Adalon's Blood
Author: Gandalf the White
Coding and co-author: jastey
Adalon's Blood Modification is for Baldur's Gate II (BG2, BGT, BGII:EE, EET). It enables the player to ask Adalon for somewhat of her blood to end the 'skinner' murders in the Bridge District without having to kill her. This is mainly aimed at good aligned characters who want to finish the quest in a good way: to discover and eradicate the clients of the skinner and cleanse the armor in a temple.
Nevertheless, evil characters with CHAR of 18 or higher may also attempt to convince Adalon to sacrifice some of her blood. There is a 25% chance of success for them in deceiving the silver dragon.
Version 17 comes with some language improvements.
-Chinese translation: update setup.tra & silberdrachenblut.tra, by Lzw104522773
-Russian version completed with missing line in silberdrachenblut.tra, by yota13
-German: typo corrections, by Ychap
Read the original article at The Gibberlings Three