that?

Anomen: No, but it sounds like something the Order might do, depending on the book.

Imoen: It was a big book, as I recall. I stole into the archive to look at it ... did you know it had all sorts of pictures of naked men and women? Total filth! I?m surprised the Order even had something like that.

Anomen: No doubt it was a book of great evil. Perhaps the Order gave it over to the care of your monks so that it would not be used by those of impure intentions.

Imoen: Well, I don?t know about that. Winthrop caught me peeking and gave me hell like you wouldn?t believe ... but I noticed he kept the book in his room after that point.

Anomen: Vile girl! I?ll not listen to any more of this! Go bother (CHARNAME)!

(If Anomen failed his test)

Anomen: Ha! An apt description of those blowhards, if ever I had heard one. No, dear girl ... I am no member of the Order, although I was a novice. Why do you ask?

Imoen: Well, a full hundred of them marched up all solemn-like up to Candlekeep about ten years ago, all to donate a single book to the monks. Do you know anything about that?

Anomen: No, but it sounds like something the Order might do, depending on the book.

Imoen: It was a big book, as I recall. I stole into the archive to look at it ... did you know it had all sorts of pictures of naked men and women? Total filth! I?m surprised the Order even had something like that.

Anomen: You don?t say? Well maybe the Prelate was finished with it and gave it to the head of your monks as something of a present? Those paladins are quite the repressed lot of stuffed shirts, you know.

Imoen: Oh, they?re not so bad, I guess. Better them than some of the evil I?ve seen ... they can just be kinda pompous, as I remember. You?re not as bad as I figured you might be, though, Anomen.

Anomen: Well, I?m glad you think so. I escaped from their clutches just in time, I suppose, eh?

(ed note: when Anomen fails his test, his ego gets shot down and he actually becomes tolerable in terms of personality, heh)

-Imoen and Aerie I-

Aerie: Imoen ... you grew up in Candlekeep, too, did you not? Since you were very young?

Imoen: Yup. I was climbing the walls and driving the monks up them since I was a little girl. Why?

Aerie: Well ... you grew up with (CHARNAME) then, didn?t you?

Imeon: Sure did. We were both Gorion?s wards and it wasn?t like there were a lot of us kids around, you know.

Aerie: I have a few questions about (CHARNAME) then ... if you would?t mind my asking? They?re a bit ... personal.

Imoen: Heck, I don?t mind. Uh ... (CHARNAME) might though. You think (HE or SHE) can hear us?

Aerie: Maybe. Let?s go talk about this somewhere more private, then. I?m just dying of curiosity ...

-Imoen and Aerie II-
Aerie: I have a question for you, Imoen ... you have the taint of Bhaal within you? Does this mean that you will turn into the Slayer as well?

Imoen: I certainly hope not. I ... I have been thinking more and more lately about that, myself, though.

Aerie: It must be an awful feeling though. I can?t imagine how (CHARNAME) deals with it.

Imoen: Yeah ... (HE or SHE)?s been dealing with it longer, too. Sometimes, when it?s quiet, I can hear the taint in my heart whispering to me. It says awful things and I almost want to scream to shut them out.

Aerie: (gasp) You .. you haven?t done anything that it?s said, have you?

Imoen: Well, other than that time I got up in the middle of the night to snatch a bunch of cinnamon cookies, heck no.

Aerie: Oh, goo - What? Cinnamon cookies?

Imoen: Ha ha! Come on, Aerie! Lighten up, will ya? I?ll tell you what ... If I have any desires to murder you in the middle of the night, you?ll be the first to know, okay?

Aerie: That?s not very funny, Imoen. (CHARNAME) never makes fun of (HIS or HER) condition in that way.

(CHARNAME): Well, it?s been much easier since I discovered that all the Slayer really wants is a sandwich ...

Aerie: Oh, fine. Everybody seems determined to make fun of me. I?ll stand back here thank you.


(CHARNAME): Aerie?s right, Imoen. It?s a very serious subject.

