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SubtleMods: 5th Edition Spellcasting mod updated to version 2.7

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#1 IE Modding News

IE Modding News

    Spellhold Studios

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  • 685 posts

Posted 25 October 2024 - 07:53 AM

5E Spellcasting has been updated to version 2.7 with important technical improvements. The mod uses a complex system under the hood to convert the 2nd Edition spellcasting system of the BG games into a more flexible system like that in 5th Edition D&D. This system was prone to causing the game engine to freeze up under certain circumstances; there were easy player workarounds to avoid those circumstances, but as of version 2.7 that is no longer necessary.

You can download the mod here, and read the Readme here.

* * * * * * *

The SubtleMods compilation provides tweaks both large and small to almost every game mechanic, and also adds and expands game content to improve the player experience:

  • Combat Skills & Proficiencies provides alternate rules for weapon proficiency advancement and fighting styles, and adds a feat system that is integrated into the game's proficiency system.
  • SubtleD's Spell Tweaks overhauls some systems underlying certain spells, like familiars and illusionary clones, and tweaks several dozen spells on a smaller scale to make them more balanced, more distinctive, and more fun.
  • SubtleD's Item Tweaks includes a flexible, customizable dmaage resistance system for armors, and improves several individual items to make them more engaging and useful.
  • SubtleD's Stat Overhauls improves various aspects of ability scores, adding new bonuses, new penalties (!), and more interaction with other systems like spell memorization.
  • 5th Edition Spellcasting allows casters to use 5th Edition D&D rules: you prepare a certain subset of your known spells, and then you can cast your prepared spells interchangeably.
  • Magic Battles Revised streamlines the arcane "magic duel" system, making it more sensible and more fluid.
  • IWD_EET_Integration alters the way tipun's IWD and IWD2 mods interact with EET: it allows those campaigns to be played independently from level 1, and optionally adds some IWD content into the BG2/SoA campaign.
  • BP-in-BG inserts the Black Pits 1 campaign as a single big prestige dungeon inside the Baldur's Gate 1 campaign.
  • Reflections of Destiny remixes SoD content and changes the end of the BG1 campaign for a more enjoyable transition.

Taken together, these mods represent a unified vision of how the game's mechanics and content can operate and interact in improved ways. However, because everyone's taste is different, these are designed to be as modular as possible, allowing players to pick and choose from among different components as they please. Compatibility with other mods is maximized wherever possible.

Read the original article at The Gibberlings Three