Hello, skellytz!
It seems pro5's BGT adaptation of 1PP's HQ Music is no longer functioning with BGT 1.22, probably due to how the BGT_Music part has been incorporated into the main installation?
If I run the installer it skips the BGT install option:
1pp: High quality music for BGT -> Patch BGT and BGII areas to make full use of updated music (Recommended)
saying that;
BGTMusic component 2 is not installed, SONGLIST.2DA is missing required BGT/BGII song entries
I fear pro5 is no longer around to update this (which is a 2014 release) but perhaps updating the .tp2 to be compatible with 1.22 is a simple enough operation?
Edited by skellytz, 26 March 2023 - 06:33 AM.
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