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Problem upgrading the installed version

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#1 LordFirkraag

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 09:38 AM



I started the game again after two decades, with a bunch of mods, notably BGT, ToBEx, TweaksAnthology, 1pp and InfinityAnimations.


I had an older version of IA, where you had to download creature files and put them in respective folders. I didn't know that this wasn't the latest version.


Everything was working perfectly, until I saw that my soldiers of Amn in Nashkel had the upgraded SoA version (when I didn't want them to). So I googled that the latest version of IA allows you to swap them back. I immediately downloaded it.


The ReadMe said that you should uninstall and delete all folders from the older version before you install the new one, so I did it.


The problem is, the new version will not properly install. Everything works, until the point where it should patch my SaveGame.


It just repeatedly fails to do so.


I didn't care, because I could live with the changed Nashkel guards, so I continued until SoA. Now Minsc and Aerie have the SoA animations, and I want to reinstall IA to "fix" them to receive BG1 sprites, but I still have the same problem, that the patcher doesn't update my SaveGame.


Can you help me? This is the error message I get.


Patch save/000000007-Elerion [Y/N]?

Updating .gam file in save/000000007-Elerion ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...

Updating .sav file in in save/000000007-Elerion ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
ERROR: illegal 32-byte read from offset 28744 of 28456-byte file save/000000007-Elerion/baldur.sav
ERROR: [save/000000007-Elerion/baldur.sav] -> [save/000000007-Elerion/baldur.sav] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("save/000000007-Elerion/baldur.sav: read out of bounds"))
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [BG1 Animations for Saved Games -> Patch all characters without prompting], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   3 files for [INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2] component 9620.
Uninstalled      3 files for [INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2] component 9620.
ERROR: Failure("save/000000007-Elerion/baldur.sav: read out of bounds")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.DEBUG and look for support at: www.shsforums.net/forum/594-infinity-animations/
Using Language [English]


Thank you in advance!

#2 skellytz

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Posted 08 April 2023 - 12:50 PM

Everything was working perfectly, until I saw that my soldiers of Amn in Nashkel had the upgraded SoA version (when I didn't want them to). So I googled that the latest version of IA allows you to swap them back. I immediately downloaded it.

IAv6 (in development) was planned to have that option. IAv5.1 (latest) doesn't. Which version exactly are you trying to install?


AC's Miscellaneous Tweaks has a component to restore BG1 Flaming Fist and Amnian Guard animations.


I'll test the BG1 Animations for Saved Games as soon as I can. Can you attach your WeiDU log?

#3 LordFirkraag

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Posted 09 April 2023 - 09:32 PM

Hmmm... I am installing 5.1.


I am attaching the WeiDU.log file.


In the meantime, I have "fixed" my NPCs with Shadowkeeper (hurray!) but I am still interested in getting to the cause of this, in case I have other trouble in the future.

Attached Files

#4 skellytz

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Posted 10 April 2023 - 05:18 PM

Hmmm... I am installing 5.1.

I've just installed IA v5.1 with the restored BG1 animations. I didn't get any errors and my save was successfully patched.


Your WeiDU log says you installed IA v5, not v5.1 as you stated. Are you sure you properly uninstalled the older version of IA using the setup file and deleted infinityanimations folder prior to the installation of the newer version?


Be careful when uninstalling IA because WeiDU will attempt to restore the saves it had backed up before patching.

Edited by skellytz, 10 April 2023 - 05:31 PM.

#5 LordFirkraag

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Posted 10 April 2023 - 10:06 PM

I figured one thing that was wrong, I had V5, uninstalled it, deleted all folders, then tried updating to V5.1.


Still, even after uninstalling and deleting all folders again, I get the same error when I try to install any version (even 5, that didn't have the problem originally).


It seems to be a problem with patching the Save Games, because everything else seems to be working.

#6 skellytz

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Posted 11 April 2023 - 05:42 AM

Still, even after uninstalling and deleting all folders again, I get the same error when I try to install any version (even 5, that didn't have the problem originally).

Let me inspect the save file then. Please attach save/000000007-Elerion/baldur.sav

#7 LordFirkraag

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Posted 11 April 2023 - 08:37 AM

Attached the entire folder as a .rar file because I couldn't upload the .sav.


In the meantime I uninstalled the game, reinstalled it, and reinstalled all mods, but I get the same error message.


Mind you everything is still working (and the save game is just as I left it, with BG1 sprites and all) but IA cannot patch it any more.

Attached Files