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TobEx vs Afterlife

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#1 TDouglas


    Unwashed Wildling

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Posted 20 February 2025 - 11:37 AM

According to the PDF,  several mods had issues with some of TobEx's components.  I'm wondering if anyone with Afterlife installed also has these mods, and if so are there any issues?


I'm asking because Afterlife is apparently going to put its own version of these components in.


The mods that were reported are:


Spell Revisions - apparently had issues with the blindness component, giving incorrect spell descriptions if it's installed


SCS  - puts in it's own version of several components, namely Blindness, Stoneskin, Mirror image and Silence on Charm.


Yasraena NPC (and apparently other npcs as well) reported as being incompatible with Disable Force Inventory


In addition, I've noted the following mods installing similar sounding components.


Allow All Races to Dual Class    and   Remove all race-class restrictions


         Konlan's Tweaks component --Remove Dual Class Stat Restrictions

         Tweaks Anthology -- Expanded Dual-Class Options  and  Alter Dual-Class Restrictions


No idea if those have the potential to cause problems or not, but thought I'd point them out :)        


Edit:  SCS has no options corresponding to Blindness, Mirror Image or Silence.  Error in the PDF.

Edited by TDouglas, 21 February 2025 - 10:18 AM.

#2 Salk

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Posted 24 February 2025 - 05:26 AM

I cannot help you directly, but from what I read it seems that some of the issues are easily solved by choosing to not install a specific ToBEX Afterlife component (ex. in the case of other modifications that do something similar). About Spell Revisions, you perhaps are aware of the existance of Spell Revisions Revised which is maintained by Bartimaeus. While he is no longer much active at Gibberlings3, he plays and tests his version on the classic engine so I believe he'd be aware of any major compatibility problems between ToBEX Afterlife and SRR. Speaking of spells, I'd recommend to not install SCS's own versions if you are installing SR®. DavidW and the people keeping SR® alive have cooperated to make the two modifications compatible (especially SR and SCS), but I think you don't want to have the same spell modified by both. SR® allows you to comment out some specific spells in case you prefer to keep the original. That would allow you to choose to go with the SCS version of the spells.