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BGT Game Text Update: Errors, Typos, Corrections

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#1 Salk

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Posted 01 February 2023 - 09:38 PM



I am reviewing your excellent work on the updated BG1 game text (making a comparison with my old work from years past) and I thought you'd might want to be informed about the few instances where you need to intervene. I'll update this post as I continue.


One such case is string 4574 to 4582. The audio played there should be PNOBL01, PNOBL02, PNOBL03, PNOBL04, PNOBL05, PNOBL06, PNOBL07, PNOBL08, PNOBL09 as opposed to PNOBL04, PNOBL05, PNOBL06, PNOBL07, PNOBL08, PNOBL09, PNOBL10, PNOBL11, PNOBL12.


String 4700: Typo: !.


String 5086: "the" at the beginning should be capitalized.


String 5718: I think "your" should be changed to "their"


String 5719: I think comma should replace period after the initial "Why"


String 5772: Typo: "we're" should be "were"

Edited by skellytz, 01 April 2023 - 09:43 AM.
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#2 skellytz

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Posted 01 February 2023 - 10:06 PM

One such case is string 4574 to 4582. The audio played there should be PNOBL01, PNOBL02, PNOBL03, PNOBL04, PNOBL05, PNOBL06, PNOBL07, PNOBL08, PNOBL09 as opposed to PNOBL04, PNOBL05, PNOBL06, PNOBL07, PNOBL08, PNOBL09, PNOBL10, PNOBL11, PNOBL12.

These are just unused leftover strings. The dialogues noblpa, noblpa1, noblpa2 and noblpa3 actually use different string numbers with the same content but correct audio references.

String 4700. Typo: !

String 5086: "the" at the beginning should be capitalized

String 5718: I think "your" should be changed to "their"

String 5719: I think comma should replace period after the initial "Why"

String 5772: Typo: "we're" should be "were".

Ok, thanks!

Edited by skellytz, 03 February 2023 - 01:59 PM.

#3 Salk

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Posted 02 February 2023 - 10:21 PM

One question, skellytz.


The WOLFF01 sound seems to be unused in BGT while WOLFF03 is used three times (Str 5554, 5556 and 5557). I guess it is intended? In my Tweaks, I know I have made some audio changes to WOLFF01, WIDOG09 and WADOG09, but I don't honestly remember why.

Edited by Salk, 02 February 2023 - 10:33 PM.

#4 skellytz

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Posted 03 February 2023 - 01:31 PM

Salk, you know that monster/animal soundsets are still messed up in all BG games. Infinity Sounds v2 attempts to fix issues like that.

#5 Salk

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Posted 04 February 2023 - 12:47 AM

Yes, of course. Infinity Sounds will fix many such issues.





Mass replacing: yer -> ye're , gp -> gold pieces , !? -> ?! , Merchants' Consortium -> Merchants' League , Bruno -> Brunos

String 6103: "Onward. we" -> "Onward. We"

String 6544: Typo: "the "the"
String 6548: Bandit -> bandit
String 7388: their wish -> they wish
String 7753: I can do for ya. -> I can do for ya?
String 8416: It dost sound -> It sounds
String 8555: A part of the original line is missing: "Now we'll get some real information about what these peoples were truly like!" Was it intended?
String 8581: "if the price were right" -> "if the price was right"
String 9813: Hello there, stranger? -> Hello there, stranger.
String 10197: "squire.Recently" -> "squire. Recently"
String 10867: effect -> affect
String 11415: might be, be he is -> cut second "be"
String 11515: too -> to
String 11786: fella -> friend/pal?
String 11806: members of the Shadow Thieves, they -> members of the Shadow Thieves. They
String 11815: could you call off your men, they've -> could you call off your men? They've
String 12228, 12271: Taugosz -> Taurgosz
String 12433: [STORE05] -> [SURGN03]
String 12434: [STORE06] -> [SURGN04]
String 12649: , than -> than
String 13159: re-occurring -> recurring
String 13401: chance, now -> chance. Now
String 13492: youngin' -> young'un
String 13507: here sir! -> here, <SIRMAAM>!
String 14137: change to (as per EE) ~Now we'll get some real information about what these peoples were truly like!~
String 14235: do you... -> do you?

