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[MOD] Shohy's Weapon Style Rebalance v0.4

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#1 shohy

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Posted 15 February 2024 - 06:10 PM

Rebalance for Two-Handed Weapon Style, Sword and Shield Style, Single-Weapon Style and Two-Weapon Style, in order that all Weapon Styles are useful.
All ajustments take effect only in combat, not in peacetime.

One glitch: After a battle, the time to save the game may be delayed for a few seconds.

Download here


This MOD doesn't modify any of the original game data, it only temporarily adds additional adjustments in combat, so it is compatible with everything.


①Rebalance for Weapon Styles

[Single-Weapon Style]
1 Slot: +2 to attack speed, one special attack in each round for tripping your enemy, grappling him temporarily or flipping him to the floor.
2 Slots: +4 to attack speed, one special attack in each round for tripping your enemy, grappling him or flipping him to the floor for a slightly longer duration, with 10% chance to disarm his weapons (only affects humanoids).
The tripping takes effect when the enemy's strength does not exceed the character's strength by more than 2 points. The enemy can also make a save vs. breath with a +4 bonus to avoid being tripped (-1 save penalty for every 5 levels of the attacker).
A hasted character can make two trip attacks in one round.
Some creatures (such as wraiths or slimes) can not be tripped.

[Two-Handed Weapon Style]
1 Slot: +1/2 attack per round.
2 Slots: +1 attack per round.
Strength modifier to your melee damage is increased by 50%.

[Two-Weapon Style]
-1/2 attack per round, unless 5 proficiency points are put into Two-Weapon Style (See the component 'More proficiency points can be spent to all Weapon Styles').
0 Slot: -2 to melee damage.
1 Slot: -2 to melee damage while +1 bonus to melee AC.
2 Slots: -1 to melee damage while +2 bonus to melee AC.
3 Slots: +2 bonus to melee AC.

[Sword and Shield Style]
With a shield that blocks the enemy's view, you can make a sudden strike with +2 bonus to attack rolls per round.
1 Slot: +1 bonus to melee AC, one additional shield bash on nearest enemy per round besides normal attacks, which can break down your enemy's defense (-2 penalty to AC) for a while and knock him back. The enemy can make a save vs. breath with a +4 bonus to avoid the shield bash (-1 save penalty for every 5 levels of the attacker).
2 Slots: +2 bonus to melee AC, one additional shield bash on nearest enemy per round besides normal attacks, which casues stunning damage of 1D4 + strength modifier and an extra stunning check.  The enemy can make a save vs. breath with a +4 bonus to avoid being stunned (-1 save penalty for every 5 levels of the attacker), but he'll still suffer a defense break and being knocked back.
A hasted character can cast sudden strike and shield bash twice in one round.

[Unarmed (Monks only)]
One special attack in each round for tripping your enemy. When the monk has something in his hand, his special attack works as a tripping of rank 1 Single-Weapon Style. While nothing in hand, it works as a tripping of rank 2 Single-Weapon Style.

②More proficiency points can be spent to all Weapon Styles

When each Weapon Style reaches rank 2, it automaticly decreases to rank 1 in exchange for +1 bonus to melee damage, melee AC, tohit and attack speed. There's no more decline when it reaches rank 2 again.
When Two-Weapon Style reaches rank 3, it decreases to rank 2. When it reaches rank 3 again (5 points invested totally), the penalty of -1/2 attack per round no longer exists.

③Detailed ajustments for different weapons

If you have an one-handed light weapon (dagger, short sword, wakizashi, etc., or with bare hands) in one hand with another hand unarmed, your dexterity modifier is added to THAC0 (the bonus is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 when dexterity reaches 16, 17, 19, 21, 24); if the other hand is armed, there is no dexterity modifier, but +1 bonus to melee AC and off-hand THAC0.
If you're using a two-handed light weapon (spear, staff), you gets +1 bonus to melee AC and THAC0.

