Why Imoen should be romanceable
Posted 14 October 2002 - 08:45 PM
Posted 14 October 2002 - 09:13 PM
and here is a thread with a detailed argument over the genetics of imaginary creatures (look about 3/4 down the first page and onwards):
Posted 14 October 2002 - 09:45 PM
Posted 14 October 2002 - 10:07 PM
Badass raiding mage Retired!
Sneaky backstabbing Rogue in crap gear now!
Rapture WoW video's!
Posted 14 October 2002 - 10:14 PM
Posted 14 October 2002 - 10:24 PM
Everyone can make his/her own choices about wanting to romance Imoen or not.
I choose the latter.
Even though this Relationship mod takes a long time to finish, i'll still wait for it.
I agree with Althernai about Quitch, he wont change his mind making Imoen romancable.
Badass raiding mage Retired!
Sneaky backstabbing Rogue in crap gear now!
Rapture WoW video's!
Posted 14 October 2002 - 11:30 PM
However, I do agree that they are not siblings. Most if not all the children of Bhaal are siblings in name only. Most if not all of them were born to different parents, considering Bhaal possessed the forms of other beings. The only relation they all have, is that they share the same taint within there different blood lines.
None of it really matters though. The game is different for every player.
Fear me simply because I'm blunt and honest.
*WARNING* I am rated R for suggestive themes and violent material. If you need a warning label don't leave home, cause there isn't a warning label on your front door.

-Pain is beatiful.-

Posted 15 October 2002 - 12:00 AM
Um.... rightFirst off, I don't really feel there should be a relationship with Imoen in this mod. If that's what you're looking for go get the already existing one.
There's already ONE Imoen mod, WHY get another?
Gee :'(
Immy kitty is written bestest by a certain cat :(
Not another certain one :(

Posted 15 October 2002 - 02:29 AM

I tend to agree with Gospel on this. Just because there's one mod, doesn't mean people don't want a better one. But then, anything that improves upon the current Imoen, I'll enjoy.
Posted 15 October 2002 - 08:06 AM
From what I hear it's pretty sick, poor Immie is even raped

I'll stay away from that...
Here we are debating an Imoen Relationship Mod, which is something larger.
At the moment, I'm mostly interested in a deeper sister-like relationship,
so this is more than fine for me.
I think Quitch has already decided how to handle the romance option,
though. My opinion is that in the end a very *little* chance to romance
her successfully will be left.
But it'll have to be somewhat very difficult, very tormented,
only possible for goody goody chars, and after having proven very sweet
and close to her.
At least, I'd like to have this little chance, but not for my first runs
through the mod!!

Ever forward, my darling wind...
Posted 15 October 2002 - 09:52 AM
I'll try through my first run! And second/third/fourth/fifth at the least, rightright sir? :DI think Quitch has already decided how to handle the romance option,
though. My opinion is that in the end a very *little* chance to romance
her successfully will be left.
But it'll have to be somewhat very difficult, very tormented,
only possible for goody goody chars, and after having proven very sweet
and close to her.
At least, I'd like to have this little chance, but not for my first runs
through the mod!! :);)

Posted 15 October 2002 - 04:19 PM
Posted 15 October 2002 - 07:01 PM
Kelsey got there fiiiiiiiiiiiirst! Kelsey got there fiiiiiiiiiiirst!

Posted 15 October 2002 - 07:19 PM
"...is content to play the role of little sister". In Imoen's biography in BG1. You can look at it as soon as Chapter One begins. So yes, they were raised as siblings.as children they werent raised as siblings- close friends rather.
I'm glad this mod isn't primarily a romance mod. The less room for "romance" there is in it, the happier I'll be.

"You are what you do. Choose again, and change."
--Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan
Posted 15 October 2002 - 07:51 PM
But everyone seems to be firmly entrenched on one side or the other of this issue.