String 14243: than -> then
String 14252: lady -> Lady


String 14272, 17919: lay down -> lie down
String 14364: a such a -> such a
String 14365: leave Minsc -> leave, Minsc
String 14386: from me, the stench -> from me? The stench
String 14388: form -> from
String 14388: [XZANN29] -> [XANN29]
String 14399: [ADJANT28] -> [AJANT28]
String 14400: [ADJANT29] -> [AJANT29]
String 14401: [ADJANT30] -> [AJANT30]
String 14402: [ADJANT31] -> [AJANT31]
String 14409: that -> than
String 14423: Orthlor -> othlor
String 14449: [JAHER31]
String 14450: met, you're -> met. You're
String 14463: [KIVAN30]
String 14467: [MINSC29]
String 14473: that -> than
String 14497: foole -> fool
String 14656: anymore -> any more
String 14682: ? -> .
String 14686: I could -> It could
String 14729: Lot's -> Lots
String 15015: Ya've done well, there haven't ya. -> Ya've done well there, haven't ya?
String 15032: House -> Hall
String 15223: diseased!... -> diseased!
String 15230: times to I -> times do I
String 15367: or -> at
String 15367:: alone; isn't that right lovey? -> alone. Isn't that right, lovey?
String 15437: place be to -> place to be
String 15525: to -> too
String 15724: at -> in
String 15748: Blushin' Mermaid -> Splurgin' Sturgeon
String 15792: that -> than
String 15807: We'll you -> Well, you 
String 15838: certain; -> certain:
String 15860: you -> your
String 15861: mistake; -> mistake:
String 15882: poured -> pored
String 15952: Nessie -> Nessa
String 15965: right wall -> east wall
String 16015: the chest over against the left wall, there.
String 16057-16058: gibberling -> gibberlings
String 16128. 16129, 16132, 16133: for stout -> for a stout
String 16191: ? -> .
String 16230: point -> point.
String 16399: silly, Gorion -> silly! Gorion
String 16400: he his -> he is
String 16414: Lets -> Let's
String 16444: teaming -> teeming
String 16458: You have failed! -> Your reputation precedes you!
String 16615: month's -> months
String 16631: spawn: The -> spawn, the
String 16634: insure -> ensure
String 16638: . -> ?
String 16655-16661: Add a "." at the in each string
String 16669: disposition, somewhat -> disposition. Somewhat
String 16673: Oh, Mad -> O Mad
String 16678: Evereksa -> Evereska
String 16705: you -> your
String 16731: makes dost -> makest doth
String 16732: your -> you
String 16748: agreed, if -> agreed. If
String 16756: again, we're -> again. We're
String 16771: long; remember -> long? Remember,
String 16772: treasure in the -> treasure from the
String 16805: our -> your
String 16819: your -> you're
String 16880: han't she... -> hasn't she?
String 16908: than -> then
String 16917: going to a lot -> going through a lot
String 16946: access though -> access through
String 16948: dopplegangers -> doppelgangers
String 17334: men -> people
String 17340: one in the -> one and the
String 17360, 17366: if don't make -> if you don't make
String 17370: If I wished your opinion I would have asked for it. -> If I had wished your opinion, I would have asked for it.
String 17455: Attitude -> attitude
String 17459: does -> do
String 17460: had too -> had to 
String 17484: peace -> piece
String 17485, 17487, 17494 -> Thou've -> Thou hast
String 17494: if -> whether

String 17537: compliment -> complement


String 17544: you "friend," -> you, "friend."


