I would expect the same reaction that most others would suspect her of having if the suggestion is posed quickly or with a lack of tact; shock, disgust and perhaps revultion(depending on former conversations).Why deny people the chance? Because I want to develop Imoen along Imoen lines. I wish to take her character and run with it in relevant and logical directions. Therefore the player will be free to explore in whichever direction they wish, but Imoen will react, as she always does, in an Imoen way. Hence this debate; how would you expect Imoen to react to the player coming onto her?
However, if the matter is approached slowly, subtly, at appropriate times and occasions, then I would have to say that it is indeed very possible that it a romace could develop between PC and Imoen.
This is probably not the best example, but it is the most relevant one I can think of at the moment;
Imoen is having nightmares about her torture still, PC chooses to either:
1)Talk with her about it in a friendly, supportive manner
2)Say nothing and simply hold her and let her tell you her problems
3)Dismiss her concerns as childish and weak
4)Tell her that this isn't the time for this and they will talk later
5)Think of a funny anecdote relating to when they were children
6)Listen carefully then give her advice based on your own experiences
7)Relate some of your own hardships, then say how you overcame yours
8)Exagerate your own hardships and belittle hers
or something along those lines, with something like 2) allowing for close contact with a deep bond, perhaps furthered in future talks and situations, something shared due to PC and Imoen's unique situation, a reliance upon each other as a source of strength and trust.
1), 6) or 7) perhaps being the friendship path, allowing for a close caring relationship with your sister, or a more distant relationship, with a general sense that she is closer to you than other party members.

Such things could also apply to dreams and situations about the slayer, ie;
Imoen:Have you ever thought about "just letting go", Ya' know, letting the slayer just take over and destoy your enemies, like with bhodi in spellhold?
1)Yes, reason(good)
2)Yes, other reason(evil)
3)Yes, ... why, have you been haing those sort of dreams, or a transformation?
4)No, reason
5)No, other reason
6)No, ...why, have you been haing those sort of dreams, or a transformation?
7)Why, have you been haing those sort of dreams, or a transformation?
8)This isn't something I wish to discuss
As I have probably not made my point clear, I shall attempt to reiterate. Have Imoen be romanceable through the slow guiding of her view of the relationship between PC and herself, with her viewing the idea of a relationship as wrong early(allowing that idea to continue if the player so chooses, of course), with her... I would say slowly warming to the idea, but that wouldn't be what I meant.
Perhaps saying that as time went on, and of course depending on the situation and dialouge choices, she would become...more receptive to the idea that there could possibly be more to her and PC than she had thought.
One of the major issues to decide would be that of how it is persued. Does PC have an interest in Imoen from day one? Does Imoen have feeling for PC, though either doesn't want to explore them due to the nature of thespellholdstudios.net existing relationship, or they develop into something more over time and through their conversations? Does PC slowly develop an interest in Imoen over time( I would have to say that this is somewhat an unlikely choice, the whole kidnapping, torture and stolen soul thing would be enough to bring those sort of feelings to the surface right quick I woud imagine)?
To answer your query more directly, I would imagine that with time and subtle...(I want to say manipulation, but that would a) sound bad, and B) be a misinterpretation of what I mean) guiding by the player, it would be entirely possible for Imoen to develop or encourage any romantic feeling she had for PC.
Take it all with a grain of salt, I'm hardly going to be objective about it, I could be skewing Imoen's character simply bacause that is how I wish to see her, and to achieve the result I desire, but I can honestly say, I belive Imoen would be receptive if the situation was handled and presented in the proper fashion.
Please note the usage of "player" to denote the human playing the game, and "PC" for the digital representation, in some cases, it's rather important.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to read all of the input from the people here, I'm sure it will lead to a more accurate Imoen in the end.