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[Solved] Installation order: request for clarification and help

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#1 colo

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Posted 13 February 2024 - 12:12 PM

I was trying to post this in a new thread, but the forum software croaked with a database driver error... I hope it's OK for my plea for help to end up in here instead!


Subject: BGT with smol patches, installation order: request for clarification and help


So it's 2024 by now, and I would like my wife's two younger brothers to enjoy the great classics with me in a multiplayer session, the way the were (in my mind at least) meant to be. I was planning to use the GOG releases of both BG1 and BG2 (the non-EE versions, if that is not obvious from my previous statements :)) as the basis for a very light overhaul of the trilogy - mostly fixing bugs and moving some game elements closer to AD&D 2nd Edition as it was in P&P.


I even have earlier spins of such a project (from 2016 and from 2020) around, but for the life of me, I cannot remember how exactly I created them back in the day - esp. which specific fixpack was a sound idea to have installed, and when to install it, eludes my aging gray matter. So I turn to the SHS forums, which I am so happy to see having risen again, with a number of noobish questions, which I hope will find a kind soul to answer...


My plan right now is the following, with questions inline:


  1. I install GOG's BG1 version to a specific directory. (I do not touch this directory afterwards; right?)
  2. I install GOG's BG2 version to a specific directory.
  3. I run the latest BG2 fixpack installer in the BG2 directory. (Do I really need this one, or is this taken care of by the mods/fixpacks that follow?)
  4. I run the latest BGT-WeiDU installer in the BG2 directory, which basically transforms it into a/the BGT directory.
  5. I run the latest Tweaks Anthology installer in the BGT directory.
  6. I run the latest Widescreen Patch installer in the BGT directory.
  7. I run the latest BG2 Improved GUI installer in the BGT directory (I've never used/done that before; is it the proper time and place?)
  8. I run the latest Generalized Biffing in the BGT directory.


Then, taking care of correct pathnames in baldur.ini, we should be good to go with the resulting BGT directory on our Windows 10 machines (they will be connected via a IPv4-only VPN, and I will host the game session).


Can anyone familiar with the matter (I've tried to cross-check with the Big World Project document - which is a monumental masterpiece! - but the breadth and extent of its content kinda overwhelmed me, and I feel like I'm back at square 1 with my comparably puny "modding" project...) please give me heads-up if this plan is doomed to fail, or what I should (re)consider when implementing it, for best results? Am I missing any obvious (or non-obvious :)) fixpacks/patches that would improve the experience of my fellow adventurers and myself? Can/should I leave one or the other out?


I would be very, very grateful for your input - thanks a lot, and a Pearl to you, dear reader! :)

Edited by skellytz, 13 February 2024 - 02:21 PM.
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#2 skellytz

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Posted 13 February 2024 - 03:48 PM

I was trying to post this in a new thread, but the forum software croaked with a database driver error... I hope it's OK for my plea for help to end up in here instead!

I've split this into a separate thread.


I've tried to cross-check with the Big World Project document - which is a monumental masterpiece! - but the breadth and extent of its content kinda overwhelmed me, and I feel like I'm back at square 1 with my comparably puny "modding" project...) please give me heads-up if this plan is doomed to fail, or what I should (re)consider when implementing it, for best results?

I agree that BWP is definitely a good installation guide to follow though a bit outdated. Consider the following (off the top of my head):

TobEx AfterLife
BG2 Fixpack
BG2 EE-Style GTU
Restored Textscreen Music (core package) + English language pack

Replacement lightmaps for Baldur's Gate city

Endless BG1

BG1 Unfinished Business
BGT Tweak Pack
Tweaks Anthology
AC's Misc Tweaks
Infinity Sounds

BG2 Improved GUI (component "Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click" might need to be installed before BG2 EE-Style GTU)

Generalized Biffing


As always: please check the readmes.

Edited by skellytz, 13 February 2024 - 03:58 PM.

#3 colo

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Posted 14 February 2024 - 04:04 AM

Thank you so much for helping me spawn a dedicated thread for my questions, and also for providing such valuable input (and yet more awesome mods to consider  8) ) along the way!


As to your list of suggestions/additions: I take it the order in this list reflects the suggested install order of the mentioned mods?


Does your parenthesized comment near the end imply that some mods might have to have more than one "install cycle", potentially with different options selected/installed for each? (i.e., that I shall do a first pass of installing "BG 2 Improved GUI" with the "Innate/Ability/Spell Description Screen on Right Click" component installed (but not others?), before I install the "BG2 EE-Style GTU" mod - and then, right before the biffing, Install "BG2 Improved GUI" once more/again?


Regarding READMEs: Of course, will do! Since some of the suggested mods had their last release before others were first conceived (the BG2 Fixpack is from 2012, for instance) - is it sane to assume that mods that are from a younger heritage than the Great Old Ones will not trample over their ancestors' fine work?


And one last question regarding TobEx (which I've never have used before, and it seems like I missed out on a lot!): I take it this is a mix of both WeiDU-style data patches, and an executable/dylib that hooks into the BGmain process at/after launch - does that mean that if I, wanting to try the "BG2 Improved GUI"-variant (which seems to be the latest and greatest continuation of TobEx?), have to install all three of them: TobEx, TobEx AfterLife, and BG2 Improved GUI? (In other words: Each of these packages brings features of their own to the table that I cannot have without them - is that correct?)


Thanks so much for taking the time to reply! :hug:

#4 skellytz

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Posted 14 February 2024 - 02:37 PM

As far as I'm concerned, your conclusions are correct.

#5 colo

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Posted 14 February 2024 - 11:16 PM

Thank you, again! :)

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