@totor115 since your version seems to be most recent/advanced one...
As the title says, if rr#spain.spl is not already installed by the fiend component, installing pnp undead failed in this area (undead.tpa):
//Wall of Ice ACTION_IF !FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME rr#icew.spl BEGIN COPY ~atweaks/bam/rr#icew.bam~ ~override~ // Wall of Ice BAM COPY ~atweaks/spl/rr#icew.spl~ ~override~ // Wall of Ice SAY NAME1 @1024 SAY NAME2 @1024 /* READ_LONG 0x64 ab_off READ_SHORT 0x68 ab_num FOR(i=0; i<ab_num; i+=1) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (ab_off+i*0x28+0x26) %rr#icew% // use new projectile END */ LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR projectile = ~%rr#icew%~ END // use new projectile (party friendly) END //Symbol, Pain ACTION_IF !FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME rr#spain.spl BEGIN COPY ~aTweaks/SPL/RR#SPAIN.SPL~ ~override~ // Symbol Pain /* READ_LONG 0x64 ab_off READ_SHORT 0x68 ab_num FOR(i=0; i<ab_num; i+=1) BEGIN WRITE_SHORT (ab_off+i*0x28+0x26) %RR#SPAIN% // use new projectile (party friendly) END */ LPF ALTER_SPELL_HEADER INT_VAR projectile = ~%rr#spain%~ END // use new projectile (party friendly) END
I've changed it to the same treatment the spell gets in rr#fiend.tph and the component installed succesfully,