String 17546: early, come -> early. Come


String 17628: Clerics or paladins -> Clerics and paladins


String 17631, 17636: staff -> weapon


String 17672: we we've -> we've


String 17677: lot a speak -> lotta talk


String 17714: watch it; -> watch it:


String 17790: , anyway, -, anyway.


String 17834: bandits is linked -> bandits are linked


String 17843: Your -> You're


String 17859: effecting -> affecting


String 17897, 17902: Why, Yes -> Why, yes


String 17910: their -> they're


String 17916: their -> there


String 17949: at disturbing -> for disturbing


String 17955: "That" -> That


String 17964: days -> day's


String 17977: including -> and


String 17991: drank -> drunk


String 18062: brat -> brats


String 18096: If fact -> In fact


String 18102: a least -> at least


String 18110: seen -> seem


String 18232: ; -> ,


String 18242, 18245: Bar'uk -> Ba'ruk


String 18270: now -> know


String 18276: yonder. -> yonder?


String 18299: healing. -> healing?


String 18365: sense, but -> sense but


String 18377: Lets -> Let's


String 18384: into the a -> into a


String 18409: do lady. -> do, lady?


String 18439: it. here -> it. Here


String 18442: its -> it's


String 18463: Greeting -> Greetings


String 18496: girl, we've -> girl? We've


String 18526: you brutality -> your brutality


String 18569: life, now, -> life now,


String 18570: you, go -> you. Go


String 18581: Oh, We'll -> Oh, we'll


String 18588: In the walls, there's coming! -> From the walls they're coming!


String 18589: demon's -> demons


String 18593: last I'll wager either. -> last either, I'll wager.


String 18597: haunted!. -> haunted!


String 18610: culinaires -> gourmands


String 18619: Got that! -> Got that?!


String 18625: They said paid -> They said they paid


String 18657: other reason other than -> other reason than


String 18714: here! -> here?! , Little snott-nose like you, you are -> Little snotnoses like you are


String 18800: you master -> your master


String 18827: danger or rival -> danger of rival


String 18868: ?? -> ?!


String 18912: Baldurian -> Balduran


String 18958, 18959: Bar'uk -> Ba'ruk


String 19267: out the corner -> out of the corner


String 19289: other one -> another fool


String 19291: the last I'll wager either. -> the last either, I'll wager.


String 19293: Cormyran -> Cormyrian


String 19352: Candlekeep -> Candlekeep.


String 19495: He killed his wife and children in a rage one night and all -> One night, in a rage, he killed his wife, his children, and all


String 19663: Candle Keep -> Candlekeep


String 19665: Eldercity -> Undercity


String 19745: boy -> <GIRLBOY>


String 19913: meagre -> meager


String 19964: had he know -> had he known


String 19966: are here; -> are here:


String 19988: Blackstaff come -> Blackstaff came


String 20015: Shistal has even -> Even Shistal has


String 20056: hear -> here


String 20064: out, so? -> out so?


String 20070: bandits, here -> bandits here , part the Blacktalons -> part Blacktalons


String 20072: Taugosz -> Taurgosz


String 20074: who's -> whose


String 20090: hot-shot -> hotshot


String 20095: matter? everything -> matter? Everything , Taugosz -> Taurgosz


String 20270: Eltan -> Entar


String 20367: The one -> The false priest


String 20400: Undercellar are -> Undercellar is


String 20452: step-father -> stepfather


String 20488: cam -> came


String 20513: south west -> southwest


String 20536: information Kent, maybe -> information, Kent. Maybe


String 20544: step-father -> stepfather


String 20554: roll -> role


String 20563: from -> out of


String 20595: though -> through


String 20608: your -> you're


String 20644: accept fenced -> fence stolen


String 20728: [NERED02]


String 20730: A'int -> Ain't


String 20733: beard -> Beard


String 20741: scalliwag -> scallywag


String 20746: assistance. -> assistance?


