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mod debug files

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#1 TDouglas


    Unwashed Wildling

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Posted 02 February 2025 - 09:48 PM

I'm rewriting the BWP install guide.  In order to get the mods component questions right, I have to actually install them.  ALL of them.  My game directory is a nightmare.


It seems to me that once a mod is installed, mods coming after it would look for information about it in weidu.log, not the mods debug file.  If that assumption is correct, then it would be safe for me to simply make a debug directory and move those files there.  That feels right, at least.  I am, however, an idiot and may be about to do something extremely stupid.


Can anyone set me straight here? 

#2 Argent77

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 05:29 AM

It seems to me that once a mod is installed, mods coming after it would look for information about it in weidu.log, not the mods debug file.  If that assumption is correct, then it would be safe for me to simply make a debug directory and move those files there.  That feels right, at least.  I am, however, an idiot and may be about to do something extremely stupid.


Can anyone set me straight here? 

Yes, that's correct. WeiDU installers only care about the WeiDU.log (as well as weidu.conf for EE games, and the backup folders created by the individual mods). If you don't like having *.debug files in the root folder of the game then create a "debugs" folder in the game directory. WeiDU has an undocumented behavior that it automatically creates *.debug files there if that folder exists.

#3 TDouglas


    Unwashed Wildling

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Posted 03 February 2025 - 12:13 PM

You're a life saver :)  Had no idea about the debugs folder... thank you!