"Arr, ph34r me leet skillz, ye scurvy dogs, or shiver me timbers if I don't pwnzor the lot of ye! One one one and a bottle of rum!
Avast, ye scurvy n00bs! STFU and prepare to be pwned!!!11!!1!"</center>
Vero: In Halo... "I done kilted you!"
Alustriel: So.. he puts a man-skirt on his victims? Dooood.. That's just harsh!
Vero: LOL
Posted 15 October 2002 - 08:56 PM
i have to agree with erion, the imoen romance mod is quite tastfully done, and done well....
"As you debate the relative merits of Mirrabbo's Imoen Romance, and plead for a Quitch Imoen Romance, just remember...
Kelsey got there fiiiiiiiiiiiirst! Kelsey got there fiiiiiiiiiiirst!"
beta testing jitters, jason??? i think i read the bioware flirt packs are in beta testing, so jason is a little jittery, or had two double tall lattes....

Darth Gizka...
Posted 15 October 2002 - 11:27 PM
...is content to play the role of little sister.
Yes, she plays the role. Ive had female friends act like a little sister at times, it doesnt mean we could never have a relationship outside of that role. Hell Ive had friends act like my mother at times, it doesnt mean they are.
Also, its not like is has to be "hey little sister, lets fuck." Yes, that would be weird and perverse. But no ones asking for that, it would grow from a brother/sister like friendship into a romantic relationship.
Posted 16 October 2002 - 01:52 PM
My mind can be changed on any matter, it's simply that very few people have the stamina to properly fight their case. I have suggested to a couple of people what I may do, but have said to no one what I *will* do.
Past: Ascension, Return to Windspear, Imoen Relationship, The Broken Hourglass
"Perfection has no deadline"
Posted 16 October 2002 - 01:59 PM
Posted 16 October 2002 - 06:23 PM
Although this seemed in my mind to be a MOD for a true bonding relationship between the PC and their sister (by Divine-means), I don't see any problem with a romantic relationship between the two.
I have written and directed Imoen NPC in both many Pen & Paper games and Neverwinter Nights BG modules, and have found that it is usually to be based on the situation at the time.
Many Imoen romances that I have written or conducted with both the Protagonist or other PCs/NPCs have been accepted by all. The issue here is how each person percieves social standards, beliefs and pratices that we are taught since birth.
Some people have always percieved that she has been like a sister to the Protagonist, others as someone they could find happiness with on the basis of a deeply intimate relationship.
Like Quitch says its all about how Imoen would react, considering she had her 'innocence' removed by Jon, quite possibly against her will. It is hard for me to see why not many MODs deal with this issue when they come to Imoen, considering this was probably a horrible experience which scarred her and made her wary of entering any other relationships.
Yet, she still trusts the Protagonist. This issue could be intergated in many ways, both on the emotional growth relationship side or the intimate relationship side. In an intimate relationship, it could end up like Aerie's romance, with you pushing the relationship too quickly and betraying Imoen's trust in you or it could be you helping to get over this major life changing event.
All in all, I see the definite possiblity for a more than friends/sibblings relationship, as I have written them and found that they could be well implemented. But it seems to work best as the Protagonist and Imoen discovering a possible romance over their time helping each other through their problems, not with one pursuing the other relentlessly or even casually. This way the Protagonist and Imoen slowly get a chance to discover who they are, what they mean to each other and what it all means.
To Quitch, good luck to you and I hope these ideas are taken into consideration by all, this MOD has the makings to be great beyond competition. To all who see the possibility of an Imoen romance to be immoral or otherwise 'wrong', that is your opinion and no one should be forced to take it as the utter truth in the matter.
It is unwise to think of Imoen as a true sister of the Protagonist as they are related neither by:
Affinity - Someone who is related by marriage; or
Consanguinity - Someone who is related by blood. This is ignored because it is assumed Bhaal was not in the Possession of the same being or individual, when he impregnated the mothers of both the Protagonist and Imoen. Now if this was a Sarevok Relationship MOD then there would be the possibility of Bhaal being in the same state when the Protagonist's and Sarevok's mothers were impregnated.
At most the characters are only sibblings by Divine Right, which as far as it relates to their family bonds, is next to nothing solid. It relates to simply how they feel about each other, and their feelings are what Quitch and I are talking about. Would Imoen respond to the Protagonist's advaces and if she did, how?
LSWSjr of LSWSjr Publications, Australia signing off.
In the end, when the chips are down, when you feel like its all over, you have to ask yourself "Was this the right way to be defeated by the inevitable?" and there is only one answer... "It is in this liftime, so I'll see ya in the next, Rowan T. of LSWSjr Publications signing off!"
*Rowan Tritton of LSWSjr Publications/Productions/Studios Australia.