String 20825: Northeast -> northeast, called Counting House; to find it -> called Merchants' League Counting House. To find it,


String 20826: Merchant League! -> Merchants' League Counting House!


String 20958: You lie -> Your lies


String 21037: for the Cursed Lord's -> from the Cursed Lord


String 21056: five -> three


String 21100: assure -> assuage


String 21113: from away -> from far away, than we -> than us


String 21115: we -> us, as you -> as you did, paddled with -> paddled with them


String 21120: from you -> from your


String 21142: anyway -> any way


String 21163: none-too-bright -> a none-too-bright


String 21183: villages -> village's


String 21206: lycanthropes; -> lycanthropes:


String 21207: lays -> lies


String 21214: many, many, years -> many, many years


String 21254: your this story -> story of yours


String 21235: grandmother's -> grandmothers'


String 21316: these parts -> these parts, are  you?


String 21319: getting' -> gettin'


String 21350: my self -> myself


String 21380: trouble no end -> trouble to no end


String 21435: horde -> hoard


String 21481: Here is -> Here are


String 21527: lycantho -> lycanthropes


String 21555: one's -> ones


String 21564: you abilities -> your abilities


String 21584: have brain -> have a brain


String 21658: Somthin' -> Somethin'


String 21664: out -> our


String 21685: happy her -> happy here


String 21702: interest any -> interest in any


String 21727: good-by -> goodbye


String 21735: wall was -> wall hung


String 21749: Have you're -> Have you


String 21753: I new -> I knew


String 21766: nay -> nae


String 21771: you're -> yer


String 21798: want I ask you say -> want, I ask you? Say


String 21800, 21803: Merchant -> merchant


String 21813: I have you buy -> I have. You buy


String 21820: What are you here for again you're back! -> What are you here for?! Again you're back!


String 21866: to busy too -> too busy to

Edited by Salk, 02 May 2023 - 12:08 AM.

#6 skellytz

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Posted 07 March 2023 - 02:46 PM

Thanks for all the reports, Salk! I'll keep checking here as I can already tell there's a whole bunch of them coming (you're around where I stopped comparing against the BGEE strings).

#7 Salk

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Posted 08 March 2023 - 01:11 PM

It's the least I can do. Cheers!

#8 Salk

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Posted 10 March 2023 - 11:51 PM

A very minor suggestion for an entry in BGT's journal.tra:


@311092 = ~The priestess of Umberlee.
A little Umberlee priestess is dead now. I wonder if I could hope now to get some divine help from Talos in the near future... as well as fresh fish each dinner...~
I'd swap "A" with "The", remove the first "now", place the second "now" after "hope", swap the ellipsis in the end with a full period.

#9 Salk

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Posted 11 March 2023 - 10:33 PM



does BGT by any chance override the game text description of the Detect Evil spell?

#10 skellytz

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Posted 12 March 2023 - 04:35 PM

Does BGT by any chance override the game text description of the Detect Evil spell?

Yes, it corrects the level from 1 to 2 for spwi202. I'll make it compatible with your GTU.

#11 Salk

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Posted 10 April 2023 - 11:44 PM



sometimes I encounter a few strings with odd symbols I am not sure how they are interpreted/parsed by the game. A series of such strings are #16215-16229. They begin with "%nl%_%nl" in the original BG text. From what I can see, the EE team changed it to "_%nl" for BG1, while the BGT BG1 text has removed those altogether. In my BG2 GTU, I have "%nl%_%nl" again, which is weird, since I got those lines from the EE game text, meaning that the EE team chose differently for BG1 and BG2

Any advice about this?

Also, something else to report. The strings #16235-16260 have text and character sounds both in the BG1 game text and the BG2 game text but both text and sound differ. Interestingly enough, the BG1 sounds exist and match while the BG2 sounds exist but do not work. I checked BG2 EE and those .wav files exist and play in German (if I understand correctly).


Do you know anything about it?

Edited by Salk, 11 April 2023 - 01:14 AM.

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