The IWD2 NPC Projects provides ten joinable NPCs to your IWD2 game. You can play them in a party, or build a 'main character' for the game and choose among them to join your quest. Two games in particular provided the major source of inspiration for this mod: Baldur's Gate II and Knights of the Old Republic. BioWare developed both of those excellent games. The main goal of IWD2 NPC is to give an IWD2 player the opportunity to play with joinable NPCs that are not silent.
Version 7 provides full compatibility with the IWD2EE mod. While now compatible with IWD2EE, these NPCs do not become the 'full' NPCs that IWD2EE can now utilize, as the author is gone (more here) but should otherwise be fully compatible with the new platform. I took the opportunity to track down and fix some old bugs (including some fixes sent along by paladin84, cheers) and just generally modernize the mod. Version 7 incorporates all of the intermediate fixes and updates from the testing version that followed the last stable release, v6.
Read the original article at The Gibberlings Three