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IA on EE suggestions

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#1 Graion Dilach

Graion Dilach
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  • 107 posts

Posted 03 January 2023 - 10:28 AM

I don't know how IA on EE is currently planned but I have some content suggestions due to that platform and I couldn't decide which topic I should've thrown this into.


Currently (b5) IA proposes the IWD white lich animations for demiliches. This overlaps with SoD, where Beamdog used the same artwork for simpler skeletal mages. I'd propose atleast an option to allow using the IWD black lich artwork for demiliches instead, because that one is currently unused in all of the BG EEs and wouldn't cause consistency issues on a full EE trilogy playthrough.


SoD also includes Displacer Beasts using the cat artwork (BDDISPBE.CRE, BDDISPBP.CRE) which could benefit from the NWN animations.