Hello, subtledoctor.
I am reading through Refinements' English .tra file and I have a few questions:
1) Recitation: does the bonus apply to the caster as well? On one hand the text speaks of "priest invokes his deity's blessing upon himself and his allies" and on another "Recitation is draining to the priest, so he becomes fatigued as long as the spell is in effect." If the bonus applies to the priest, I find a bit jarring the fact that the priest is at the same time paying a price for maintaining the spell and also get the bonus. It would be better (in my opinion) that the priest is fatigued and not receive any bonus while improving slightly the bonus for the allies.
2) Tranquility, Volcano and Whirlwind don't list a school. What school do they belong to?
3) Divine Intervention has different effects on the caster, depending on their alignment. Good priests get fatigued while evil ones suffer a damage. Considering that the evil version of the spell can already result in a disaster for the evil priests, wasn't it better to have the fatigued state for them too?
4) I don't understand some of the text for Dragon's Fist:
" When using this ability, all attacks made by the Monk in the next round will remove the target's specific protection (save vs. spell at -2) and one magical protection up to 8th level (no save). The victim must save vs. breath to avoid losing all physical protections. Creatures hit by Dragon Fist must also save vs. death at -4, or their Magic Resistance will be reduced by 19% for 6 rounds."
What is the "specific protection" the target must save for vs. spell at -2? It cannot be the magical protection since it says there is no save for that. And cannot be physical protections because the text speaks of a save vs. breath. Lastly there is one final save (vs death at -4) to avoid losing Magic Resistance. So the initial saving throw is what, exactly?
5) Why is the save against Shadowless Kick Breath? Shouldn't it be Death?
I might come with more questions as I proceed further in my examination.
Edited by Salk, 06 December 2022 - 03:12 AM.