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No Ceinwen dialog after she's saved from Cowled Wizards

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#1 aiqa

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Posted 21 December 2024 - 05:49 PM

Ceinwen can be saved from the cowled wizards by paying 5000 gold to the wizard next to her in the Council of Six Building.

That sets global dai_TalkedToCeinwen to 5.

The next step would be to go back to her house (YS0401) and talk to her to get past the teleport traps. But there is no dialog available for that game state.

The only dialog available for Global("dai_TalkedToCeinwen","GLOBAL",5) also requires Global("ys_CeinwenRot","GLOBAL",1).

Global("ys_CeinwenRot","GLOBAL",1) seems to be set when you don't pay off the cowled wizards to save her, and she is taken to Spellhold.


Setting the global with the console at least lets you continue the quest, but the dialog is a bit mismatched.



Alternative is to remove the Global("ys_CeinwenRot","GLOBAL",1) requiremenet from the dialog for Global("dai_TalkedToCeinwen","GLOBAL",5) in Near Infinty.

#2 aiqa

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Posted 22 December 2024 - 09:30 AM

The "good" path really seems a bit half coded.


After getting the child vampire blood for Ceinwen, she gives me a potion to turn me undead. And an antidote.

I got past the teleport trap using those, and got the key I need for the quest.

Now I am supposed to return that key to the demon, but he doesn't recognize I have it.


There is only 1 dialog path that continues the quest, and that one seems designed for when Ceinwen isn't honest about the antidote and you end up as a ghoul.

And from what I can see that is for the path where you let the cowled wizards take her to spellhold.


Either way. The way to continue is to spawn item C:CreateItem("ysghoul1"),  but that item can't be removed from your inventory.

Or to adjust the ysghoul1 requirement in YSTANARR.dlg.

I replaced:


Again, the dialog is slightly mismatched like that. But at least it lets me continue the quest.


#3 aiqa

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Posted 22 December 2024 - 02:24 PM

A recap for the quest so far.


- Ceinwen in Council of Six Building can be saved by paying the cowled wizard. And after she is saved she asks to meet up at her house.

- Ceinwen in her own house can't be talked to, because her dialog now requires ys_CeinwenRot = 1. And ys_CeinwenRot is only set by waiting for 1 week to let the cowled wizard take Ceinwen to spellhold. There is no dialog available that fully matches saving her.

- When removing ys_CeinwenRot requirement from Ceinwen dialog, the quest continues to fetching blood from the vampire child using the special sword. But the dialog doesn't quite match.

- After getting the vampire blood, Ceinwen gives me 2 potions. One to become undead, and one antidote.

- Both potions work fine. Allowing me to get the key (ystankey) and leaving me with big stat debuff, that gets removed automatically after sleeping a few days.

- So now I return to the demon in the lighthouse, with the key. But he only has dialog written for a character that has turned undead. It suggests Ceinwen didn't give me the antidote to trick me, and requires ysghoul1 in the player inventory. I haven't turned undead because the antidote worked fine for me. And I don't have ysghoul1 (and I dont want it, because it can't be dropped)

- Changing that requirement from ysghoul1 to ystankey allows me to continue the quest. But again, the dialog doesn't quite match.

- The quest now all works fine until the quests points me to YS0392 and have to talk to Angharad and Garalial. Angharad tells me to talk to Garalial. Garalial doesn't have any available dialog.

- Garalial requires me to have ysghoul1 for his initial dialog. After replacing the dialog condition from PartyHasItem("ysghoul1") Global("ysGargelGhoul","GLOBAL",0) to Global("ys_TalkedToGarGel","GLOBAL",0) I can continue the quest. Again, the dialog doesn't quite match.

- Now off to get the orb. The dwarf was asking for a fight, so obliged and killed him. But that particular dialog path didn't SetGlobal("ys_TalkedToAngharad","GLOBAL",2), so now now I can't return the orb to Angharad. So I had to change Angharad's dialog condition to also accept ys_TalkedToAngharad set to 1. And added !PartyHasItem("ysorb") to an earlier dialog to prevent that from firing.


I didn't know the title of this mod refered to how it feels to try getting through it.

Edited by aiqa, 22 December 2024 - 03:40 PM.