If you have an one-handed long-edged weapon (scimitar, long sword, bastar sword, katana, etc.) in one hand with another hand unarmed, you have 30% chance to exert a small AOE with slashing damage of 1D6 plus 50% of strength modifier. However, the direct damage of this attack is reduced by 3 points and minus 50% of strength modifier. If the other hand is also armed, the probability of exerting AOE is halved.
If you're using a two-handed long-edged weapon (two-handed sword in original game, two-handed katana and bastar sword provided by other MODs),  you have 60% chance to exert a larger AOE with slashing damage of 1D10 plus 50% of strength modifier (as the Component of 'Rebalance for Weapon Styles' raises the two-handed strength modifier to 150%, the modifier here is actually 75% of the original strength modifier). However, the direct damage of this attack is reduced by 5 points and minus 50% of strength modifier.
There is also an AOE with a two-handed halberds, but the probability is 30%.
For convenience, such AOEs won't hurt teammates.

If you have an one-handed bludgeon weapon (war hammer, mace, flail, morning star, etc.) in one hand with another hand unarmed, you have chance (grows with your strength, 0% at 10 str, 30% at 25 str, half for one-handed axe) to exert a mighty blow, which can break down your enemy's defense (-2 penalty to AC) for a while and knock him back (save vs. breath). If the other hand is also armed, the probability of mighty blow is halved.
If you're using a two-handed hammer (provided by other MODs), you have chance (grows with your strength, 0% at 10 str, 45% at 25 str, half for two-handed axe from Icewind Dale or other MODs) to exert a mighty blow, which can stun your enemy or even knock them down. The enemy who makes a save vs. breath only suffers a short penalty of -2 to AC and knocking back.

If you're using an one-handed weapon with tripping property (axe, war hammer, or one-handed halberd provided by other MODs), you obtain one special attack in each round that can hook your foe's weapon, aromr or limbs to drag him. The enemy loses his balance (-4 penalty to AC and THAC0) for a short while unless saves vs. breath.
If you're using an two-handed weapon with tripping property (halberd, or two-handed axe and war hammer provided by other MODs), you obtain one special attack in each round that can hook your foe's weapon, aromr or limbs to drag him down to the floor unless saves vs. breath, with 10% chance to disarm his weapons (only affects humanoids).
The dragging takes effect when the enemy's strength does not exceed the character's strength by more than 2 points.
A hasted character can make two dragging attacks in one round.

If you're using an two-handed spear, you get +2 to damage.

For the special attacks above that require save vs. breath, the enemy can make save with a +4 bonus, and with -1 save penalty for every 5 levels of the attacker.

④Similar benefits for enemies

Enemies can also gain some weapon effects against players, but they are not accurate:
Enemies of warrior classes that hold spears, staves or halberds are treated to be rank 2 in Two-Handed Weapon Style, for non-warrior classes they're treated to be rank 1.
Enemies of warrior classes that hold shields are treated to be rank 2 in Sword and Shield Style, for non-warrior classes they're treated to be rank 1.
Enemies of warrior classes without shields in hands obtain +1/2 attack per round.
Enemies with one-handed light weapons gain dexterity modifier on THAC0; Enemies with two-handed light weapons gain +1 bonus to melee AC and THAC0.
Enemies without shields in hands who equip long-edged weapons, bludgeon weapons, or weapons with tripping property, can also cast cleave, mighty blow and hook attacks. Such special attacks are switched to two-handed version whe their strengths are over 18.
Hostile monk gains a trip attack per round, which acts the same as trip attack of rank 2 Single-Weapon Style.

///////////Version History///////////

V 0.4
Added a little visual effect better than nothing for shield bash.
Fixed the problem that damage with Two-Handed Weapon Style was greater than expected.
Fixed the problem that tohit of sudden strike with Sword and Shield Style may be greater than expected.
The problem that the game could not be saved immediately after a battle was not solved, but the waiting time before saving the game is greatly reduced.

V 0.3
Fixed a serious problem that causes game crashing.
Fixed some detailed bugs.
Increased damage of cleave (50% of strength bonus).

V 0.2
Fixed some problems.
New components: 'Detailed ajustments for different weapons' and 'Similar benefits for enemies'

V 0.1
Components: 'Rebalance for Weapon Styles' and 'More proficiency points can be spent to all Weapon Styles'


Edited by shohy, 16 February 2024 - 12:31 AM.