Imoen: Well, excuse me (LORD or LADY) Serious Pants. I?ll just trot on down to the end of the line, then, and wait for my head to explode. Sheesh.


My two cents: If the PC tried to come on to Imoen(like Haer'Dalis did), she'd probably think of it as a joke.
Imoen might get disgusted once she finally realizes the PC is serious, but she probably wouldn't outright show it. She'd probably make light of the situation.

IMO, the romance needs to be slow... reeeaaaaal slow. So slow that the only way to get Imoen to think of the PC differently is to have both of them end up in accidental situations with underlying sexual overtones. For instance, Imoen could be playfully trying to pick the PC's pocket, but accidently trip and they both fall right on top of each other... right into position 69 :D

You could even take a cue from the official Baldur's Gate II book. But, instead of the drow, Phaere, just sleeping with Imoen, you could make it so Phaere wants to have a threesome with the PC and Imoen... and if the PC tries to convince Phaere that he's currently "out of order", Imoen ends up alone with Phaere... having her first lesbian experience :blink:
She'd most likely talk her way to get out of it though unless you can come up with a situation where Imoen has no way of declining without blowing their cover as drow :lol:

Ok, I need to get my head out of the gutter now... :ph34r:

#154 Quitch



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Posted 05 August 2003 - 07:11 AM

If they were in a bed together, I think it's safe to say that Imoen thought about you differently LONG before.

#155 Tancred


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Posted 05 August 2003 - 01:31 PM

I'm not making any changes to the plot itself, as stated in my design brief.

Oh, not this mod, I know. I was thinking of another...

#156 Riona

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Posted 07 August 2003 - 07:10 PM

(ed note: when Anomen fails his test, his ego gets shot down and he actually becomes tolerable in terms of personality, heh)

I beg to differ with that. I think he is a nicer person if he passes his test.
"Figured it out, yet?"

#157 -Cybersquirt-

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Posted 15 August 2003 - 10:08 PM

IMO, the romance needs to be slow... reeeaaaaal slow. So slow that the only way to get Imoen to think of the PC differently is to have both of them end up in accidental situations with underlying sexual overtones. For instance, Imoen could be playfully trying to pick the PC's pocket, but accidently trip and they both fall right on top of each other...

this would play really well, IMO, based on the Imoen character I percieve (in ToB).. less the 69 landing (that's just too cheesy)... but a true romance wouldn't occur until ToB if at all. SoA would have the situational stuff and get a more serious in ToB; or the 'climax' would be during your ascention - the point where Imoen is forced to [que music] finally profess her undying love for you, which you've been trying to achieve all along but, up until this point, thought you were unsuccessful. :P

the Imoen 'I know' would "melt to the PC charms over time".. but it would take a long time and the PC would indeed have to be charming.

[edited typos.. I hate typos]

#158 Loch27

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Posted 16 August 2003 - 02:40 PM

Should Imoen be romanceable? Actually, since she and the PC were the only two teenagers for miles and miles around for years, I'd think that question would've come up WAY before BG1 ;) . Does she love the PC. Yep. Is she IN love with the PC. Most likely. Still, if its waited until now it'll have to be a slow process. I like the build up in Amn leading to the climax in TOB. Not sure if I'd want to wait till the finale though. Give her some happy time. God knows she and the PC deserve a quiet moment. Well, if you can call THAT quiet...

#159 Littiz

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Posted 17 August 2003 - 01:35 AM

Does she love the PC. Yep. Is she IN love with the PC. Most likely.

Any PC?
Regardless of race, sex, alignment and behaviour?

Ever forward, my darling wind...

#160 Quitch



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Posted 17 August 2003 - 10:04 AM

Chances of Imoen landing in your arms, looking deep into your eyes and suddenly realising she loves you in a mod written by myself: zero. I can't stand accidental situations with sexual overtones, they're like detective programs where the whole crime is solved because someone happens to utter a phrase which has nothing to do with anything, yet allows the detective to realise how it was all done.