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Looping dialogue

looping stutter dialogue

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#1 Truman

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Posted 15 December 2024 - 09:05 PM

Hello everyone, i have a question that i think has been asked several years ago. I just can't remember the answer. Actually i have 2 questions;


Q1) Is there a way to stop characters from looping their dialogue while you are in the game?


Q2) With the first question in mind, is there a way to use ShadowKeeper or some other application to stop a character from looping, or, possibly stop a character's talking? 


Q2+) Is there a way to end a conversation?

#2 skellytz

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Posted 15 December 2024 - 10:52 PM

Is there a way to use ShadowKeeper or some other application to stop a character from looping, or, possibly stop a character's talking?

Please start with the Stutter Debug Tool to identify the offending script block.


Moved the topic to IE Help.

#3 Truman

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Posted 16 December 2024 - 12:34 AM

Thanks for moving the topic to IE Help, i didn't know there was such a thing. I'll try the Stutter Debug Tool, i've never used it before and we'll see what happens.
Sorry, but the files that were downloaded seems to be missing something. What i got;
setup- stutterbug                           file
setup- Stutterbug.command         COMMAND file
Stutterbug                                     TP2 File
readme-stutterbug.english            text document
readme-stutterbug.french              text document
readme-stutterbug.german            text document
It will not install. I get nothing but error messages.
I also got a message from my computer about there being a VIRUS in the Readme.md, which i decided not to download, but i got it anyway after i unzipped the file.
However i did find what i couldn't find the first time i looked (stutterbug - file folder), but it didn't make any difference, still can't install.

Edited by skellytz, 16 December 2024 - 07:11 AM.
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#4 skellytz

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Posted 16 December 2024 - 07:35 AM

I've asked about your antivirus software before. If you don't want to say here, please consult with the support of the software to solve your issues with a high rate of false positives.


Your AV has blocked setup-stutterdebug.exe (WeiDU setup executable.) You can also download it from the official source:


#5 Truman

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Posted 17 December 2024 - 12:28 AM

Your AV has blocked setup-stutterdebug.exe (WeiDU setup executable.) 



In this instance, i checked the stutterdebug file folder and it is empty. If there is a problem with WeiDu, that will be a seperate issue.


Well, i tried downloading the file a second time and it worked much better. I am currently installing the Debug tool now. Now it says it's finished and also that it was successfull. Wish me luck!

Edited by Truman, 17 December 2024 - 12:44 AM.

#6 Truman

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Posted 01 January 2025 - 03:37 AM

My apologies for the delay in writing. I installed stutterbug debug in the directory and started it up, got the message "this will take time". Waited for it to finish and looked at the DEBUG file. There seemed to be a lot of files that i believe it restored from backups. I assume that to be right, so i tried it. Fired up the game and got the same thing. Alright.

I didn't mention in my original post which characters had the looping problem, so before i continue here is most of the list;

Jaheira and player

Jaheira and Nalia

Jaheira and Aerie

Anomen and Haer Dalis

Anomen and player

Anomen and Aerie

Nalia and player

Haer Dalis and player

Haer Dalis and Nalia

Jan Jansen and Anomen

Yoshimo and Jaheira

Yoshimo and Nalia

There seems to be a pattern in the list. All of the characters are the original ones, there aren't any modded ones. I use the suggestion that after the original install (from disc) that i make a copy of BGMain, dialog talk, override and chitin.key. Then when ever you need to reinstall, you can call up these files and save a lot of time. It appears that the original files have been corrupted somehow or something else, that is still in the game after i reinstall, which i tried, with no affect that i can tell. Still looping.

I did figure out a work around for some of it, but i don't think that i should have the problem in the first place. 

I am thinking about reinstalling from the disc and seeing what happens

Edited by Truman, 01 January 2025 - 03:37 AM.

#7 Truman

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Posted 11 February 2025 - 01:02 AM

Fellow BG2 players, i have spent quite a bit of time thinking about my problem with dialogues. I have come to a small list of causes, that i'd like to share.

One idea is that GLOBALS are not working, My opinion is because they are not there to work. Somehow they got erased, deleted or just simply vanished into the ether. The how of it, i don't have a clue.


My second idea is for some reason, long ago, i put BG2 onto the C: drive when i should not have. I can't remember why, but there it is.

I used Windows 10 at the time i installed BG2 onto the C; drive and it was a problem from day 1. Why i didn't remove it, i can no longer remember. I can only say that the C; drive was a really bad idea.


I reinstalled from the original discs onto the D; drive. I started up a stripped down version of the game and have had absolutely no problems with anything. Admittedly, a stripped down version doesn't have a whole lot to go wrong, but then i am simply looking for anything that stands out. So far so good. When i finish this particular run through i intend on using a mega install. Lets see what happens then.

#8 Salk

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Posted 24 February 2025 - 05:18 AM

Good luck!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: looping, stutter, dialogue