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[Solved] Problem with the Great Gaazib and Oopah


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#1 Nathan82

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Posted 10 March 2025 - 12:28 PM

@Skellytz Hello, I noticed this a while ago and think I've finally kind of found the issue.

At the Nashekl carnival (AR3800) when speaking to Gazib, the dialogue effectively loops, you never get to the point where Oopah attacks and Gazib runs away.

He (Gazib) says the line Response: You're either a die-hard fan or a sadist, friend... (No, Oopah, just one more, one last one, then you can go back to the tent... Oopah, put the weapon down -- Oopah?) AAaeee!

Oopah then appears (almost directly on top of Gazib) and then just explodes again. You can then speak to Gazib and repeat this indefinitley it seems.

So i used NI to have a look at GAZIB.DLG in both my current BGT-WeiDU install and in BG1 and it looks like its not being transferred/converted properly.


GAZIB.DLG in BG1 has the following;

Action 0 - CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222])

Action 1 - CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222])

Action 2 - CreateCreature("OOPAH2",[1282.3222])



Whereas in BGT it has the following

Action 0 - CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222])

Action 1 - CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222])

Action 2 - CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222])


This is happening in the most recent version of BGT and, as I'm trying out Vlad's comp and Nej3, version 1.18


Let me know if there's anything i can do to test further.


Edited by skellytz, 12 March 2025 - 06:19 AM.
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#2 skellytz

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Posted 10 March 2025 - 03:12 PM

This is happening in the most recent version of BGT and, as I'm trying out Vlad's comp and Nej3, version 1.18



I couldn't reproduce this. On BGT v1.23.1 the dialogue worked for me as intended, and the actions are different:


Action 0: CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222],1)

Action 1: CreateCreature("OOPAH",[1282.3222],1)

Action 2: CreateCreature("OOPAH2",[1282.3222],1)


Has another mod caused your issues? What does WeiDU changelog on gazib.dlg output for you?

#3 Nathan82

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Posted 11 March 2025 - 06:14 PM

Hello. Sorry for wasting your time, it's not BGT thats doing it. I should have actually checked properly rather than just assuming before posting in a rush.

According to the changelog its this;

~SETUP-VCV21.TP2~ #0 #9 // New Fixes: v2.1 BWP adaptation


I didn't think Vlad's compilation really touched BG1 (apart from the black talon elite and bank) and so I assumed it wasnt that or Nej.

I'm pretty sure this isn't what its supposed to be doing but not sure why its happening.

Thanks again

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